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The Analytical1 Writing Assessment2 (AWA) is how business schools evaluate your writing skills. The AWA section has two 30-minute essay questions. One essay is the "Analysis of Issue,"swheresyou state your opinion on an issue .. The second is the "Analysis of Argument,"swheresyou analyze3 the reasoning in an argument. The two essay types require completely different strategies.

How the E-rater Is Used

Before February 1999, two human graders would grade your essays. If they disagreed, it went to a third grader. Under the new system, a human and the E-rater will grade your essay. If the human and E-rater agree on a score, that’s the grade your essay will receive. If they disagree, a second human will grade the essay to resolve any differences.

The computerized grading system pressures human graders to follow the E-rater’s strict standards. Human graders are aware that there is a computer double-checking their work, and they are more likely to follow the E-rater’s strict grading parameters4.

How to tackle the Analytical Writing Assessment

Students tend to under-prepare for the AWA section. This is ironic5 because it is the one section on the GMATswheresa small amount of preparation can make a huge difference on test day. You don’t want the issue of your embarr assing AWA grade coming up during a business school interview. To beat the AWA, you must learn how to write in a highly disciplined and concise6 manner.

Be particularly concerned with structure. Clearly divide your essaysintosthe introductory paragraph, two to three content paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Take time out before you start writing to set up an organizational structure .. Our Essay Guide includes sample essay templates for the Issue and Argument essays.

Use transitional phrases such as "first," "therefore," and "because" to help the computer identify concepts between and within the paragraphs. Make sure you spell these transition words correctly so that the computer may identify them (the E-rater does not have a spell-checker built-in).

Be a conformist. The E-rater is not programmed to appreciate individuality, humor, or poetic7 inspiration. The E-rater will be comparing the style and structure of your essay to that of other high-scoring essays. If your essay looks like the high-scoring essays in the E-rater’s memory banks, you will get a high grade; if not, you will get a low grade. Our Essay Guide has 20 sample high score essays to help you get a sense of the proper writing style for the AWA.

Clearly state your critique in the Analysis of Argument essay. The Analysis of Argument question will show you an essay that is loaded with logical fall acies, such as the unwarranted assumption or the fallacy of equivocation8. These are buzzwords that the E-rater detects to see if you have correctly identified the argument’s logical flaws. We include all the common logical fallacies in our Essay Guide so that the E-rater can tell that you have correctly critiqued the essay.

Know the essays and how to answer them. In our Essay Guide, we have all of the 275 real GMAT essay questions and 20 selected sample answers to those essay questions. This will give you a feel for the essay questions and how they should be answered.

Write in effective "American" style. Both the human and the E-rater will detect poor writing style. The E-rater’s memory banks have essays written in American grammar/style, which is slightly distinct from the English used outside of the United States.

Practice, Practice, Practice. Try to do the essays in the 30-minute time frame. That is half the challenge. Always practice under timed conditions on acomputer or take our practice essays for grading.


1 analytical lLMyS     
  • I have an analytical approach to every survey.对每项调查我都采用分析方法。
  • As a result,analytical data obtained by analysts were often in disagreement.结果各个分析家所得的分析数据常常不一致。
2 assessment vO7yu     
  • This is a very perceptive assessment of the situation.这是一个对该情况的极富洞察力的评价。
  • What is your assessment of the situation?你对时局的看法如何?
3 analyze RwUzm     
vt.分析,解析 (=analyse)
  • We should analyze the cause and effect of this event.我们应该分析这场事变的因果。
  • The teacher tried to analyze the cause of our failure.老师设法分析我们失败的原因。
4 parameters 166e64f6c3677d0c513901242a3e702d     
因素,特征; 界限; (限定性的)因素( parameter的名词复数 ); 参量; 参项; 决定因素
  • We have to work within the parameters of time. 我们的工作受时间所限。
  • See parameters.cpp for a compilable example. This is part of the Spirit distribution. 可编译例子见parameters.cpp.这是Spirit分发包的组成部分。
5 ironic 1atzm     
  • That is a summary and ironic end.那是一个具有概括性和讽刺意味的结局。
  • People used to call me Mr Popularity at high school,but they were being ironic.人们中学时常把我称作“万人迷先生”,但他们是在挖苦我。
6 concise dY5yx     
  • The explanation in this dictionary is concise and to the point.这部词典里的释义简明扼要。
  • I gave a concise answer about this.我对于此事给了一个简要的答复。
7 poetic b2PzT     
  • His poetic idiom is stamped with expressions describing group feeling and thought.他的诗中的措辞往往带有描写群体感情和思想的印记。
  • His poetic novels have gone through three different historical stages.他的诗情小说创作经历了三个不同的历史阶段。
8 equivocation 00a0e20897d54469b5c13a10d99e2277     
  • These actions must be condemned without equivocation. 对这些行为必须毫不含糊地予以谴责。 来自辞典例句
  • With caution, and with some equivocation, Bohr took a further step. 玻尔谨慎地而又有些含糊其词地采取了更深入的步骤。 来自辞典例句