How to stop mosquito bites 如何防止蚊子叮咬

时间:2024-03-07 03:01:11


  How to stop mosquito bites 如何防止蚊子叮咬
  词汇:protection from insects 防虫
  Summer is a great time of year – but, unfortunately, it's not just us humans that enjoy it. Mosquitos seem to make the most out of the season by biting us, and as well as being annoying, mosquito-borne diseases can be dangerous. What can we do to avoid getting bitten?
  The most obvious answer is to use mosquito repellent. Professor James Logan from the London School of Hygiene2 and Tropical Medicine explains that DEET, the chemical used in many repellents, confuses the insects' sense of smell, making it difficult to recognise humans. Though be careful – as biologist Roger Eritja points out – any bits of skin that aren't covered by repellent are still likely to get bitten. Logan also recommends using plug-in insecticides to kill or repel1 mosquitos in the room. However, it might be best to avoid using electric bug3 zappers. Daniel Markowski from the American Mosquito Control Association highlights that mosquitos are only a small proportion of the number of insects they kill, and that many of the others are beneficial.
  Clothing is another consideration that affects whether mosquitos choose to attack us. Amy Glover, writing in the Huffington Post, tells us that dark colours attract mosquitos. James Logan adds that loose clothing is preferable as it is harder for mosquitos to bite through – they're even able to penetrate4 jeans if they are worn tightly.
  Light, loose clothing also means people sweat less. A 2019 study showed that mosquitos are able to use the smell of human sweat to find their victims. This is why Homes editor Katie Mortram recommends taking a shower before bed to avoid getting bitten. Another way to stop the smell of your sweat attracting mosquitos is to use deodorant5 to disguise the smell of your sweat. Masie Vollans – a researcher into mosquito ecology, points out that a compound found in deodorants6 has been shown to stop mosquitos landing on the skin.
  What we eat and drink may also have an impact on how attractive we are to mosquitos. Vollans mentions two studies that found drinking beer and eating bananas can make people more attractive to mosquitos.
  So, as well as using repellents and insecticides, thinking about our clothing, reducing our sweat and changing what we eat and drink could help to reduce the risk of mosquito bites.
  bite 叮,咬
  mosquito-borne disease 由蚊子传播的疾病
  mosquito repellent 驱蚊剂
  tropical medicine 热带医学
  DEET 避蚊胺(常见防蚊液成分)
  insect 昆虫
  skin 皮肤
  insecticide 杀虫剂
  bug zapper 灭虫灯
  attack 攻击
  attract 吸引
  penetrate 穿过,穿透
  sweat 出汗,流汗
  victim 牺牲品
  deodorant 体味除臭剂
  land on 落在,停在



1 repel 1BHzf     
  • A country must have the will to repel any invader.一个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。
  • Particles with similar electric charges repel each other.电荷同性的分子互相排斥。
2 hygiene Kchzr     
n.健康法,卫生学 (a.hygienic)
  • Their course of study includes elementary hygiene and medical theory.他们的课程包括基础卫生学和医疗知识。
  • He's going to give us a lecture on public hygiene.他要给我们作关于公共卫生方面的报告。
3 bug 5skzf     
  • There is a bug in the system.系统出了故障。
  • The bird caught a bug on the fly.那鸟在飞行中捉住了一只昆虫。
4 penetrate juSyv     
  • Western ideas penetrate slowly through the East.西方观念逐渐传入东方。
  • The sunshine could not penetrate where the trees were thickest.阳光不能透入树木最浓密的地方。
5 deodorant p9Hy9     
  • She applies deodorant to her armpits after she showers.沐浴后,她在腋下涂上除臭剂。
  • Spray deodorant and keep the silk garments dry before dressing.在穿衣之前,洒涂防臭剂并保持干燥。
6 deodorants 01c6b1b494118d169a87c0acd9bf4dc0     
n.(尤指去除体臭的)除臭剂( deodorant的名词复数 )
  • The U.S. is already a mature market for its razors and deodorants. 美国已经是使它的刀片和除臭剂得到充分发展的市场了。 来自辞典例句
  • Deodorants are available as aerosols or roll-ons. 除臭剂有喷雾装或滚抹装。 来自辞典例句
