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常住人口 permanent population 流动人口 floating population 盲流 the unemployed migrant people 劳动力 labor force 外来工 migrant worker 临时工 seasonal worker 人口普查 census 人口基数 population base 人口稠密 densely populated 人口稀少 sparsely populated 人口爆炸 population explosion 人口过剩 overpopulation 出生率 birth rate 死亡率 mortality rate 自然增长率 natural growth rate 人口老化 aging of population 合法婚龄 legal age for marriage 结婚高峰 marriage boom 生育高峰 baby boom period 计划生育 family planning 提倡优生优育,鼓励晚婚晚育 advocate healthy pregnancy and scientific nurture, and encourage late marriage and postponed child-bearing 破除重男轻女习俗 change attitude of viewing sons as better than daughters 多子多福 the more sons, the more blessings 男尊女卑 Man is superior to woman 传宗接代 carry on the family line 养儿防老 bring up sons to support parents in their old age 避孕 contraception 避孕用品 contraceptives 人工流产 abortion 节育 birth control 产妇 lying-in women 婚前检查 premarriage health checkings 孕产妇死亡率 maternal mortality rate 婴儿死亡率 infant mortality rate 节育率(避孕率) contraceptive prevalence rate 总和生育率 total fertility rate(tfr) 平均预期寿命 life expectancy at birth 每年人口增加数 annual increment of the population 人口基数大 large population base 平均年增长数 average annual increase 平均年增长率 average annual growth rate 城市化 urbanization 人口流动 movement of population 流动人口 floating population 人口老龄化 the aging of population 更替水平 population replacement level 社会保障体系 social security system 农村剩余劳力的转移 the transfer of rural surplus labors 正规的学校教育 formal school education |
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