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U R dumped--one in seven say they have suffered the same fate as Britney Spears'ex-husband and been told it's all over via text message or e-mail, a survey said.“你被甩了”——每七个人中就有一个称他们遭到过与“小甜甜”布兰妮的前夫同样的命运——通过短信或电子邮件的方式被告知关系就此结束,一项调查如是说。
While hiding behind technology might appear a cowardly way of splitting up, it contrasts with the four percent who simply drop all communication with their lovers without notice. "Most of us send e-mails and texts everyday, so it comes as no surprise they are now being used to ditch someone—however distasteful this is," said Rob Barnes, who carried out the survey. "The results show one percent of the population would use a social networking site to dump a partner.用科技作挡箭牌可算一种怯懦的分手方式,而与此形成对比的是,有4%的人说也不说一声,就完全断绝与爱人的所有联系。“我们大多数人每天都发送电子邮件和短信,现在用它来与某人分手也就不足为奇了,不管这有多么令人不快,”主持此项调查的罗布"巴恩斯说,“调查结果表明,有1%的人会使用社交网站与情人分手。 It would be interesting to see how this changes as sites such as Facebook and MySpace become more apparent in our everyday lives." One of the most high-profile victims of dumping by text was Kevin Federline, who reportedly received news that pop singer Spears was filing for divorce while being filmed for a television show.
The survey said 15 percent of the 2,194 people questioned had been dumped by text or e-mail, although a quarter of those in the most tech-savvy 18 to 24-year-old age group would choose the traditional method--a letter.该调查称在受访的2,194人中,有15%曾被恋人发短信或电子邮件甩掉,然而在18到24岁之间这一最具科技头脑的人群中,仍有1/4的人会选择传统的分手方法:写信。
上一篇:和枪有关的两个生活用语 下一篇:常见眼神及表达的含义 |
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