Sneakers: sports shoes to fashion icons 运动鞋:从体育用品到

时间:2024-03-07 03:18:46


  Sneakers: sports shoes to fashion icons1 运动鞋:从体育用品到时尚的象征
  运动鞋的用途广泛、款式多样,还引领着潮流时尚。你是 “运动鞋迷(sneakerhead)” 吗?最初,运动鞋是专为体育运动员设计的实用鞋品。而如今它已成为一种时尚的符号,产业价值数十亿美元。本期节目聚焦运动鞋行业的诞生和发展。
  词汇:fashion 时尚
  Many of us wear trainers, or sneakers as they are called in American English. They might not seem like anything special, but these items of footwear have become an obsession2 for some people. Get ready to meet the sneakerheads.
  From their beginnings as practical footwear for athletes, trainers or sneakers have become big business. They are now a massive part of the global fashion industry, and the sneaker market could be worth $120bn by 2026. Trainers started to gain cultural cachet in the 1970s due to the popularity of basketball and football in US and UK youth culture, says fashion gallery curator Ligaya Salazar. Celebrity3 endorsements4 from the likes of Run DMC and Michael Jordan boosted the market through the 1980s and 90s. Brendan Dunne, host of a podcast dedicated5 to sneakers, describes how, as they became cooler and more expensive, sneakers became status signifiers.
  While most trainers are made for the mass market, limited-edition pairs are made to appeal to those who are looking for something special. Sneakerheads are those who collect rare trainers, sometimes paying thousands of dollars for a pair. Dunne compares it to art collecting, pointing out that they have been sold by major auction6 houses and are seen by some as an investment.
  Trainer manufacturers have seen this market for rare sneakers as a good business opportunity and have teamed up with celebrities7 to produce limited edition pairs. This feeds into the resale market for this footwear. Some sneakerheads spend hours camping outside shops to get their hands on the most desirable limited editions which they can then flip8 for a huge profit.
  So, an item that started as an everyday functional9 object for people playing sports can now also be a high-fashion item worth thousands of dollars.
  trainers (英式英语)运动鞋
  sneakers (美式英语)运动鞋
  footwear 鞋类
  sneakerhead 运动鞋迷,痴迷于收集或交易运动鞋的人practical 实用的
  market 市场
  cultural cachet 文化声望
  celebrity endorsement 名人代言
  status signifier 地位的象征
  mass market 大众市场
  limited-edition 限量版的
  appeal to 吸引
  rare 稀有的
  pair 一双
  investment 投资
  manufacturer 制造商
  resale market 转售市场
  desirable 渴望得到的
  flip (为盈利而)迅速转售
  high-fashion 高级时装的



1 icons bd21190449b7e88db48fa0f580a8f666     
n.偶像( icon的名词复数 );(计算机屏幕上表示命令、程序的)符号,图像
  • Distinguish important text items in lists with graphic icons. 用图标来区分重要的文本项。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
  • Daemonic icons should only be employed persistently if they provide continuous, useful status information. 只有会连续地提供有用状态信息的情况下,后台应用程序才应该一直使用图标。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
2 obsession eIdxt     
  • I was suffering from obsession that my career would be ended.那时的我陷入了我的事业有可能就此终止的困扰当中。
  • She would try to forget her obsession with Christopher.她会努力忘记对克里斯托弗的迷恋。
3 celebrity xcRyQ     
  • Tom found himself something of a celebrity. 汤姆意识到自己已小有名气了。
  • He haunted famous men, hoping to get celebrity for himself. 他常和名人在一起, 希望借此使自己获得名气。
4 endorsements dfbd0f1b5d6e20b7cae6a4e0d7aefd50     
n.背书( endorsement的名词复数 );(驾驶执照上的)违章记录;(公开的)赞同;(通常为名人在广告中对某一产品的)宣传
  • He must make much money on those tennis shoe endorsements he does. 他替那些网球鞋珍重广告,就赚了不少钱。 来自互联网
  • But celebrity endorsements remain an important promotional tool for marketers. 尽管如此,邀明星助阵仍是营销人员重要的推广手段之一。 来自互联网
5 dedicated duHzy2     
  • He dedicated his life to the cause of education.他献身于教育事业。
  • His whole energies are dedicated to improve the design.他的全部精力都放在改进这项设计上了。
6 auction 3uVzy     
  • They've put the contents of their house up for auction.他们把房子里的东西全都拿去拍卖了。
  • They bought a new minibus with the proceeds from the auction.他们用拍卖得来的钱买了一辆新面包车。
7 celebrities d38f03cca59ea1056c17b4467ee0b769     
n.(尤指娱乐界的)名人( celebrity的名词复数 );名流;名声;名誉
  • He only invited A-list celebrities to his parties. 他只邀请头等名流参加他的聚会。
  • a TV chat show full of B-list celebrities 由众多二流人物参加的电视访谈节目
8 flip Vjwx6     
  • I had a quick flip through the book and it looked very interesting.我很快翻阅了一下那本书,看来似乎很有趣。
  • Let's flip a coin to see who pays the bill.咱们来抛硬币决定谁付钱。
9 functional 5hMxa     
  • The telephone was out of order,but is functional now.电话刚才坏了,但现在可以用了。
  • The furniture is not fancy,just functional.这些家具不是摆着好看的,只是为了实用。
