
时间:2007-10-06 08:12:55



黑色 black

土黑 earth black

煤黑 coal black

碳黑 carbon black charcoal1 black

古铜黑 bronze black

铁黑 iron oxide2 black iron black

橄榄黑 olive black

棕黑 sepia; brown black

青黑 lividity

深黑,漆黑 pitch-black pitch-dark

暗黑 dull black


白色 white

象牙白 ivory white; ivory

牡蛎白 oyster3 white

珍珠白 pear white gray lily

玉石白 jade4 white

银白 silver white

铅白 flake5 white; lead white; ceruse white

锌白 zinc6 white

锌钡白 lithopone; pearl white

羊毛白 wool white

米白 off-white; shell

乳白 milky-white

雪白 snow-white; snowy white

灰白 greyish white; off-white

青白 bluish white

纯白 crisp-white;pure white

本白 raw white; off-white

粉红白 pinky white

淡紫白 lilac white


灰色 grey; gray

银灰 silver grey;chinchilla; gray mom

铁灰 iron grey

铅灰 lividity; leaden grey

碳灰 charcoal grey

驼灰 doe

豆灰 rose dust

藕灰 zephyr7

莲灰 elderberry

浅莲灰 pale lilac

鸽子灰 dove grey

鼠灰 stale grey; mouse

蟹灰 storm blue

天灰 sky grey

土灰 dust grey

水泥灰 concrete grey

烟灰 smoky grey; ash

雾灰 misty8 grey

黑灰 grey black; charcoal grey

紫灰 purple grey;cadet;dove grey

深紫灰 heron

淡紫灰 lilac grey

浅绿灰 eucalyptus9

浅米灰 moon light

卡其灰 khaki light

蓝灰 blue grey;slate;steel grey;pike grey

青灰 lividity; steel grey;balsam green

白灰 pale grey

深灰 dark grey; dull grey; Oxford10 grey

暗灰 deep grey

中灰 medium grey

浅灰 light grey;ash grey


棕色,褐色 brown

红棕 umber;chili

金棕 auburn

铁锈棕 rustic11 brown

桔棕 orange brown

橄榄棕 olive brown


赤褐 sorrel; maroon;terra cotta

棕褐 summer tan

茶褐 auburn umber

黑褐 black brown

紫褐 puce

黄褐 drab; fulvouos;cinnamon;ocher;tawny;russet brown

栗褐 chestnut12 brown

灰褐 taupe;mouse;greige beige;rose beige

浅灰褐 putty

橙褐 orange brown

土褐 clay

深褐 dark brown;bistre;burnt sienna

暗褐 deep brown; fuscous;dun

淡褐 light brown;caramel


咖啡色 coffee

酱色 caramel;reddish brown

紫酱色 marron

茶色 umber;dun;dark brown

赫色 ocher;auburn;chocolate;sienna;umber;rust

琥珀色 amber;succinite

栗色 chestnut;sorrel;marron

金色 gold

古金色 old gold

银色 silver;argent

铅色 lividity

锌色 zinc

铁锈色 rust

青古铜色 bronze;bronzy

黑古铜色 dark bronze

紫铜色 purple bronze

黄铜色 brassiness

木色 wood

土色 lividity;sallow

驼色 camel;light tan

米色 beige; buff;cream;gray sand

卡其色 khaki

奶油色 cream

豆沙色 cameo

浅豆沙色 pale mauve

藕荷色 bisque

肉桂色 cinnamon

肉色 flesh , carnation;incarnadine;pastel peach;

yellowish pink

水晶色 crystal

荧光色 iridescent

彩虹色 iris; rainbow



1 charcoal prgzJ     
  • We need to get some more charcoal for the barbecue.我们烧烤需要更多的碳。
  • Charcoal is used to filter water.木炭是用来过滤水的。
2 oxide K4dz8     
  • Oxide is usually seen in our daily life.在我们的日常生活中氧化物很常见。
  • How can you get rid of this oxide coating?你们该怎样除去这些氧化皮?
3 oyster w44z6     
  • I enjoy eating oyster; it's really delicious.我喜欢吃牡蛎,它味道真美。
  • I find I fairly like eating when he finally persuades me to taste the oyster.当他最后说服我尝尝牡蛎时,我发现我相当喜欢吃。
4 jade i3Pxo     
  • The statue was carved out of jade.这座塑像是玉雕的。
  • He presented us with a couple of jade lions.他送给我们一对玉狮子。
5 flake JgTzc     
  • Drain the salmon,discard the skin,crush the bones and flake the salmon with a fork.将鲑鱼沥干,去表皮,粉碎鱼骨并用餐叉子将鱼肉切成小薄片状。
  • The paint's beginning to flake.油漆开始剥落了。
6 zinc DfxwX     
  • Brass is formed by the fusion of copper and zinc.黄铜是通过铜和锌的熔合而成的。
  • Zinc is used to protect other metals from corrosion.锌被用来保护其他金属不受腐蚀。
7 zephyr 3fCwV     
  • I feel very comfortable in the zephyr from the sea.从海上吹来的和风令我非常惬意。
  • Zephyr,the West Wind,blew away the clouds so that Apollo,the sun god,could shine and made this flower bloom.西风之神吹散了云朵,太阳神阿波罗得以照耀它并使它开花。
8 misty l6mzx     
  • He crossed over to the window to see if it was still misty.他走到窗户那儿,看看是不是还有雾霭。
  • The misty scene had a dreamy quality about it.雾景给人以梦幻般的感觉。
9 eucalyptus jnaxm     
  • Eucalyptus oil is good for easing muscular aches and pains.桉树油可以很好地缓解肌肉的疼痛。
  • The birds rustled in the eucalyptus trees.鸟在桉树弄出沙沙的响声。
10 Oxford Wmmz0a     
  • At present he has become a Professor of Chemistry at Oxford.他现在已是牛津大学的化学教授了。
  • This is where the road to Oxford joins the road to London.这是去牛津的路与去伦敦的路的汇合处。
11 rustic mCQz9     
  • It was nearly seven months of leisurely rustic living before Michael felt real boredom.这种悠闲的乡村生活过了差不多七个月之后,迈克尔开始感到烦闷。
  • We hoped the fresh air and rustic atmosphere would help him adjust.我们希望新鲜的空气和乡村的氛围能帮他调整自己。
12 chestnut XnJy8     
  • We have a chestnut tree in the bottom of our garden.我们的花园尽头有一棵栗树。
  • In summer we had tea outdoors,under the chestnut tree.夏天我们在室外栗树下喝茶。
