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我辞职是因为我认为那个职位不适合我。I quit the job because I didn't think that position
suited me.
★ quit[kwit]v. 辞职
★ suit[su:t, sju:t]v. 适合
我在一家小公司工作,那里不可能有升职的机会。I worked in a small company where further
★ further['fə:ðə]a. 更进一步的
我辞职的原因是他们从不履行诺言。The reason that I resigned was they never kept their
★ resign[ri'zain]v. 辞职
★ promise['prɔmis]n. 诺言,许诺
● keep one's promise “信守诺言,履行诺言”
○ I need more money to support my family. 我需要更多的钱来养家。
○ I want to get a job that I can regard it as my career. 我想找一份能把它当成事业来做的工作。
★ worthy['wə:ði]a. 值得的
★ effort['efət]n. 努力
★ regard[ri'gɑ:d]v. 看待,当作
我希望找到一份更有活力的工作。I would like to get a job that is more lively than my present
★ lively['laivli]a. 活泼的,活跃的
我离开现在的职位是因为工作合同期满了。I'm leaving the present position because of the
expiry of my employment contract.
★ expiry[ik'spaiəri, ik'spairi]n. 满期
★ employment[im'plɔimənt]n. 雇佣,就业
★ contract['kɔntrækt]n. 合同
我先前的工作与我的专业无关。My previous job had nothing to do with my major.
○ My present job is out of my field. 我现在的工作和我所学的领域不对口。
○ My current job is not within my chosen field. 我现在的工作并非我选择从事的领域。
● be qualified for“有……的资格,适于担任……”
我想在贵公司工作可以提供我发挥才能的机会。I think working in your company would
provide me with a good chance to use my knowledge.
○ I think working in your company would give me the best chance to use what I've learned at the
university. 我想在贵公司工作可以给我学以致用的最好机会。
我发现贵公司的工作更具挑战性。I find the job in your company is more challenging.
★ challenging['tʃælinʤiŋ, 'tʃælənʤiŋ]a. 挑战性的
这里的工作条件和工作环境都非常好。The working conditions and surroundings are so
excellent here.
★ condition[kən'diʃən]n. 条件,情形,环境
★ surroundings[sə'raundiŋz]n. 环境
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上一篇:职场口语 工作经验(2) 下一篇:职场口语 辞职与应聘原因(2) |
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