Twenty Hercule Poirot paused a moment at the big wrought iron gates. He looked ahead of him along the curving drive. The last of the golden-brown leav...
Nineteen The chief constable and Inspector Bland looked up with keen curiosity as Hercule Poirot was ushered in. The chief constable was not in the be...
Eighteen The sun was setting when Poirot came to what was called officially Mill Cottage, and known locally as the Pink Cottage down by Lawders Creek....
Seventeen After leaving Nasse, Poirot went to the village where, by inquiry, he found the cottage occupied by the Tuckers. His knock at the door went ...
Sixteen I Hercule Poirot sat in a square chair in front of the square fireplace in the square room of his London flat. In front of him were various ob...
Fifteen It was a fortnight later that Inspector Bland had a long and unsatisfying interview with the Chief Constable of the County. Major Merrall had ...
Fourteen I Inspector Bland sat in Helmmouth Police Station. Superintendent Baldwin, a large comfortable- looking man, sat on the other side of the tab...
Thirteen After Mrs. Masterton had left, Poirot went out and strolled through the woods. His nerves were not quite what they should be. He felt an irre...
Twelve Hercule Poirot came down to the breakfast table on the following morning to a depleted table. Mrs. Oliver, still suffering from the shock of ye...
Eleven I Mrs. Folliat was at that moment being talked to by Hercule Poirot in the big drawing room. He had found her there leaning back in a chair in ...