The price of looking and feeling good 美容舒心的成本

时间:2023-04-05 16:22:07


The price of looking and feeling good 美容舒心的成本

英国普通家庭每年用于美容和美发的支出占家庭预算的2%。这其中包括洗漱用品、化妆品和相关电器的花销。相比之下,受女性欢迎的护理包括去美发店吹发,而男性则尤其会花钱做按摩和面部护理。本期 “随身英语” 聊一聊美容舒心所需的成本。

词汇:beauty 美容

How much do you spend on looking after yourself each month? We all like to look and feel good, so it's nice to spend money on ourselves sometimes! You might spend your hard-earned cash on visiting the hairdresser, a gym membership or pampering yourself with a massage.

When it comes to hair and beauty, the average UK household spends just under 2% of their budget, according to personal finance experts, Nimble Fins1. That's about £38 a month if you have an annual salary of £30,000. Areas that were looked at in their survey included toiletries, cosmetics, and related electrical appliances, like hairdryers.

However, it seems that some people spend much more than that. The booking app for all things aesthetic, Pamperbook, carried out a survey in 2022 of 900 UK salons2 and freelancers3. The results found that female clients who use the app spend, on average, £1,000 per month. The survey showed that the most popular treatments were lashes and lip fillers, while customers frequently visited hair salons for a blow dry.

But it's not only women who spend money on beauty. Though men and women visit spas more or less equally, according to the International Spa Association, or ISPA, men spend more on treatments. A national survey in 2019 found that male participants spend more on massages4 and facials per year than women – £501 to £445. Garrett Mersberger, head of the ISPA, said: "Men are more aware that it's not just a thing I go to to get pampered5. It's an actual lifestyle choice with benefits to my body, my wellness."

Whether you tend to spend money on these things or not, it can certainly feel good to treat yourself every now and then!


look after 护理,善待
hairdresser 理发师
gym membership 健身房会员
pamper 精心护理
massage 按摩
toiletries 洗漱用品
cosmetics 化妆品
electrical appliance 电器
hairdryer 吹风机
aesthetic 美的
salon 美容院,美发店
client 客户,顾客
lash 睫毛
lip filler 丰唇
blow dry 吹发
spa 水疗中心
treatment 护理
facial 面部护理
lifestyle choice 生活方式的选择
wellness 健康
treat 犒劳



1 fins 6a19adaf8b48d5db4b49aef2b7e46ade     
  • The level of TNF-α positively correlated with BMI,FPG,HbA1C,TG,FINS and IRI,but not with SBP and DBP. TNF-α水平与BMI、FPG、HbA1C、TG、FINS和IRI呈显著正相关,与SBP、DBP无相关。 来自互联网
  • Fins are a feature specific to fish. 鱼鳍是鱼类特有的特征。 来自辞典例句
2 salons 71f5df506205527f72f05e3721322d5e     
n.(营业性质的)店( salon的名词复数 );厅;沙龙(旧时在上流社会女主人家的例行聚会或聚会场所);(大宅中的)客厅
  • He used to attend to his literary salons. 他过去常常去参加他的文学沙龙。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Conspiracy theories about Jewish financiers were the talk of Paris salons. 犹太金融家阴谋论成为巴黎沙龙的话题。 来自互联网
3 freelancers d04880ef00950241e60f93a7b5a8e6bc     
n.自由作家,自由记者( freelancer的名词复数 )
  • A lot of proof-reading is put out to freelancers. 校对工作有很多是请外人做的。 来自辞典例句
  • Its benefits plan for freelancers is highly competitive in the industry. 在本行业内它的福利方案是很有竞争力的。 来自互联网
4 massages b030e7c3b00c82eb88f73d42b2964831     
按摩,推拿( massage的名词复数 )
  • At present the doctor is giving him daily massages to help restore the function of his limbs. 目前医生每天在给他按摩,帮助他恢复腿臂的功能。
  • His father massages his nose and chin. 他爸爸揉了揉鼻子和下巴。
5 pampered pampered     
adj.饮食过量的,饮食奢侈的v.纵容,宠,娇养( pamper的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The lazy scum deserve worse. What if they ain't fed up and pampered? 他们吃不饱,他们的要求满足不了,这又有什么关系? 来自飘(部分)
  • She petted and pampered him and would let no one discipline him but she, herself. 她爱他,娇养他,而且除了她自己以外,她不允许任何人管教他。 来自辞典例句
