文章来源:未知 文章作者:enread 发布时间:2024-11-06 06:22 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
Tall and grim, Georgina Morley listened to what the two men had said and answered theirquestions. She said with emphasis:
“It’s incredible to me—quite incredible—that my brother should have committed suicide!”
Poirot said:
“You realize the alternative, Mademoiselle?”
“You mean—murder.” She paused. Then she said slowly: “It is true—that alternative seemsnearly as impossible as the other.”
“But not quite as impossible?”
“No—because—oh, in the first case, you see, I am speaking of something I know—that is: mybrother’s state of mind. I know he had nothing on his mind—I know that there was no reason—noreason at all why he should take his own life!”
“You saw him this morning—before he started work?”
“At breakfast—yes.”
“And he was quite as usual—not upset in any way?”
“He was upset—but not in the way you mean. He was just annoyed!”
“Why was that?”
“He had a busy morning in front of him, and his secretary and assistant had been called away.”
“That is Miss Nevill?”
“What used she to do for him?”
“She did all his correspondence, of course, and kept the appointment book, and filed all thecharts. She also saw to the sterilizing of the instruments and ground up his fillings and handedthem to him when he was working.”
“Had she been with him long?”
“Three years. She is a very reliable girl and we are—were both very fond of her.”
Poirot said:
“She was called away owing to the illness of a relative, so your brother told me.”
“Yes, she got a telegram to say her aunt had had a stroke. She went off to Somerset by an earlytrain.”
“And that was what annoyed your brother so much?”
“Ye-es.” There was a faint hesitation in Miss Morley’s answer. She went on rather hurriedly.
“You—you mustn’t think my brother unfeeling. It was only that he thought—just for a moment—”
“Yes, Miss Morley?”
“Well, that she might have played truant on purpose. Oh! Please don’t misunderstand me—I’mquite certain that Gladys would never do such a thing. I told Henry so. But the fact of the matter is,that she has got herself engaged to rather an unsuitable young man—Henry was very vexed aboutit—and it occurred to him that this young man might have persuaded her to take a day off.”
“Was that likely?”
“No, I’m sure it wasn’t. Gladys is a very conscientious girl.”
“But it is the sort of thing the young man might have suggested?”
Miss Morley sniffed.
“Quite likely, I should say.”
“What does he do, this young fellow—what is his name, by the way?”
“Carter, Frank Carter. He is—or was—an insurance clerk, I believe. He lost his job some weeksago and doesn’t seem able to get another. Henry said—and I daresay he was right—that he is acomplete rotter. Gladys had actually lent him some of her savings and Henry was very annoyedabout it.”
Japp said sharply:
“Did your brother try to persuade her to break her engagement?”
“Yes, he did, I know.”
“Then this Frank Carter would, quite possibly, have a grudge against your brother.”
The Grenadier said robustly:
“Nonsense—that is if you are suggesting that Frank Carter shot Henry. Henry advised the girlagainst young Carter, certainly; but she didn’t take his advice—she is foolishly devoted to Frank.”
“Is there anyone else you can think of who had a grudge against your brother?”
Miss Morley shook her head.
“Did he get on well with his partner, Mr. Reilly?”
Miss Morley replied acidly:
“As well as you can ever hope to get on with an Irishman!”
“What do you mean by that, Miss Morley?”
“Well, Irishmen have hot tempers and they thoroughly enjoy a row of any kind. Mr. Reilly likedarguing about politics.”
“That was all?”
“That was all. Mr. Reilly is unsatisfactory in many ways, but he was very skilled in hisprofession—or so my brother said.”
Japp persisted:
“How is he unsatisfactory?”
Miss Morley hesitated, then said acidly:
“He drinks too much—but please don’t let that go any further.”
“Was there any trouble between him and your brother on that subject?”
“Henry gave him one or two hints. In dentistry,” continued Miss Morley didactically, “a steadyhand is needed, and an alcoholic breath does not inspire confidence.”
Japp bowed his head in agreement. Then he said:
“Can you tell us anything of your brother’s financial position?”
“Henry was making a good income and he had a certain amount put by. We each had a smallprivate income of our own left to us by our father.”
Japp murmured with a slight cough:
“You don’t know, I suppose, if your brother left a will?”
“He did—and I can tell you its contents. He left a hundred pounds to Gladys Nevill, otherwiseeverything comes to me.”
“I see. Now—”
There was a fierce thump on the door. Alfred’s face then appeared round it. His goggling eyestook in each detail of the two visitors as he ejaculated:
“It’s Miss Nevill. She’s back—and in a rare taking. Shall she come in, she wants to know?”
Japp nodded and Miss Morley said:
“Tell her to come here, Alfred.”
“O.K.,” said Alfred, and disappeared. Miss Morley said with a sigh and in obvious capitalletters:
“That Boy is a Sad Trial.”
