serenity1 :: calmness; placidity
severance :: division; partition; separation
shambles :: slaughterhouse; scene of carnage
sheaf :: bundle of stalks of grain; any bundle of things tied together
sherbet :: flavored dessert ice
shibboleth :: watchword; slogan
shoal :: shallow place
silt :: sediment2 deposited by running water
simile :: comparison of one thing with another, using the word like or as
similitude :: similitude; using comparisons such as similes3, etc.
sinecure4 :: well-paid position with little responsibility
sirocco :: warm, sultry wind blown Africa to southern Europe
skeptic :: doubter
slander :: defamation5; utterance6 o false and malicious7 statements
slattern :: untidy or slovenly8 person
sleight :: dexterity
sloth :: laziness
sluggard :: lazy person
sluice :: artificial channel for directing or controlling the flow of water
smattering :: slight knowledge
sobriety :: soberness
sobriquet :: nickname
sojourn :: temporary stay
solace :: comfort in trouble
solecism :: construction that is flagrantly incorrect grammatically
soliloquy :: talking to oneself
solstice :: point at which the sun is farthest from the equator
somnambulist :: sleepwalker
sophist :: teacher of philosophy; quibbler; employer of fallacious reasoning
sophistication :: artificiality; unnaturalness9; act of employing sophistry10 in reasoning
soporific :: sleep producer
soupcon :: suggestion; hint; taste
spangle :: small metallic11 piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation
spate :: sudden flood
spatula :: broad-bladed instrument used for spreading or mixing
spectrum :: colored band produced when beam of light passes through a prism
spoliation :: pillaging12; depredation
spoonerism :: accidental transposition of sounds in successive words
spume :: froth; foam
stalemate :: deadlock
stamina :: strength; staying power
statute :: law
stein :: beer mug
stigma :: token of disgrace; brand
stint :: supply; allotted13 amount; assigned portion of work
stipend :: pay for services
stoic :: person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain
stratagem :: deceptive14 scheme
stratum :: layer of earth"s surface; layer of society
stricture :: critical comments; severe and adverse15 criticism
stupor :: state of apathy16; daze17; lack of awareness
suavity :: urbanity; polish
subaltern :: subordinate
subsidy :: direct financial aid by government, etc.
subsistence :: existence; means of support; livelihood
subterfuge :: pretense; evasion
subtlety :: nicety; cunning; guile; delicacy
succor :: aid; assistance; relief
summation :: act of finding the total; summary
superfluity :: excess; overabundance
supernumerary :: person or thing in excess of what is necessary; extra
surcease :: cessation
surveillance :: watching; guarding
sustenance :: means of support, food, nourishment
suture :: stitches sewn to hold the cut edges of a wound or incision