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The `China', in leaving, seemed to have carried off Phileas Fogg's last hope. None of the other steamers were able to serve his projects. The `Pereire', of the French Transatlantic Company, whose admirable steamers are equal to any in speed and comfort, did not leave until the 14th; the Hamburg boats did not go directly to Liverpool or London, but to Havre; and the additional trip from Havre to Southampton would render Phileas Fogg's last efforts of no avail. The Inman steamer did not depart till the next day, and could not cross the Atlantic in time to save the wager1. Mr Fogg learned all this in consulting his `Bradshaw', which gave him the daily movements of the transatlantic steamers. Passepartout was crushed; it overwhelmed him to lose the boat by three-quarters of an hour. It was his fault, for, instead of helping2 his master, he had not ceased putting obstacles in his path! And when he recalled all the incidents of the tour, when he counted up the sums expended3 in pure loss and on his own account, when he thought that the immense stake, added to the heavy charges of this useless journey, would completely ruin Mr Fogg, he overwhelmed himself with bitter self-accusations. Mr Fogg, however, did not reproach him; and, on leaving the Cunard pier4, only said: `We will consult about what is best tomorrow. Come.' The party crossed the Hudson in the Jersey5 City ferry-boat, and drove in a carriage to the St Nicholas Hotel, on Broadway. Rooms were engaged, and the night passed, briefly6 to Phileas Fogg, who slept profoundly, but very long to Aouda and the others, whose agitation7 did not permit them to rest. The next day was the 12th of December. From seven in the morning of the 12th, to a quarter before nine in the evening of the 21st, there were nine days, thirteen hours, and forty-five minutes. If Phileas Fogg had left in the `China', one of the fastest steamers on the Atlantic, he would have reached Liverpool, and then London, within the period "agreed upon. Mr Fogg left the hotel alone, after giving Passepartout instructions to await his return, and inform Aouda to be ready at an instant's notice. He proceeded to the banks of the Hudson, and looked about among the vessels9 moored10 or anchored in the river, for any that were about to depart. Several had departure signals, and were preparing to put to sea at morning tide; for in this immense and admirable port there is not one day in a hundred that vessels do not set out for every quarter of the globe. But they were mostly sailing vessels, of which, of course, Phileas Fogg could make no use. He seemed about to give up all hope, when he espied11, anchored at the Battery, a cable's length off at most, a trading vessel8, with a screw, well-shaped, whose funnel12, puffing13 a cloud of smoke, indicated that she was getting ready for departure. Phileas Fogg hailed a boat, got into it, and soon found himself on board the `Henrietta', iron-hulled, wood-built above. He ascended14 to the deck, and asked for the captain, who forthwith presented himself. He was a man of fifty, a sort of sea-wolf, with big eyes, a complexion15 of oxidized copper16, red hair and thick neck, and a growling17 voice. `The captain?' asked Mr Fogg. `I am the captain.' `I am Phileas Fogg, of London.' `And I am Andrew Speedy, of Cardiff.' `You are going to put to sea?' `In an hour.' `You are bound for--' `Bordeaux.' `No freight. Going in ballast.' `Have you any passengers?' `No passengers. Never have passengers. Too much in the way.' `Is your vessel a swift one?' `Between eleven and twelve knots. The "Henrietta", well known.' `Will you carry me and three other persons to Liverpool?' `To Liverpool? Why not to China?' `I said Liverpool.' `No!' `No?' `No. I am setting out for Bordeaux, and shall go to Bordeaux.' `Money is no object?' `None.' The captain spoke19 in a tone which did not admit of a reply. `But the owners of the "Henrietta" - ,' resumed Phileas Fogg. `The owners are myself,' replied the captain. `The vessel belongs to me.' `I will freight it for you.' `No.' `I will buy it of you.' `No.' Phileas Fogg did not betray the least disappointment; but the situation was a grave one. It was not at New York as at Hong Kong, nor with the captain of the `Henrietta' as with the captain of the `Tankadere'. Up to this time money had smoothed away every obstacle. Now money failed. Still, some means must be found to cross the Atlantic on a boat, unless by balloon, - which would have been venturesome, besides not being capable of being put in practice. It seemed that Phileas Fogg had an idea, for he said to the captain, `Well, will you carry me to Bordeaux?' `No, not if you paid me two hundred dollars.' `I offer you two thousand.' `Apiece?' `Apiece.' `And there are four of you?' `Four.' Captain Speedy began to scratch his head. There were eight thousand dollars to gain, without changing his route; for which it was well worth conquering the repugnance20 he had for all kinds of passengers. Besides, passengers at two thousand dollars are no longer passengers, but valuable merchandise. `I start at nine o'clock,' said Captain Speedy, simply. `Are you and your party ready?' `We will be on board at nine o'clock,' replied, no less simply, Mr Fogg. It was half-past eight. To disembark from the `Henrietta', jump into a hack21, hurry to the St Nicholas, and return with Aouda, Passepartout, and even the inseparable Fix, was the work of a brief time, and was performed by Mr Fogg with the coolness which never abandoned him. They were on board when the `Henrietta' made ready to weigh anchor. When Passepartout heard what his last voyage was going to cost, he uttered a prolonged `Oh!' which extended throughout his vocal22 gamut23. As for Fix, he said to himself that the Bank of England would certainly not come out of this affair well indemnified. When they reached England, even if Mr Fogg did not throw some handfuls of bank-bills into the sea, more than seven thousand pounds would have been spent! 中国号邮船开走了,似乎把斐利亚·福克最后的一点希望也给带跑了。 实际上,所有直接往来于欧美两洲的轮船,不论是法国横渡大西洋公司的客船,白星线的客船,伊曼公司的轮船,或者汉堡线轮船以及其他客货轮船,现在都不能帮助福克先生按时完成他的旅行计划。 譬如法国横渡大西洋公司的珀勒尔号,按说这个公司的船都很棒,讲速度不低于任何其他公司的船,讲舒适比所有的船都强,但是这条船要到后天12月14号才开。此外汉堡线的船只开往哈佛不能直达利物浦或伦敦。若加上从哈佛到南安普敦这一段的耽搁,福克先生的最后努力就会徒劳无功。 至于伊曼公司的船,根本就不必考虑。它的一条巴黎号要第二天才开。并且这个公司的船只主要是运送移民。它的机器马力很小,航行一半靠机器,一半靠船帆,因此速度不快。乘这种船从纽约到英国所花的时间,比福克为了赢得东道目前剩下的时间还要长得多。这些情况福克先生都了若指掌,因为他手上有一本《布拉德修旅行手册》,上面印有每日往来大西洋船只的动态。 路路通急死了,差四十五分钟没赶上开往利物浦的轮船,这简直要他没法活了。这都是他的错,他一个人的错,他本来是应该帮助主人的,但是他却沿途闯祸,带来种种困难!他回想起这一路上所遇到的意外事件,计算了一下光为他一个人所花的钱数,再想到这笔巨额的赌金,再加上那数目惊人的旅费,马上都要化为乌有,福克先生因此就会完全破产。想到这些,路路通就把自己大骂一通。 但是,福克先生这时一点也没有责备他,在离开横渡大西洋公司码头的时候,他只说了这么一句话: “走,我们等明天再说吧。” 福克先生、艾娥达夫人、费克斯和路路通坐上泽西市轮渡过了赫德森河,然后乘一辆马车到百老汇大街的圣尼古拉旅馆。他们在旅馆里开了房间,就这样过了一夜。这一夜对斐利亚·福克显得很短,他睡得很好;但是艾娥达夫人和另外两位旅伴却都是心事重重,辗转反侧不能安眠,这一夜对他们显得特别漫长。 第二天是12月12号。从12号上午七点钟到21号下午八点四十五分,一共只剩下九天零十三个小时四十五分钟的时间了。如果斐利亚·福克昨天晚上赶上了那一条居纳尔公司第一流船中国号,他就能赶到利物浦并且如期到达伦敦! 福克先生吩咐路路通在饭店等候,并且叫他通知艾娥达夫人准备随时动身,然后他就独自离开了旅馆。 他到了赫德森河岸,他在那些停靠在码头上或停在河心的船群中,仔细地寻找即将离港的轮船。有好些个船都挂了准备出发的信号旗,只等着上午潮涨时出海,因为在这个巨大而设备完善的纽约港口,每天总有百十条船开往世界各地,但是它们大部分都是帆船,不合乎斐利亚·福克目前的需要。 看来这位绅士的最后打算似乎要失败了。可是就在这时,他发现离他至多有十分之一海里的地方有一艘带有机轮装备的商船,停在炮台的前边。这条船样子很俐落,烟筒里正冒着大团的黑烟,说明它就要出海了。 斐利亚·福克叫来了一条舢板,坐了上去。由船夫划动双桨,很快就划到了亨利埃塔号的船梯跟前了。这是一条铁壳船,船面上的结构都是木头的。 亨利埃塔号的船长正在船上。斐利亚·福克走上甲板就叫人找船长,船长马上走过来了。 这人有五十岁,是个久经海上风波的老水手,说话挺冲,看样子是个不大好交往的人。他圆睁着两只大眼睛,面如青铜,头发棕红,身材魁梧,一点也不象人们在社会上经常接触到的人。 “船长在吗?”福克先生问。 “我就是。” “我是斐利亚·福克,英国伦敦人。” “我叫安鸠·斯皮蒂,出生在英国加的夫。” “您的船就要开吗?……” “过一个钟头就走。” “您的船要到?……” “要到波尔多。” “您船上装的什么货?” “船底装的是压舱石,没有货,放空船回去。” “您船上有旅客吗?” “没有,我从来也不带旅客,旅客是一种累赘又麻烦人的货物。” “您的船走得好吗?” “每小时跑十一到十二海里。亨利埃塔号谁不知道?” “您愿意送我到利物浦吗?我们一共四个旅客。” “去利物浦?!你为什么不说要我送你到中国啊?” “我只说到利物浦。” “不去!” “不去?” “不去。我现在要开往波尔多,我去的是波尔多。” “不论多少钱您都不去吗?” “多少钱也不去。” 船长说话的口气是毫无商量的余地。 “但是,亨利埃塔号的船主……”斐利亚·福克说。 “船主,就是我,”船长回答说,“这条船是我的。” “我租您的船到利物浦。” “我不租。” “我买您的船。” “我不卖。” 斐利亚·福克连眉头也没有皱一下,但是情况是很不妙。在纽约可全不象在香港,亨利埃塔号船主也完全不象唐卡德尔号船主。当遇见困难时这位绅士的英镑总是都能替他排除障碍,化险为夷,可是这一回英镑也不灵了。 但是,必须想法渡过大西洋,既然目前即使是肯冒险乘汽球也没有把握能飞过大海,那就得想办法坐船过去。 不过,看样子斐利亚·福克已经胸有成竹。他对船长说: “那好吧,就请您带我们去波尔多好不好?” “不带人,你就是给我两百美元我也不带!” “我给您两千美元(合一万金法郎)。” “每人给我两千?” “每人给您两千。” “你们一共四个人?” “四个人。” 船长斯皮蒂开始搔起头来了。他好象要把头皮搔烂似的。顺路带客,净赚八千美元。这很值得放弃他刚才说的那种厌恶一切旅客的成见。再说两千美元运一个旅客,这已经不能算是旅客了,这是一种很贵重的货物。 “我九点钟开船,”船长斯皮蒂简单地说,“您和您的旅伴来得及吗?……” “九点钟我们一定到齐!”福克先生同样简单地回答说。 现在是八点半钟。福克先生离开了亨利埃塔号,乘车回到圣尼古拉旅馆,立即带着艾娥达夫人和路路通上船。连那个寸步不离的密探费克斯,福克先生也请他白坐这趟船。这一切安排,福克先生都是以非常沉静的心情完成的。他在任何情况之下都没有改变过这种安详沉着的作风。 当亨利埃塔号出海时,四位旅客都已上船。等路路通知道了最后这一段航程的旅费时。他不禁发出老长老长的一声“哦——”他这一声拖长的“哦……”滑过所有的半音阶,由高而低直到完全变成哑音为止。 至于密探费克斯,他心里说,反正英国国家银行绝不可能毫无损失地了结这件案子。实际上,到了英国,这位福克先生也不过才挥霍了有限的一些钱,他那个钞票袋子里的钱也只少了七千多英镑(合十七万五千金法郎)。 点击收听单词发音
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