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Cold here, icy cold there. You belong to neither, leaves have withered1. Your f ace2 is pale and blue, a tearful smile. Something in your eyes, whispers words of last good-bye. My heart sinks down, tears surge out. 此处冷,彼处冰冷。枯叶凋零,君在何方?君面容苍白,神情凄切,含泪而笑。眉目传情,欲语还休,绵绵细语,从此两忘。妾心消沉,泪涌涛涛。 Hot summer. Cheerful Cocktail3. You took my hand. We fled into another world of band. You sat by my side, long hair tied behind, cool and killing4. Smile floa ting on the lemonade, soft and smooth. How I was? Amazed. Your face looked lik e the cover of the magazine. My head spin. You led my hand, danced along the c razy theme. 酷暑。鸡尾酒会,欢声笑语。侬执郎手,恰似后宫诱逃,琴瑟和鸣。侬坐郎之侧,长发束于脑后,美艳不可言传。款款盈笑,飘荡闪忽,柠檬冷饮,柔软香滑。郎心如何?唯惊艳矣。侬之娇容宛似封面女郎。郎顿觉昏眩,侬执郎手,疯狂舞之蹈之。 Light vied with wine, elegance5 mixed with fragrance6, laughing covered by greet ings, the crowed was busy at handshaking. You stood there, eyes on me. I tremb led at the sparkles, brighter than the light. A masterpiece from God, I felt d izzy. We were not near, yet we were together. 灯红酒绿,红男绿女。舞姿翩跹,芳香馥郁。问候寒暄,笑声阵阵,一众人等,握手言欢。侬亭亭玉立,美目倩兮,璀璨夺目,日月无光。浑然天成,目眩神迷。海天之遥,咫尺之隔。 Days ended. You said, you would wait for me at the Alps side. We would ski aga inst snowflakes dancing in the sky. I gave no answer but a good-bye to accompa ny your flight. Gone was the plane, I suddenly tasted my pain. I knew I had be en silly and stupid, you were in my heart, I shouldn't have hidden in the dark . I tried to forget your disappointment. I made believe sometime someday, I wo uld tell you, I feel all the same. 数日既终,君言在耳,君意欲等妾于阿尔卑斯山之畔。雪花漫天飘舞,君妾滑雪甚欢。妾临别依依,相对无言,唯愿惜别伴君回返。俟座机凌空飞去,妾霎时凄风苦雨。妾深知妾之愚笨,君已窃得妾心,妾芳心暗许,失落茫然。妾曾意欲忘却君之失望,然妾心已决,有朝一日,妾定表白于君前:妾心依旧。 My thought struggled at confessing, somehow hesitation7 ended in flinching8. I c ontinued my role of a fool, clinched9 to my maiden10 pride, yet secretly indulged in your promise of the white land -- snow measuring down to us, in your arms I am lifted up. The chiming of Christmas bell! 然妾心忏悔,百般挣扎,踌躇彷徨,畏葸不前。妾继之昔日之愚钝,斤斤计较妾之少女之自尊,却悄悄徜徉于君之允诺,忘情于彼岸之白雪皑皑。飞雪萧萧下,妾心步步高。依偎君之怀抱,聆听圣诞钟鸣。 The bell died in the patter of rain, from hell came the laughing of Satan at m y brain. Tearful smile, swallowed by the darkness. How could I trace your hair to wipe your tears? My hands reached out, catching11 nothing but a raindrop, on ogether. 雨落滴答,钟声绝鸣,脑际回荡魔鬼之狂笑,来自地狱之门。咽泪装欢,吞没于黑暗。妾焉能攀援君之发为君拭泪?妾触手可及,唯雨滴耳,落于飘零之黄叶。雪片融成冰水,君妾天各一方。 点击 ![]()
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