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till 9:30?
★ convenient[kən'vi:njənt]a. 便利的,方便的
★ postpone[pəust'pəun]v. 推迟,延迟
★ till[til]prep. 直到,到
■ “9:30”有两种常用读法,一种是:“nine thirty”;另一种是:“half past nine”。
我们把约会推迟到下个星期天可以吗?Is it okay if we postpone the appointment till next
○ I was wondering if we could postpone the appointment till next Sunday. 我想知道我们是否可
我恐怕要晚一点。太多的事情要处理了。I'm afraid I'll be a bit late. So many things to deal
○ I don't have time to breathe today. 我今天忙得都没时间喘气儿了。
● a bit “有点儿,稍微”
● deal with “应付,处理,对待”
很抱歉我今天不能如期赴约了。I'm sorry I can't keep the appointment with you today.
● keep the appointment “如期赴约”
■ “keep”在本句中的意思是“信守,遵守”。
我改一下时间,比如星期天,你介意吗?Do you mind if I change it to another time, say,
○ I should have some free time next week. Say, next Wednesday Evening? 我下周应该会有时间
■ 单词“say”在本句中是口语用法,可译为“比如说”。
换个时间和地点行吗?Can we change the time and place?
○ Let's fix another time/place. 咱们再另定个时间/地点吧。
○ I can't meet you there. 我没法在那儿见你。
★ fix[fiks]v. 确定,决定,固定
我们可以晚一点约会吗?我不太舒服。Can we make it a little later? I feel under the weather.
○ Sorry. I've been under the weather recently. 抱歉。我最近一直不太舒服。
● under the weather “(身体)不舒服”
★ weather['weðə]n. 天气
我们能把它推迟到第二天吗?Can we put it off to the next day?
○ Let's change our meeting place to Onxiu Café. 咱们把见面地点改到昂秀咖啡屋吧。
● put off“推迟”
咱们提前一个小时见面好吗?Can we meet an hour earlier?
○ Can we meet earlier? 咱们早点见面好吗?
很抱歉地告诉你我不得不取消我们的午餐约会了。I'm sorry to tell you that I have to cancel
the lunch appointment with you.
★ cancel['kænsəl]v. 取消,删除
我们能把见面地点由肯德基改成麦当劳吗?Can we meet at McDonald's instead of KFC?
○ I want to meet you somewhere else. 我想在别的地方见你。
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