VI In the small hours of the morning the telephone rang. Poirot picked up the receiver. Japps voice said: You asked me to ring you. Yes, indeed. Eh bi...
V Sitting at his usual small table near the entrance on Thursday night Poirot studied his surroundings. As usual Hell was going with a swing! The Coun...
III I wish to speak to you with the utmost seriousness, said Poirot. The hour was early, the Club as yet nearly empty. The Countess and Poirot sat at ...
II On the following morning Poirot paid a visit to Scotland Yard to his old friend Chief Inspector Japp. Japps reception of his tentative inquiries wa...
Twelve THE CAPTURE OF CERBERUS Hercule Poirot, swaying to and fro in the tube train, thrown now against one body, now against another, thought to hims...
VII Atlas was turning over two new five pound notes. He said hopefully: Maybe Ill not remember in the morning the way I earned this. Im after worrying...
IV It was three months later that Hercule Poirot stood on a rocky point and surveyed the Atlantic Ocean. Gulls rose and swooped down again with long m...
II Inspector Wagstaffe was interested. The Veratrino cup? Yes, I remember all about it. I was in charge of the business this end. I speak a bit of Ita...
Eleven THE APPLES OF THE HESPERIDES Hercule Poirot looked thoughtfully into the face of the man behind the big mahogany desk. He noted the generous br...
VI On the afternoon preceding the Festival, Miss Carnaby met Hercule Poirot in a small teashop in the sleepy little town of Newton Woodbury. Miss Carn...