文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2007-09-11 08:29 字体: [ ]  进入论坛

39. “It is difficult for people to achieve professional success without sacrificing important aspects of a fulfilling personal life.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.

Are professional success and a fulfilling personal life mutually exclusive? Probably not, although it is more difficult today to achieve both.
Undeniably, today’s professionals must work long hours to keep their heads above water (keep one’s heads above water: v. 免遭灭顶之灾, 不负债), let alone to get ahead in life financially. This is especially true in Japan, where cost of living, coupled with corporate1 culture, compel professional males to all but (adv. 几乎, 差一点) abandon their families and literally2 to work themselves to death. While the situation here in the states (United States) may not be as critical, the two-income family is now the norm, not by choice but by necessity.
However, our society’s professionals are taking steps to remedy the problem. First, they are inventing ways—such as job sharing and telecommuting (远程交换,远程办公)—to ensure that personal life does not take a backseat (n. 后座, 次要位置) to career. Second, they are setting priorities and living those hours outside the workplace to the fullest. In fact, professional success usually requires the same time-management skills that are useful to find time for family, hobbies, and recreation. One need only look at the recent American presidents—Clinton, Bush, Reagan, and Carter—to see that it is possible to lead a balanced life which includes time for family, hobbies, and recreation, while immersed in a busy and successful career. Third, more professionals are changing careers to ones which allow for some degree of personal fulfillment and self-actualization (n. 自我实现,自我潜力充分发挥). Besides, many professionals truly love their work and would do it without compensation, as a hobby. For them, professional fulfillment and personal fulfillment are one and the same (n. 同一个, 完全一回事).
In conclusion, given the growing demands of career on today’s professionals, a fulfilling personal life remains3 possible by working smarter, by setting priorities, and by making suitable career choices.


1 corporate 7olzl     
  • This is our corporate responsibility.这是我们共同的责任。
  • His corporate's life will be as short as a rabbit's tail.他的公司的寿命是兔子尾巴长不了。
2 literally 28Wzv     
  • He translated the passage literally.他逐字逐句地翻译这段文字。
  • Sometimes she would not sit down till she was literally faint.有时候,她不走到真正要昏厥了,决不肯坐下来。
3 remains 1kMzTy     
  • He ate the remains of food hungrily.他狼吞虎咽地吃剩余的食物。
  • The remains of the meal were fed to the dog.残羹剩饭喂狗了。