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炒股失败的,有的甚至倾家荡产,还欠银行的钱。Billy 就是一个不幸的倒霉蛋。这里还是要告诉大家:股市有风险,入市须谨慎。 Kelly: You'll never guess what happened! Jim: What? Tell me! Kelly: You know now I'm looking for a new home? Jim: Yeah. You said the housing market is thirty to forty percent lower than two years ago. Kelly: Right. Well, the real estate agent took me to see Billy's old place! Jim: Wow! He's really hit rock bottom! Kelly: Yeah. It was almost creepy to see Billy's pad up for sale! Jim: Oh. Something else a friend of Billy's told me... Kelly: What's that? Jim: The banks are leaning hard on Billy to return some unpaid1 loans. Kelly: Maybe he left the city - or the country - to escape all this pressure. Jim: I would too if I had collection agencies breathing down my neck! Notes: 1. 看来Billy真的是够倒霉的了。Kelly一直在找新房子,因为房市比起两年前,价钱低了三到四成。但是今天房屋中介带Kelly去的就是Billy以前住的地方。看来Billy真的是穷途末路了。Hit rock bottom 是“陷入低潮”的意思。这个短语是用来形容一个人正处于人生的“低潮”,也就是low point,心情跌倒谷底。这时候好像做什么事情都不顺利,好像一瞬间所有坏运气都聚集到他身上,就像中文里面的“屋露偏逢连夜雨”。比如说: ---Tom's wife left him after he lost his job. Tom丢了工作之后,老婆也离开了他。 ---Poor guy. He is definitely hit rock bottom.可怜的家伙。真是祸不单行,倒霉透顶。 ---Don't let yourself hit rock bottom, turn yourself around before it's too late! 别让自己陷入万劫不复的境地,在一切还没有太晚之前浪子回头吧。 ---Thanks for the advice. 多谢你的提醒。 2. Kelly说看到Billy的房子等着被拍卖实在让人心底发毛。Jim还听说银行这个时候也在催Billy还一些未付清的贷款。也许Billy已经离开这里,甚至潜逃出境,来摆脱所有的压力。Jim说,如果讨债公司死缠着我,我也会这么做。Collection agency 的意思是“讨债公司”。 3. breathe down one's neck 表示“紧盯着某人”,小时候,如果你迟迟没有交作业,你的老师会用紧迫盯人的办法要你立即写完。Breath down one's neck 正是用来形容这样的动作,想象一下,如果有人在背后紧盯着你,近到连他的呼吸你都可以感觉到,相信在这样的压迫感之下,被盯着的人应该马上就能把该交的东西交出来吧!我们用一个对话来做例子: ---Are you coming home soon? 你快要回家了吗? ---I can't. The boss is breathing down my neck for this report. 还不行。老板正盯着我要这份报告。 点击 ![]()
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