If I could make a change in my life I would live far far out in the country. That way I could realize my dream to run an animal shelter. The shelter I would own would be "no-kill" shelters. The only way an animal would die in my shelter would be if it were really suffering or old and in pain, and nothing could be done to help it. I would collect all the "death row" animals from shelters all over the city and bring the animals to my roomy(宽敞的) country shelter.
I could house many different animals such as dogs, cats, birds, pigs, cows, horses, rabbits and any other animal in need of my help. As soon as I receive the animal, I would size up its needs and decide if it should be adopted by an older person, people with kids, people with lots of room, or people with other animals. I would give them all their shots and check them for
diseases1 such as rabies.
After evaluating and photographing each animal, I would type a summary of the animal's information and put it on my website. If a person were interested in one of my animals they would contact my website. I would then interview them to make sure they made a good match.
I would try to pay for all the animals' expenses by asking for contributions from companies that sell animal care products like dog food and dog treats. I would trade local
veterinarians(兽医) my help for their medical support for my animals. I would also charge a small fee with each animal
Ever since I was born I've had animals around me. Through my life so far I've owned four dogs, a turtle,
tadpoles3(蝌蚪), mice,
hermit4 crab5, birds, and a rabbit. I have also nursed a baby
squirrel6 back to life. I've appreciated animals ever since I was a very little girl. I have seen on the news what some people can do to their own pets, like
abuse7 and
neglect8, and I want to be able to help those animals in need.