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(Adopted at the 22nd Meeting of the Standing1 Committee of the Sixth National People's Congress on September 5, 1987, and amended2 according to the Decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Revising the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmonpheric Pollution promulgated3 on August 29, 1995) Contents Chapter I General Provisions Chapter II Supervision4 and Management of the Prevention and Control of Atmopheric Pollution Chapter III Prevention and Control of Pollution from Burning Coal Chapter IV Prevention and Control of Pollution by Waste Gas, Dust and Malodorous Substances Chapter V Legal Liability Chapter VI Supplementary5 Provisions Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 This Law is formulated7 for the purpose of preventing and controlling atmospheric8 pollution, protecting and improving people's environment and the ecological9 environment, safeguarding human health, and promoting the development of socialist10 modernization11. Article 2 The State Council and the local people's governments at various levels must incorporate the protection of the atmospheric environment into the national economic and social development plans, make rational plans for the distribution of industry, strengthen scientific research on the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution, adopt preventive and curative measures against atmospheric pollution, and protect and improve the atmospheric environment. Article 3 The environmental protection departments of the people's governments at various levels shall be the organs conducting unified12 supervision and management of the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution. The administrative13 departments of public security, transportation, railways and fishery at various levels shall, by performing their respective functions, conduct supervision and management of the atmospheric pollution caused by motorized vehicles and vessels14. Article 4 Units that discharge atmospheric pollutants16 must comply with the relevant state provisions and take measures to prevent and control pollution. Article 5 All units and individuals shall have the obligation to protect the atmospheric environment and shall have the right to report on or file charges against units or individuals that cause pollution to the atmospheric environment. Article 6 The environmental protection department under the State Council shall establish the national standards for atmospheric environment quality. The people's governments of provinces, autonomous17 regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may establish their local standards for items not specified18 in the national standards for atmospheric environment quality and report the same to the environmental protection department under the State Council for the record. Article 7 The environmental protection department under the State Council shall, in accordance with the national standards for atmospheric environment quality and the country's economic and technological19 conditions, establish the national standards for the discharge of atmospheric pollutants. The people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may establish their local discharge standards for items not specified in the national standards for the discharge of atmospheric pollutants; with regard to items already specified in the national standards for the discharge of atmospheric pollutants, they may set local discharge standards which are more stringent20 than the national discharge standards and report the same to the environmental protection department under the State Council for the record. Units that discharge atmospheric pollutants in areas where the local discharge standards have been established shall observe such local standards. Article 8 The state shall adopt economic and technological policies and measures which are advantagious to the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution and to relevant comprehensive utilization21 activities. Units or individuals that have made outstanding achievements in the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution or in the protection and improvement of the atmospheric environment shall be rewarded by the people's governments at various levels. Article 9 The people's governments at various levels shall strengthen the work of tree planting and urban afforestation, and try to improve the quality of the atmospheric environment. Chapter II Supervision and Management of the Prevention and Control of Atmopheric Pollution Article 10 New construction projects, extensions or reconstruction22 projects which discharge atmospheric pollutants shall be governed by the state provisions concerning environmental protection for such projects. The environmental impact statement on a construction project must assess the atmospheric pollution the project is likely to produce and its impact on the ecosystem23 and stipulate24 the preventive and curative measures; the statement shall be submitted, according to the specified procedure, to the environmental protection department concerned for examination and approval. When a construction project is to be put into operation or to use, its facilities for the prevention of atmospheric pollution must be inspected by the environmental protection department; construction projects that do not fulfill25 the requirements specified in the state provisions concerning environmental protection for such construction projects shall not be permitted to be put into operation or to use. Article 11 Units that discharge atmospheric pollutants must, pursuant to the provisions of the environmental protection department under the State Council, report to the local environmental protection department its existing discharge and treatment facilities for pollutants and the categories, quantities and concentrations of pollutants discharged under normal operation conditions and submit to the same department the relevant technical data concerning the prevention and control of atmospheric pollutants. Units shall report in time on any substantial change in the categories, quantities or concentrations of the pollutants discharged. When pollutant15 treatment facilities are to be dismantled26 or left idle, permission from the local environmental protection department must be obtained. Article 12 If the discharge of pollutants by a unit exceeds the prescribed standards, it shall take effective measures to control the pollution and pay a fee for excessive discharge according to state provisions. The fee thus levied27 must be used for the prevention and control of pollution. If an enterprise or institution causes severe atmospheric pollution, it shall be ordered to eliminate and control the pollutants within a certain period of time. Article 13 Within the scenic28 or historic sites, nature reserves and other zones that need special protection, as designated by the State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, no industrial production installations that cause environmental pollution shall be built; other installations to be built in these areas must not exceed the prescribed standards for pollutant discharge. Enterprises and institutions which, before the enforcement of this Law, have built installations discharging more pollutants than those specified by the prescribed discharge standards shall be ordered to eliminate and control such pollution within a certain period of time. Article 14 For enterprises or institutions under the jurisdiction29 of a people's government at or below the city or county level, a deadline for the elimination30 or control of pollution shall be proposed by the environmental protection department of the people's government at the city or county level and shall be reported to the people's government at the corresponding level for decision. For enterprises and institutions directly under the jurisdiction of the Central Government or the people's government of a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government, such a deadline shall be proposed by the environmental protection department of the people's government of a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government and shall be reported to the people's government at the corresponding level for decision. Article 15 Enterprises shall give priority to the adoption31 of clean production technology with which a relatively32 high utilization ratio of energy can be realized and the discharged pollutants can be decreased so as to reduce the production of atmospheric pollutants. The state shall adopt an elimination system towards those backward productive technologies and equipment which may cause serious atmospheric pollution. The competent department of economy under the State Council, in conjunction with other relevant departments under the State Council, shall publish a list of technologies which may cause serious atmospheric pollution and the adoption of which must be halted within a specified time limit, and a list of equipment which may cause serious atmospheric pollution and the production, sale, import and use of which must be halted within a specified time limit. The producers, sellers, importers and users must, within the time limit prescribed by the competent department of economy under the State Council in conjunction with other relevant departments under the State Council, stop the production, sale, import or use of any equipment placed on the list mentioned in the preceding paragraph. The user of such productive technology must, within the time limit prescribed by the competent department of economy under the State Council in conjunction with other relevant departments under the State Council, stop the adoption of the productive technology placed on the list mentioned in the preceding paragraph. The equipment eliminated under the two preceding paragraphs shall not be transferred to others for use. Article 16 Any unit that, as a result of an accident or any other exigency33, discharges or leaks toxic34 or harmful gas or radioactive substances, thereby35 causing or threatening to cause an accident of atmospheric pollution and jeopardize36 human health, must promptly37 take emergency measures to prevent and control the atmospheric pollution hazards, make the situation known to such units and inhabitants as are likely to be endangered by the atmospheric pollution hazards, report the case to the local environmental protection department and accept its investigation38 and disposal. Under the urgent circumstances of a severe atmospheric pollution that jeopardizes39 human health and safety, the local people's government must take compulsory40 emergency measures, including ordering the pollutant discharging units concerned to stop the discharge of pollutants. Article 17 The environmental protection departments and other supervisory and management departments shall be empowered to make on-site inspections42 of units under their jurisdiction that discharge pollutants. The units being inspected must truthfully report the situation to them and provide them with the necessary information. The inspecting authorities shall have the obligation to keep confidential44 the technological know-how45 and business secrets of the units inspected. Article l8 The environmental protection department under the State Council shall set up a monitoring system for atmospheric pollution, organize a monitoring network and work out unified monitoring measures. Chapter III Prevention and Control of Pollution from Burning Coal Article 19 The competent department concerned under the State Council shall, pursuant to the standards for boiler46 soot47 discharge prescribed by the state, stipulate corresponding requirements in the boiler quality standards; boilers48 that do not meet the prescribed requirements shall not be permitted to be manufactured, sold or imported. Article 20 The soot discharge of newly built industrial kilns49 and newly installed boilers shall not exceed the prescribed discharge standards. Article 21 Urban construction shall be conducted on the basis of overall planning, the unified provision of heat sources and the development of central heating. Article 22 The relevant departments under the State Council and the local people's governments at various levels shall adopt measures to improve the urban fuel structure, develop urban gas supply, and popularize the production and utilization of shaped coal. Article 23 When coal, gangue, coal cinder50, coal ashes or lime is stored in densely51 inhabited areas, fire and dust prevention measures must be taken in order to prevent atmospheric pollution. Article 24 The state shall pursue coal washing processing so as to reduce the sulfur52 content and ash content of coal, and shall restrict the mining of coal with high sulfur content and high ash content. With regard to newly developed coal mines of coal with high sulfur content and high ash content, appropriate coal washing facilities must be installed so as to make the coal meet the statutory standards with respect to the sulfur content and ash content. With regard to those already established coal mines of coal with high sulfur content and high ash content, appropriate coal washing facilities must be installed within a time limit according to the program approved by the State Council. The mining of coal containing poisonous and harmful substances such as radioactive matter and arsenic53 in excess of the limits prescribed by the statutory standards shall be prohibited. Article 25 The people's governments of large and medium cities shall work out a plan which shall set a time limit within which raw coal shall progressively be substituted by sulfur-solidified coal or other clean fuels for urban residents' kitchen ranges. Article 26 With regard to newly built thermal54 power plants in urban areas, in the light of needs and conditions, the production of heating power and the production of electric power shall be combined, and the heating system shall be constructed, checked and put into operation in pace with the principal part of the project. Article 27 The competent department of environmental protection under the State Council may, in conjunction with other departments concerned under the State Council, in the light of natural conditions such as meteorological phenomena55, topography, soil, etc., and after approval by the State Council, designate areas where acid rain has appeared or is likely to appear or other areas where sulfurous anhydride pollution is serious, as acid rain control areas or sulfurous anhydride pollution control areas. With regard to a thermal power plant or other large or medium plants discharging sulfurous anhydride in acid rain control areas or sulfurous anhydride pollution control areas, if it is a new construction project and using coal with a low sulfur content is impossible, it shall install the appropriate desulfurization and cleaning facilities or adopt other measures to control the discharge of sulfurous anhydride and make the coal clean; if it is an old plant and does not use coal with a low sulfur content, it shall adopt measures to control the discharge of sulfurous anhydride and make the coal clean. The state shall encourage enterprises to adopt advanced desulfurization and cleaning technology. Enterprises shall progressively adopt measures to control nitrogen oxide56 produced by burning coal. Chapter IV Prevention and Control of Pollution by Waste Gas, Dust and Malodorous Substances Article 28 The discharge of toxic waste gas and dust into the atmosphere shall be strictly57 restricted. When such discharge is really necessary, the discharged gas or dust shall undergo purification treatment and shall not exceed the prescribed discharge standards. Article 29 Inflammable gas engendered58 during industrial production shall be recovered for utilization; if such gas is discharged into the atmosphere due to the absence of the means of recovery for utilization, it shall undergo treatment for the prevention and control of pollution. The discharge into the atmosphere of converter gas, acetylene, yellow phosphoric tail gas engendered by the electric furnace process, and organic hydrocarbon59 tail gas must be reported to the local environmental protection department for approval. When the discharge of inflammable gas is really necessary because of the malfunctioning60 of the recovery and re-use installations, the inflammable gas discharged shall be fully43 burnt, or other measures shall be taken, to reduce atmospheric pollution. Article 30 Units that discharge sulphide-bearing gas in the process of refining petroleum61, producing synthetic62 ammonia or coal gas, cooking fuel coal and smelting63 non-ferrous metal shall be equipped with desulfurizing installations or shall adopt other measures for desulfurization. Article 31 The discharge of gases and aerosols64 containing radioactive substances into the atmosphere must comply with state provisions on radioactivity protection and must not exceed the prescribed discharge standards. Article 32 Units that discharge malodorous gases into the atmosphere must take measures to prevent the pollution of neighboring residential65 areas. Article 33 Units that discharge dust into the atmosphere must adopt measures to remove such dust. Article 34 The burning of asphalt, asphalt felt, rubber, plastics, leather and other materials that may produce toxic or harmful smoke or dust or malodorous gases in densely inhabited areas shall be prohibited; when, under special circumstances, such burning is really necessary, it must be reported to the local environmental protection department for approval. Article 35 In the transportation, loading and unloading, and storage of substances that may diffuse66 toxic or harmful gases or dust, sealing or other protective measures must be taken. Article 36 Operators of catering67 businesses in urban areas must comply with provisions of the State Council concerning environmental protection with respect to the catering trade, and take measures to protect the neighboring residents' living environment from lampblack pollution. Article 37 Motorized vehicles and vessels shall not be permitted to discharge atmospheric pollutants in excess of the prescribed discharge standards; measures shall be taken to deal with motorized vehicles and vessels that discharge atmospheric pollutants in excess of the prescribed discharge standards. Automobiles68 that discharge pollutants in excess of the national discharge standards shall not be permitted to be manufactured, sold or imported. Specific measures for supervision and management shall be formulated by the State Council. Article 38 The state shall encourage and support the production and use of high-grade lead-free gasoline, and restrict the production and use of leaded gasoline. The competent department concerned under the State Council shall work out a program, reducing step by step the output of leaded gasoline till stopping the production and use of leaded gasoline. Chapter V Legal Liability Article 39 Any violator of this Law shall, according to the circumstances of the case, be warned or fined by the competent environmental protection department or another supervisory and management department for any of the following acts: (1) refusing to report or submitting a false report on items for which registration69 is required by the environmental protection department under the State Council for the discharge of pollutants; (2) dismantling70 or leaving idle the installations for the prevention and control of pollutants without prior approval by the environmental protection department, or discharging pollutants in excess of the prescribed discharge standards; (3) refusing an on-site inspection41 by the competent environmental protection department or another supervisory and management department, or resorting to trickery and fraud during inspection; (4) burning, in violation71 of Article 28 of this Law, asphalt, asphalt felt and other substances that produce toxic or harmful smoke or dust or malodorous gases in densely inhabited areas; or (5) failing to pay, according to state provisions, the fee for excessive discharge of pollutants. Article 40 Where anyone, in violation of provisions of Article 15 of this Law, produces, sells, imports or uses equipment which is prohibited from production, sale, importation and uses or adopts technology the adoption of which is prohibited, the competent department of economy of the people's government at or above the county level shall order the offender72 to make corrections; in serious cases, the competent department of economy of the people's government at or above the county level shall submit suggestions for the suspension of operations or closure of the offender to the people's government at the same level, and the latter shall make a decision thereon within the limit of their function and power set by the State Council. Article 41 When a construction project is put into operation or to use in circumstances where its facilities for the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution either have not been completed or fail to meet the requirements specified in the state provisions concerning environmental protection for such a construction project, the environmental protection department responsible for the examination and approval of the environmental impact statement on the construction project shall order the suspension of its operations or use and may concurrently73 impose a fine. Article 42 An enterprise or institution that has failed to eliminate or control pollution by the deadline as required shall, as provided for by state, pay a fee for excessive discharge; in addition, a fine may be imposed on it on the basis of the damage incurred74, or the enterprise or institution maybe ordered to suspend its operations or close down. The fine shall be decided75 by the competent environmental protection department. An order for the suspension of operations or closure of an enterprise or institution shall be issued by the people's government that set deadline for the elimination or control of pollution. An order for the suspension of operations or closure of an enterprise or institution directly under the jurisdiction of the Central Government shall be submitted to and approved by the State Council. Article 43 An enterprise or institution which causes an atmospheric pollution accident through violation of this Law shall be fined by the competent environmental protection department on the basis of the damage incurred. In serious cases, the persons responsible shall be subject to administrative sanctions by the unit to which they belong or by a higher competent authority. Article 44 A party refusing to accept the decision on administrative sanction may bring a suit before a people's court within 15 days of receiving the notification on such a decision. If, upon the expiration76 of this period, the party has neither brought a suit nor complied with the decision, the organ which imposed the sanction may apply to the people's court for compulsory enforcement. Article 45 A unit that has caused an atmospheric pollution hazard shall have the responsibility of removing the hazard and of making compensation to the units or individuals that have suffered direct losses. A dispute over the liability to make compensation or the amount of compensation may, at the request of the parties, be settled by an environmental protection department, if a party refuses to accept the decision, it may bring a suit before a people's court. The party may also bring a suit before the people's court directly. Article 46 If atmospheric pollution losses result directly from irresist able natural disasters which cannot be averted77 even after reasonable measures have been promptly taken, the party concerned shall be exempted78 from liability. Article 47 Should a serious atmospheric pollution accident occur that leads to any grave consequences of heavy public or private property losses or serious personal injuries or deaths, the criminal liability of the persons responsible for such an accident may be investigated by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 115 or 187 of the Criminal Law. Article 48 Any supervisory and management person for environmental protection who commits abuse of power or neglect of duty shall be subject to administrative sanction; if his act constitutes a crime, his criminal liability shall be investigated according to law. Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions Article 49 The environmental protection department under the State Council shall, in accordance with this Law, formulate6 rules for its implementation79, which shall be put into effect after being submitted to and approved by the State Council. Article 50 This Law shall come into force as of June 1, 1988. DECISION OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF THE NATIONAL PEOPLE'S CONGRESS ON REVISING THE LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ON THE PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION (Adopted at the 15th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress on August 29, 1995, and promulgated by Order No. 54 of the President of the People's Republic of China on August 29, 1995) Decision The 15th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress has resolved to make the following amendments80 to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution: 1. One paragraph shall be added to Article 8 as the first paragraph: “The state shall adopt economic and technological policies and measures which are advantageous81 to the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution and to relevant comprehensive utilization activities.” 2. One article shall be added as Article 9: “The people's governments at various levels shall strengthen the work of tree planting and urban afforestation, and try to improve the quality of the atmospheric environment.” 3. One article shall be added as Article 15: “Enterprises shall give priority to the adoption of clean production technology with which a relatively high utilization ratio of energy can be realized and the discharged pollutants can be decreased so as to reduce the production of atmospheric pollutants. “The state shall adopt an elimination system towards those backward productive technologies and equipment which may cause serious atmospheric pollution. “The competent department of economy under the State Council, in conjunction with other relevant departments under the State Council, shall publish a list of technologies which may cause serious atmospheric pollution and the adoption of which must be halted within a specified time limit, and a list of equipment which may cause serious atmospheric pollution and the production, sale, import and use of which must be halted within a specified time limit. “The producers, sellers, importers and users must, within the time limit prescribed by the competent department of economy under the State Council in conjunction with other relevant departments under the State Council, stop the production, sale, import or use of any equipment placed on the list mentioned in the preceding paragraph. The user of such productive technology must, within the time limit prescribed by the competent department of economy under the State Council in conjunction with other relevant departments under the State Council, stop the adoption of the productive technology placed on the list mentioned in the preceding paragraph. “The equipment eliminated under the two preceding paragraphs shall not be transferred to others for use.” 4. One article shall be added as Article 24: “The state shall pursue coal washing processing so as to reduce the sulfur content and ash content of coal, and shall restrict the mining of coal with high sulfur content and high ash content. With regard to newly developed coal mines of coal with high sulfur content and high ash content, appropriate coal washing facilities must be installed so as to make the coal meet the statutory standards with respect to the sulfur content and ash content. “With regard to those already established coal mines of coal with high sulfur content and high ash content, appropriate coal washing facilities must be installed within a time limit according to the program approved by the State Council. “The mining of coal containing poisonous and harmful substances such as radioactive matter and arsenic in excess of the limits prescribed by the statutory standards shall be prohibited.” 5. One article shall be added as Article 25: “The people's governments of large and medium cities shall work out a plan which shall set a time limit within which raw coal shall progressively be substituted by sulfur-solidified coal or other clean fuels for urban residents' kitchen ranges.” 6. One article shall be added as Article 26: “With regard to newly built thermal power plants in urban areas, in the light of needs and conditions, the production of heating power and the production of electric power shall be combined, and the heating system shall be constructed, checked and put into operation in pace with the principal part of the project.” 7. One article shall be added as Article 27: “The competent department of environmental protection under the State Council may, in conjunction with other departments concerned under the State Council, in the light of natural conditions such as meteorological phenomena, topography, soil, etc., and after approval by the State Council, designate areas where acid rain has appeared or is likely to appear or other areas where sulfurous anhydride pollution is serious, a sacid rain control areas or sulfurous anhydride pollution control areas. “With regard to a thermal power plant or other large or medium plants discharging sulfurous anhydride in acid rain control areas or sulfurous anhydride pollution control areas, if it is a new construction project and using coal with a low sulfur content is impossible, it shall install the appropriate desulfurization and cleaning facilities or adopt other measures to control the discharge of sulfurous anhydride and make the coal clean; if it is an old plant and does not use coal with a low sulfur content, it shall adopt measures to control the discharge of sulfurous anhydride and make the coal clean. The state shall encourage enterprises to adopt advanced desulfurization and cleaning technology. “Enterprises shall progressively adopt measures to control nitrogen oxide produced by burning coal.” 8. One article shall be added as Article 36: “Operators of catering businesses in urban areas must comply with provisions of the State Council concerning environmental protection with respect to the catering trade, and take measures to protect the neighboring residents' living environment from lampblack pollution.” 9. One article shall be added as Article 38: “The state shall encourage and support the production and use of high-grade lead-free gasoline, and restrict the production and use of leaded gasoline. “The competent department concerned under the State Council shall work out a program, reducing step by step the output of leaded gasoline till stopping the production and use of leaded gasoline.” 10. One article shall be added as Article 40: “Where anyone, in violation of provisions of Article 15 of this Law, produces, sells, imports or uses equipment which is prohibited from production, sale, importation and uses or adopts technology the adoption of which is prohibited, the competent department of economy of the people's government at or above the county level shall order the offender to make corrections; in serious cases, the competent department of economy of the people's government at or above the county level shall submit suggestions for the suspension of operations or closure of the offender to the people's government at the same level, and the latter shall make a decision thereon within the limit of their function and power set by the State Council.” 11. The title of Chapter III shall be revised as: “Prevention and Control of Pollution from Burning Coal.” This Decision shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation82. The Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution shall be revised according to this Decision and re-promulgated. 点击 ![]()
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