英国动物园庆祝第一只在欧洲出生的 “跳舞狐猴”

时间:2023-04-05 16:09:50


UK zoo celebrates first 'dancing lemur' born in Europe 英国动物园庆祝第一只在欧洲出生的 “跳舞狐猴”

Conservationists are celebrating the first birth of a 'dancing lemur' in a European zoo.

动物保护人士庆祝欧洲动物园首只 “跳舞狐猴” 的出生。

Coquerel's sifaka are native to Madagascar.


They are critically endangered due to widespread deforestation.


Nicknamed 'dancing' because of the way they move, their numbers have fallen 80% over the past 30 years.

克氏冕狐猴的绰号 “跳舞狐猴” 源于其独特的移动方式,在过去三十年里,克氏冕狐猴的数量减少了80%。

Chester Zoo calls the arrival a 'landmark moment for the species'.

切斯特动物园称这只 “跳舞狐猴” 幼崽的出生是 “该物种具有里程碑意义的时刻”。

