文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2009-03-30 05:44 字体: [ ]  进入论坛



Have you ever run across a dog show as you channel-surfed the TV? If so, you might have wondered what the heck was going on. People in blazers and slacks are jogging dogs around a fully-packed arena1 in a dignified2 procession.

Over here is a droopy-faced bloodhound (大警犬), over there a meticulously3 groomed4 prancing5 poodle (狮子狗), and in between a small Maltese dog that your untrained eye almost mistook for a mop. How can judges possibly compare dogs that seem so fundamentally different?

In a dog conformation show, judges aren't merely comparing the dogs to each other. Rather, they judge each dog against the parameters6 of the idealized version of its breed. In other words, when the judge looks at your poodle, Fluffy7, he is comparing Fluffy to the written standards of the ideal poodle. The standards address various body parts and attributes, including:

• Balance: overall appropriate proportions in size

• Weight

• Size

• Eyes: color, size, shape

• Ears: shape, length, position • Head: shape

Muzzle8 (口鼻): shape, length

• Whiskers (腮须): thickness

• Teeth: kind of bite (e.g. level or scissors bites)

• Tail: how it arches and sets (e.g. how high or low)

• Shoulders: bone, muscle

• Legs: muscles, stance, proportionality

• Coat: texture9, length

• Color: accepted breed colors

A judge will use his hands to inspect the dog's body, including its bones and muscles. In addition to assessing physical characteristics like these, judges assess the dog's walk (gait) and attitude. For instance, criteria10 might require that the dog's attitude be cheerful, as for the beagle, or proud, as for the poodle. The American Kennel11 Club (AKC) has assembled these criteria for each of their recognized breeds. It gathers this information from the clubs and organizations that specialize in those breeds. The dog that the judges think matches its breed's criteria the best wins the competition.
