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There was a little pause—and in it a wave of horror seemed to float round the room.
I think it was at that moment that I first believed Dr.?Reilly’s theory to be right.
I felt that the murderer was in the room. Sitting with us—listening. One of us .?.?.
Perhaps Mrs.?Mercado felt it too. For she suddenly gave a short sharp cry.
“Courage, Marie,” said her husband.
He looked at us apologetically.
“She is so sensitive. She feels things so much.”
“I—I was so fond of Louise,” sobbed Mrs.?Mercado.
I don’t know whether something of what I felt showed in my face, but I suddenly found thatMr.?Poirot was looking at me, and that a slight smile hovered2 on his lips.
“Tell me, madame,” he said, “of the way you spent yesterday afternoon?”
“I was washing my hair,” sobbed Mrs.?Mercado. “It seems awful not to have known anythingabout it. I was quite happy and busy.”
“You were in your room?”
“And you did not leave it?”
“No. Not till I heard the car. Then I came out and I heard what had happened. Oh, it wasawful!”
“Did it surprise you?”
Mrs.?Mercado stopped crying. Her eyes opened resentfully.
“What do you mean, M.?Poirot? Are you suggesting—?”
“What should I mean, madame? You have just told us how fond you were of Mrs.?Leidner.
“Oh, I see .?.?. No—no, dear Louise never told me anything—anything definite, that is. Ofcourse, I could see she was terribly worried and nervous. And there were those strangeoccurrences—hands tapping on the windows and all that.”
“Fancies, I remember you said,” I put in, unable to keep silent.
I was glad to see that she looked momentarily disconcerted.
Once again I was conscious of Mr.?Poirot’s amused eye glancing in my direction.
He summed up in a businesslike way.
“It comes to this, madame, you were washing your hair—you heard nothing and you sawnothing. Is there anything at all you can think of that would be a help to us in any way?”
Mrs.?Mercado took no time to think.
“No, indeed there isn’t. It’s the deepest mystery! But I should say there is no doubt—nodoubt at all that the murderer came from outside. Why, it stands to reason.”
Poirot turned to her husband.
“And you, monsieur, what have you to say?”
“Must have been. Must have been,” he said. “Yet how could anyone wish to harm her? Shewas so gentle—so kind—” He shook his head. “Whoever killed her must have been a fiend—yes,a fiend!”
“And you yourself, monsieur, how did you pass yesterday afternoon?”
“You were in the laboratory, Joseph,” his wife prompted him.
“Ah, yes, so I was—so I was. My usual tasks.”
“At what time did you go there?”
Again he looked helplessly and inquiringly at Mrs.?Mercado.
“At ten minutes to one, Joseph.”
“Ah, yes, at ten minutes to one.”
“Did you come out in the courtyard at all?”
“No—I don’t think so.” He considered. “No, I am sure I didn’t.”
“When did you hear of the tragedy?”
“My wife came and told me. It was terrible—shocking. I could hardly believe it. Even now, Ican hardly believe it is true.”
Suddenly he began to tremble.
“It is horrible—horrible. .?.?.”
Mrs.?Mercado came quickly to his side.
“Yes, yes, Joseph, we feel that. But we mustn’t give way. It makes it so much more difficultfor poor Dr.?Leidner.”
I saw a spasm8 of pain pass across Dr.?Leidner’s face, and I guessed that this emotionalatmosphere was not easy for him. He gave a half glance at Poirot as though in appeal. Poirotresponded quickly.
“Miss?Johnson?” he said.
“I’m afraid I can tell you very little,” said Miss?Johnson. Her cultured well-bred voice wassoothing after Mrs.?Mercado’s shrill9 treble. She went on: “I was working in the living room—taking impressions of some cylinder10 seals on plasticine.”
“And you saw or noticed nothing?”
Poirot gave her a quick glance. His ear had caught what mine had—a faint note of indecision.
“Are you quite sure, mademoiselle? Is there something that comes back to you vaguely?”
“No—not really—”
“Something you saw, shall we say, out of the corner of your eye hardly knowing you saw it.”
“No, certainly not,” she replied positively11.
“Something you heard then. Ah, yes, something you are not quite sure whether you heard ornot?”
“You press me very closely, M.?Poirot. I’m afraid you are encouraging me to tell you what Iam, perhaps, only imagining.”
“Then there was something you—shall we say—imagined?”
Miss?Johnson said slowly, weighing her words in a detached way: “I have imagined—since—that at some time during the afternoon I heard a very faint cry .?.?. What I mean is that I daresayI did hear a cry. All the windows in the living room were open and one hears all sorts of soundsfrom people working in the barley13 fields. But you see—since—I’ve got the idea into my head thatit was—that it was Mrs.?Leidner I heard. And that’s made me rather unhappy. Because if I’djumped up and run along to her room—well, who knows? I might have been in time. .?.?.”
Dr.?Reilly interposed authoritatively14.
“Now, don’t start getting that into your head,” he said. “I’ve no doubt but that Mrs.?Leidner(forgive me, Leidner) was struck down almost as soon as the man entered the room, and it was thatblow that killed her. No second blow was struck. Otherwise she would have had time to call forhelp and make a real outcry.”
“Still, I might have caught the murderer,” said Miss?Johnson.
“What time was this, mademoiselle?” asked Poirot. “In the neighbourhood of half past one?”
“It must have been about that time—yes.” She reflected a minute.
“That would fit in,” said Poirot thoughtfully. “You heard nothing else — the opening orshutting of a door, for instance?”
Miss?Johnson shook her head.
“No, I do not remember anything of that kind.”
“You were sitting at a table, I presume. Which way were you facing? The courtyard? Theantika room? The verandah? Or the open countryside?”
“I was facing the courtyard.”
“Could you see the boy Abdullah washing pots from where you were?”
“Oh, yes, if I looked up, but of course I was very intent on what I was doing. All my attentionwas on that.”
“If anyone had passed the courtyard window, though, you would have noticed it?”
“Oh, yes, I am almost sure of that.”
“And nobody did so?”
“But if anyone had walked, say, across the middle of the courtyard, would you have noticedthat?”
“I think—probably not—unless, as I said before, I had happened to look up and out of thewindow.”
“You did not notice the boy Abdullah leave his work and go out to join the other servants?”
Miss?Johnson lifted her head suddenly and said: “You know, M.?Poirot, I think I haveunintentionally misled you. On thinking it over, I do not believe that I could possibly have heardany cry uttered in Mrs.?Leidner’s room from where I was. The antika room lay between me andher—and I understand her windows were found closed.”
“In any case, do not distress16 yourself, mademoiselle,” said Poirot kindly17. “It is not really ofmuch importance.”
“No, of course not. I understand that. But you see, it is of importance to me, because I feel Imight have done something.”
“Don’t distress yourself, dear Anne,” said Dr.?Leidner with affection. “You must be sensible.
Miss?Johnson flushed a little at the kindliness19 of his tone. I even saw tears spring to her eyes.
“Probably was. Usual thing after a tragedy—start imagining things that aren’t so at all.”
Poirot was once more consulting his notebook.
“I do not suppose there is much more to be said. Mr.?Carey?”
Richard Carey spoke slowly—in a wooden mechanical manner.
“I’m afraid I can add nothing helpful. I was on duty at the dig. The news was brought to methere.”
“And you know or can think of nothing helpful that occurred in the days immediatelypreceding the murder?”
“Nothing at all.”
“I was right out of the whole thing,” said Mr.?Coleman with—was it just a shade of regret—in his tone. “I went into Hassanieh yesterday morning to get the money for the men’s wages.
When I came back Emmott told me what had happened and I went back in the bus to get thepolice and Dr.?Reilly.”
“And beforehand?”
“Well, sir, things were a bit jumpy—but you know that already. There was the antika roomscare and one or two before that—hands and faces at the window—you remember, sir,” heappealed to Dr.?Leidner, who bent21 his head in assent22. “I think, you know, that you’ll find someJohnny did get in from outside. Must have been an artful sort of beggar.”
Poirot considered him for a minute or two in silence.
“You are an Englishman, Mr.?Coleman?” he asked at last.
“This is your first season?”
“Quite right.”
This description of himself seemed to cause Mr.?Coleman some embarrassment26. He got ratherpink and shot the side look of a guilty schoolboy at Dr.?Leidner.
He tapped thoughtfully on the table with the end of his pencil and carefully straightened aninkpot that stood in front of him.
“It seems then,” he said, “that that is as near as we can get for the moment. If any one of youthinks of something that has for the time being slipped his or her memory, do not hesitate to cometo me with it. It will be well now, I think, for me to have a few words alone with Dr.?Leidner andDr.?Reilly.”
It was the signal for a breaking up of the party. We all rose and filed out of the door. When Iwas halfway29 out, however, a voice recalled me.
“Perhaps,” said M.?Poirot, “Nurse Leatheran will be so kind as to remain. I think herassistance will be valuable to us.”
I came back and resumed my seat at the table.
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