Dialog for Potatoes
commis cook: What shall (1) I do?
vegetable chef: Get me a sack of potatoes.
commis cook: Shall I wash them?
vegetable chef: Yes. Scrub them with a brush.
commis cook: And then (2) ?
vegetable chef: Peel them.
commis cook: And after that (3) ?
vegetable chef: Dice1 the potatoes.
commis cook: Are we going to make soup with the potatoes (4) ?
vegetable chef: Yes, that’s right.
commis cook: Shall I get a sack of potatoes?
Shall I wash the potatoes?
Shall I scrub the potatoes?
Shall I peel the potatoes?
Shall I dice the potatoes?
Shall I make soup with the potatoes?
vegetable chef: Yes. Please do.
No. It’s not necessary (5) .
1. “shall”和“will”构成一般将来时用的助动词,shall用于第一人称will用于第二、三人称,疑问式是将助动词放置句首,但是在“What shall I do?” “Shall I wash them?”等句中,shall不表将来,而是征求对方意见。 “我干什么呢?”“需要我洗土豆吗?”。
2. 然后呢?
3. 去皮以后呢?
4. “be going to ”表示打算,准备做的事或即将发生或肯定要发生的事。“我们打算用土豆做汤吗?”
5.这是一句省略回答,全句应该是It is not necessary for you to dice the potatoes.这里的“it”为引词作形式主语,真实主语是后面的动词不定式,“to dice the potatoes”。