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... could have V-ed ... 結構︰主詞+could have+過去分詞 說明︰此句型意為“原本能夠…但卻未如此”。 He could have bought the car, but soon his company went bankrupt1. 他本來能買那輛車的,但沒多久他的公司就倒閉了。 He could have finished it on schedule, but somehow he fell behind. 他原本能按預定進度做完這件事的,但不知怎地卻落後了。 I could have done it if I had wanted to. 如果我那時想做,我能做得到的。 ... should have V-ed ... 結構︰主詞+should/ought to have+過去分詞 說明︰此句型意為“原本應當…但卻未如此”。此<句型>表示沒有實現之過去的行為、狀態,含有講話者的責難或遺憾之意。 You should have spoken up in the meeting. 會談時你實在應該發言(然而你卻沒有)。 He should at least have come to say good-by. 他至少也該來道個別(然而卻沒來)。 He ought to have kept his promise. 他原本應該遵守自己的諾言。 You should have been more careful in money matters. 在錢方面,你本當更小心點的。 He ought to have arrived there by now. 他現在應該已經到那裡了。 The drama2 drew a capacity3 audience; you should have gone to see it. 這齣戲吸引了滿場觀眾;你真該去看的。 I should have known4 better 結構︰主詞+should have known better(than to+原形動詞) 說明︰此句型意為“本來不應該那樣笨(而…)”,是指已經做過之事,而 know better(不致那樣笨)是指未做之事。 I should have known better. 我本來不應該那樣笨。 You should have known better than to talk like that. 你本應更懂事而不致說這樣的話。 You should have known better than to go mountain climbing alone. 你本來不該笨得單獨去爬山。 I know better than to go swimming after dinner. 我不致笨得吃過飯就去游泳。 ... need not have V-ed ... 結構︰主詞+need not have+過去分詞 說明︰此句型意為“原本不必…但卻…”。表示“與過去事實相反”的<假設語氣>,即做了沒有必要做的事。而“didn’t need to+原形<動詞>”則表示“過去的事實”,譯為“當時不必…而且也沒…”。need not have 在<疑問句>中表對過去之必要性的強烈疑問,即“有…的必要嗎?”。 You need not have bought extra oil for this short trip.在這麼短的旅程中,你實在沒有必要多買油。 You need not have got up so early. 你不必起得那麼早。 Need he have gone to the station to meet her? 他有必要到車站去接她嗎? He need not have come. (But he came.) 當時他不必來。(但卻來了) He didn’t need to come. (And he didn’t come.) 當時他不必來。(而且也沒來) It was fine that day, so I need not have brought an umbrella with me. 那天天氣很好,我原本不必帶傘的(但卻帶了)。 含代名詞之句型 It is warm in ... 結構︰It is+天氣+in+四季名稱。 說明︰此句型意為“在某季節天氣是…”。it 此處指天氣=the weather;<介系詞> in,常加在四季名稱的前面。 It is warm in spring. 春天天氣是暖和的。 It is cold in winter. 冬天天氣是寒冷的。 It is hot in summer. 夏天天氣是炎熱的。 It rains a lot in ... 結構︰It rains/snows+a lot+in+地方。 說明︰此句型意為“在某地下很多的雨/雪”。<代名詞> it 可用於指“天候”,如下雨,下雪等。常放在句首,當<主詞>。rain 當“下雨”解,是<動詞>,a lot 當<副詞>,用於修飾<動詞>。相當於 very much。 It rains a lot in Taipei. 在臺北下很多的雨。 It snows a lot in New York. 在紐約下很多的雪。 It showers a lot in Guangzhou. 在廣州下很多陣雨。 点击 ![]()
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