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My Most Unforgettable Character She challenged us to succeed--and then showed us the way. [2] The dean told the crowd that my parents, an immigrant Italian couple from a farm outside Chicago, had managed to send their six children to top colleges and graduate schools. (Three of us would become doctors, two were already lawyers and one was a physicist1.) "It's remarkable," the dean said. Everyone cheered loudly. [3] Mama's face was radiant with pride. I knew that everything we had achieved or would achieve was because of my parents. When we were young children, my mother, especially, was our mentor2 . Not until I became an adult did I realize how special she was. [4] Delight in Devotion. My mother was born in a small town in northern Italy. She was three when her parents immigrated3 to this country in 1926. They lived on Chicago's South Side, where my grandfather worked making ice cream. [5] Mama thrived in the hectic4 urban environment. At 16, she graduated first in her high-school class, went on to secretarial school, and finally worked as an executive secretary for a railroad company. [1]1976年6月,我毕业于芝加哥的西北大学医学院。在毕业典礼那天,当叫到我名字时,我迅速起身穿过前台去领学位证书。但在医学院院长把证书发给我之前,他先让我的母亲安娜和父亲卡罗·米歇洛蒂站起来。他们惊奇地从观众席座位上站起身,四目对视,似乎有些困惑。 [2]院长告诉台下的观众,我的父母是意大利移民,来自芝加哥郊外的一个农场,他们已设法把自己的六个孩子都送进了最好的大学和研究生院。(我们之中的三个将成为医生,两个已经做了律师,还有一个是物理学家。)“这很了不起啊!”院长说完,台下一片欢呼。 [3]妈妈脸上泛出自豪的光芒。我知道我们所取得的和将要取得的一切都要归功于我的父母。在我们小的时候,尤其是母亲,成了我们的启蒙老师。直到我长大后才认识到母亲是多么不平凡。 [4]乐于奉献 母亲出生于意大利北部的一个小镇。1926年她3岁时随父母移民到了美国。她家住在芝加哥南区,当时外祖父在那儿做冰淇淋买卖。 [5]母亲就在这样喧嚣的都市环境中成长起来。她16岁中学毕业,毕业成绩是全班最高的,后来上了秘书学校,最后在一家铁路公司担任行政秘书。 [6] She was beautiful too. When a local photographer used her pictures in his monthly window display, she was flattered. Her favorite portrait showed her sitting by Lake Michigan, her hair windblown, her gaze reaching toward the horizon. My mother always used to say that when you died, God gave you back your "best self". She'd show us that picture and say, "This is what I'm going to look like in heaven." [7] My parents were married in 1944. Dad was a quiet and intelligent man who was 17 when he left Italy. Soon after, a hit-and-run accident left him with a permanent limp. Dad worked hard selling candy to Chicago office workers on their break. He had little formal schooling5. His English was self-taught. Yet he eventually built a small, successful wholesale6 candy business. Dad was generous, handsome and deeply religious. Mama was devoted7 to him. [8] After she married, my mother quit her job and gave herself to her family. In 1950, with three children, Dad moved the family to a farm 40 miles from Chicago. He worked the land and commuted8 to the city to run his business. Mama said good-by to her parents and friends and traded her busy city neighborhood for a more isolated9 life. But she never complained. By 1958, our modest white farmhouse10 was filled with six children, and Mama was delighted. [9] "Think Big". My mother never studied books on parenting. Yet she knew how to raise children. She heightened our self-esteem and helped us reach our potential. [10] One fall day, I sat at the kitchen table while Mama peeled potatoes. She spied Dad out the window on his tractor and smiled. "Your father has accomplished11 so much, ' she said proudly. "He really is somebody." [6]母亲长得也很美。那时当地有位摄影师把她的照片放在一月一换的橱窗里展览,她心里美滋滋的。母亲最心爱的照片是她坐在密歇根湖畔照的,照片上,她的头发被风吹起,眼睛眺望着远方。母亲总说,一个人死后,上帝会归还他“他最美好的形象”。她会给我们看这张照片并说;“这就是日后我在天堂里的样子。” [7]我的父母是在1944年结婚的。父亲话不多,人很聪明,17岁离开意大利。此后不久,发生了一起车祸,肇事者逃了,却使父亲只能终身跛行了。他工作勤奋,向工间休息的芝加哥办公楼的工作人员兜售糖果。父亲没受过什么正规教育,他的英语是自学的。然而最终他开起了一家小型的糖果批发店,生意很红火。爸爸为人慷慨,相貌英俊,还是一个虔诚的教徒。妈妈深深地爱着他。 [8]婚后,母亲辞去工作,一心照顾家庭。1950年,爸爸带着 3个孩子把家搬到了离芝加哥40英里的一家农场。他一面在农场干活,一面往返芝加哥做他的糖果批发生意。妈妈也告别了父母和朋友及快节奏的城市生活,过起了离群索居的日子。但她从无怨言。到1958年,我们这座简朴的农场白色小屋里有了六个孩子,妈妈非常高兴。 [9]“胸怀大志” 母亲从没看过生儿育女方面的书籍,然而她懂得该如何教育子女。她激发我们的自尊心,并帮助我们发挥自己的潜能。 [10]秋季的一天,我坐在厨房桌子旁边,母亲在削土豆皮。她透过窗子看到父亲坐在拖拉机上,笑了。“你爸爸已卓有成就了,”她自豪地说。“他真是个了不起的人!” [11] My mother wanted each of us to be somebody too. "Your challenge is to be everything you can. Mine is to help," she always said. [12] She read to us every day and used homemade flash cards to teach us phonics. She bolstered12 our confidence, praising even our most ordinary accomplishments13. When I was ten, I painted a stack of wooden crates14 white and nailed them together to make a wobbly bookcase. "It's wonderful!" Mama exclaimed. "Just what we need." She used it for many years. [13] In the dining room are two paint-by-number pictures that my sister Gloria and brother Leo did as kids. Several years ago, Leo commented that the pictures weren't very good and offered to take them down. But Mama wouldn't hear of it. "They are there to remind you how much you could accomplish even as children," she said. [14] From the very beginning, she urged us to think big. One day, after visiting our grandparents on the South Side, she made Dad detour15 past the Prudential Building construction site. Mama explained that when finished, the 41-story building would be Chicago's tallest. "Maybe someday one of you can design a building like this," she said. [15] Her confidence in us was infectious. When my sister Carla was 12, she announced she was going to be a lawyer. [11]母亲也希望我们每个人将来都有所作为。她总是说:“对你们的要求就是将来要大有作为。而我则是帮你们去实现。” [12]她每天给我们读书,还用自制的卡片教我们学语音。她激励我们,对我们做成的一般小事也要赞扬一番。在10岁那年,我把一些板条木箱漆成白色,然后把它们订成了一个摇摇晃晃的书柜。“棒极了!”母亲赞叹道。“我们正好用得着。”这书柜她一用就是好多年。 [13]在我们家餐厅里挂着两张按数字涂颜色的画,那是姐姐格罗丽亚和哥哥利欧小时候的作品。几年前,利欧说这两张画不怎么样,主动要取下来。可妈妈反对。她说:“画挂在那里可以让你们记得,你们自打小时候就有多能干了!” [14]从一开始,母亲就教导我们要胸怀大志。一天,在看望了住在芝加哥南区的外祖父母后,母亲要爸爸绕道带我们经过普鲁登希尔大厦的施工场地。妈妈说,这座41层高的大厦建成后将是芝加哥市最高的。“也许将来有一天你们中有个人也能设计出这样的高楼呢。”她如是说。 [15]她对我们的信心使我们深受感染。当姐姐卡拉12岁时,便雄心勃勃地宣布她将来要当律师。 [16] You can do that," Mama said. You can do anything you put your mind to." [17] Tour Guide. To Mama, education was a key part of her blueprint16 for success. Four of us went to a nearby, one-room schoolhouse. My mother made up for its shortcomings by getting us educational toys, talking to us about history, politics and current events, and helping17 with home-work . The best part of getting a good report card was her unstinting praise.#p# [18] When I was in third grade, she urged our teacher to organize a field trip to Chicago museums. My mother helped the teacher rent a bus and plan the trip. She even served as tour guide, pointing out landmarks18 and recounting local history. [19] When it came time to think about college, there was never a question that we'd all go. Inspired by our parents' sacrifice, we studied hard to earn scholarships, and applied19 for grants and financial aid. We also took jobs to earn money for school. Working in a grocery store, I learned the value of a dollar. "Work is a blessing," Mama always reminded us. [20] She never asked for anything for herself. "You don't have tobuy me a birthday present," she said one time. "Instead write me a letter about yourself. Tell me about your life. Is anything worrying you? Are you happy?" [16]"你行的!"妈妈说。"只要你用心去做,你什么都能干好!" [17]人生向导 在妈妈看来,她描绘的成功蓝图的一个关键因素是教育。我们兄妹四个在附近一所学校上学,学校只有一间教室。母亲就给我们找一些有教育意义的玩具,跟我们谈历史、政治和时事,并给我们布置家庭作业,以弥补学校的不足。我们取得了优异成绩她便大加赞扬。 [18]我上三年级时,母亲力劝我们的老师组织一次到芝加哥各个博物馆的实地调查旅行。她帮老师租车和安排行程。她甚至当起了向导,指出一些重要的标志物,并介绍一些当地的历史。 [19]到了该考虑是否继续上大学时,毫无疑问我们都要上。在父母自我牺牲精神的激励下,我们更加发奋学习以获取奖学金,并申请助学金和财政援助。我们还靠打工挣钱来上学。我曾经在一家杂货店打过工,体会到了一块钱都来之不易。"工作就是幸福。"妈妈总是让我们记着这话。 [20]母亲从不求回报。"你们不要为我买什么生日礼物,"她有一次说。"只要给我写封信讲讲你们自己就行了。告诉我你们过得怎么样。有没有烦心的事?是否快乐?" [21] "You Honor Us All." My mother made family values and pride tangible20. One time when I was a high-school junior, our school put on a production of The Music Man. My role was totally insignificant21. I played bass22 in the orchestra. "You don't have to come and see me," I told Mama. [22] "Nonsense," she said. "Of course we're coming, and we're coining because you're in the program." The whole family showed up. [23] The next year when I was elected president of my high school's National Honor Society, my mother pulled Michael and Maria, my younger brother and sister, out of grade school and brought them to the ceremony. Other students' parents came to the event. But I was the only one with a brother and sister there. [24] "Everything you do reflects on the family," Mama explained. "If you succeed, you honor us all."' [25] In the same way, she crowded us all around the kitchen table for breakfast and supper. She made sure we shared chores. She nurtured23 our religious faith, which kept our family close. Every Sunday, we filled a pew at church. At night, we knelt together in the Living room and prayed. [21]"你们给我们大家带来了荣耀" 母亲让我们都能感受到家的价值和为此骄傲。我在上高二时,一次学校上演一部叫《音乐人》的作品。我在里面的作用真是无足轻重,只是在乐队的低音部演奏。"你们不必去看我演出了,"我对妈妈说。"我只是打打杂。" [22]她说:"瞎说,我们当然得去,因为你参加演出。"结果全家都到场了。 [23]第二年,我当选了所在高中的国民荣誉协会会长,在举行仪式那天,母亲把弟弟迈克和妹妹玛丽亚从小学叫出来,带他们来到会场。其他学生的家长也来了。但只有我除了父母外,还有弟弟、妹妹在场。 [24]"你们的所做所为会给全家带来影响,"妈妈解释说。"如果你们取得了成功,你们就给我们大家带来了荣耀。" [25]同样,她要我们在厨房里围着桌子一起吃早餐和晚饭。她确保我们分担家务。她培养我们对宗教的信仰,这使全家亲密和睦。每个周日,我们去教堂做礼拜。晚上,我们一起跪在起居室里祷告。 [26] My mother suggested games everyone could play and often joined in. I remember laughing as she marched us around the dining-room table one evening, while John Philip Sousa boomed from the record player. "Keep in step now," she called out to her parading children. "If you're gonna march or do anything else, you always want to do it the best you can." [27] Time for Everyone. Success wasn't just making money, Mama always said. Success was doing something positive for others. [28] In 1977, when Leo received his Ph. D. in physics from the University of California at Irvine, my mother wrote him a long, warm letter. She praised his years of hard work and, typically, reminded him to use his education to help others. "To think, you have the knowledge to work for the betterment of mankind!" she stressed. "There is much good for you to accomplish." [29] Mama took time for everyone. One cold day, she saw the neighbors' three young children playing in our yard. They were shivering in thin, worn sweaters. Mama called the youngsters to our door, where they stared greedily at a pot of steaming homemade soup she was making for supper. She hustled24 them in, fed them and rummaged25 through our closets for extra coats. [30] From that day, until the family moved a year later, Mama often brought stew26, soup and pasta to their home. She telephoned the children in the morning to make sure they got up for school. Often, she walked them down the lane and waited with them for the bus. At Christinas, she even bought the children gifts. [26]母亲提议玩一些大家都能玩的游戏,经常自己也参加。我记得,有天晚上,她让我们列队站好,并绕着餐桌齐步走,我哈哈大笑,而录音机里响着约翰·菲力昔·苏沙的进行曲。"跟上节奏,步伐要整齐,"她对行进中的我们喊道。"如果你们要齐步走,或者做其它任何事,你们一定要尽力于好。" [27]分忧解愁 母亲总是说,成功并不就是赚钱。成功是做有益于他人的事。 [28]1977年,利欧在加州大学欧文分校获得物理学博士学位,妈妈给他写了一封充满温情的长信。她赞扬了他多年的刻苦努力,还特别提醒他要把所学的知识用来帮助他人。"要记住,你有知识,可以为改善人类的生活做出贡献!"她强调道。"有很多好事等着你去做。" [29]妈妈总替别人分忧解愁。一个冷天,她看到邻居三个小孩在我们院子里玩。他们穿着很薄的破毛衣,冻得发抖。她把他们叫到门前,桌上有妈妈为晚饭做的一锅热气腾腾的肉汤,他们眼馋地盯着。妈妈让他们都进屋,给他们吃饱饭,还在衣柜里到处翻寻我们不穿的外衣让他们穿上。 [30]从那天起直到一年后那家人家搬走,妈妈经常给他们送些炖肉、汤和点心。早晨她用电话叫那些孩子起床去上学。她常常送他们出小路,陪他们等车。到了圣诞节,她还给他们买礼物。 [31] My mother was the driving influence in my decision to become a physician. "Do good" she always said--and be there for others. I recall a long, difficult night when I was a resident at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. I hadn't slept much for days. Finally, one morning at around four o'clock, I dropped into a restless slumber27. An hour later, I awoke with a jolt28. I had dreamed my father died. Confused and exhausted29, I called home in tears. "Everything is all right," my mother assured me. "Don't worry." [32] At six o'clock, the hospital security buzzed my room. I had visitors. Stumbling into the elevator, I wondered who had come to see me at that hour. There stood my parents. They had gotten up and driven into the city in the predawn darkness. " I just wanted to make sure you were okay," Mama said, sleepy-eyed and anxious. [33] View From Above. While my mother's spirit remained indomitable, her health turned poor. Early last year, she had major surgery. Complications developed. Eight days later, on January 31, 1990, Mama died suddenly. She was 66. [34] More than 200 people came to her funeral service. In his eulogy30, Leo said, "Mama poured her life out for us, reserving nothing for herself, thinking of us always, of herself never." [35] Sitting in church, I could picture my mother in heaven, looking young and beautiful just as she did in her favorite photograph. But instead of gazing out over Lake Michigan, she would be looking down at us, her six children. And she would be bursting with pride. [36] But we're the proud ones--proud of her and all she accomplished. More than any of us, Mama was really somebody. [31]我决定做一名内科医生是受了妈妈的很大影响。她总是说要"助人为乐"。我记起我在西北纪念医院做值班医生时度过的一个难熬的长夜。当时我已经有几天没有睡过好觉了。终于,在一天清晨大概4点钟左右,我睡着了,但睡得很不踏实。一小时后,我突然惊醒了。我梦见父亲死了。我不知所措,又精疲力竭,哭着给家里打电话。"一切平安,"母亲宽慰我说。"别担心。" [32]六点钟,医院保卫处打电话到我的房间,说有人找我。我急急忙忙上了电梯,心里纳闷谁会在这个时候来找我。啊,是我父母。他们天还没亮就起床,开车进城赶来看我。"我只想看看你是不是平安无事。"妈妈说,她睡眼艨胧,一脸焦虑。 [33]从天堂俯视 虽然妈妈的精神依然矍铄,但身体却差了。去年年初她动了大手术,术后出现并发症。八天后,也就在 1990年1月31日,妈妈突然离开了我们,享年66岁。 [34]有200多人来参加她的葬礼。利欧在悼词中说:"母亲把毕生都献给了我们,对自己毫无保留,心里总想着我们,唯独没有她自己。" [35]坐在教堂里,我能想像出母亲在天堂里的样子--看上去年轻、美丽,就像她那张心爱的照片上的样子一样。不过她不是在眺望密歇根湖,而是在向下注视着我们--她的六个孩子。她会一直为此自豪。 [36]但应该感到自豪的是我们--为母亲及她的成就而自豪。母亲比我们任何一个人都更了不起,她是真正了不起的人。 点击 ![]()
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