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100. Stop Bullshitting! p.183

  Candy is asking her friend, Rudy, why guys swear so much.

  C: Why do guys swear so much?

  R: It adds color and emphasis to language.

  C: Bullshit! People who swear don't have class.

  R: See? You just said “bullshit.”

  C: “Bullshit” isn't swearing. It's even in the dictionary.

  R: Sure it's swearing.

  C: It simply mean, “male cow manure1.”

  R: Then why don't you just say “shit”?  It's in the dictionary as well.

  C: We're just going round in circles. Tell you what. If you stop saying “shit,” I'll stop saying “bull-shit.”

  R: Considering they both aren't very nice things to say anyway, that's a deal.

  bullshit 脏话

  brag2 about = boast of/about  吹牛

  Candy 是 Candice 的亲昵称呼  candy寓意candid     a piece of candy    candies 各类糖果

  Rudy 是 Rudulph 简称         Rudy/rude, Rudulph寓意wolf

  The color of this collar is red.

  Our school lays great emphasis on safety.    stress 亦可

  add charm to that girl

  have class 没有格调  (class不可数)    It is hard to believe that Peter has a classy wife.   classy=elegant

  ill-bred  well-bred 有无教养的

  simply = just

  foul3 language 脏话       manure 动物粪便

  company 不可数是“陪伴,同伴(总称)”,可数是“公司”

  bull 公牛  cow 母牛  ox 阉牛 oxen pl.  buffalo4 水牛(one buffalo,two buffalo)  bison 野牛  yak5 西藏的牦牛

  go round in circles 兜圈子

  Tell you what. 告诉你好了(口语)

  Considering (the fact that) they both……    the fact that 可省略    considering 相当于 since 由于

  That's a deal. 一言为定
