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Frank Carter, haggard, white- faced, still feebly inclined to bluster1, looked on his unexpectedvisitor with unconcealed disfavour. He said rudely:
“So it’s you, you ruddy little foreigner? What do you want?”
“I want to see you and talk to you.”
“Well, you see me all right. But I won’t talk. Not without my lawyer. That’s right, isn’t it? Youcan’t go against that. I’ve got the right to have my solicitor2 present before I say a word.”
“Certainly you have. You can send for him if you like—but I should prefer that you did not.”
“I daresay. Think you’re going to trap me into making some damaging admissions, eh?”
“We are quite alone, remember.”
“You are wrong. This is a private interview between you and me.”
Frank Carter laughed. He looked cunning and unpleasant. He said:
“Come off it! You don’t take me in with that old gag.”
“Do you remember a girl called Agnes Fletcher?”
“Never heard of her.”
“I think you will remember her, though you may never have taken much notice of her. She washouse-parlourmaid at 58, Queen Charlotte Street.”
“Well, what of it?”
Hercule Poirot said slowly:
“On the morning of the day that Mr. Morley was shot, this girl Agnes happened to look over thebanisters from the top floor. She saw you on the stairs—waiting and listening. Presently she sawyou go along to Mr. Morley’s room. The time was then twenty-six minutes or thereabouts pasttwelve.”
Frank Carter trembled violently. Sweat came out on his brow. His eyes, more furtive4 than ever,went wildly from side to side. He shouted angrily:
“It’s a lie! It’s a damned lie! You’ve paid her—the police have paid her—to say she saw me.”
“At that time,” said Hercule Poirot, “by your own account, you had left the house and werewalking in the Marylebone Road.”
“So I was. That girl’s lying. She couldn’t have seen me. It’s a dirty plot. If it’s true, why didn’tshe say so before?”
Hercule Poirot said quietly:
“She did mention it at the time to her friend and colleague the cook. They were worried andpuzzled and didn’t know what to do. When a verdict of suicide was brought in they were muchrelieved and decided5 that it wasn’t necessary for them to say anything.”
“I don’t believe a word of it! They’re in it together, that’s all. A couple of dirty, lying little …”
He tailed off into furious profanity.
Hercule Poirot waited.
“Anger and foolish abuse will not help you. These girls are going to tell their story and it isgoing to be believed. Because, you see, they are telling the truth. The girl, Agnes Fletcher, did seeyou. You were there, on the stairs, at that time. You had not left the house. And you did go intoMr. Morley’s room.”
He paused and then asked quietly:
“What happened then?”
“It’s a lie, I tell you!”
Hercule Poirot felt very tired—very old. He did not like Frank Carter. He disliked him verymuch. In his opinion Frank Carter was a bully7, a liar8, a swindler—altogether the type of youngman the world could well do without. He, Hercule Poirot, had only to stand back and let thisyoung man persist in his lies and the world would be rid of one of its more unpleasantinhabitants….
Hercule Poirot said:
“I suggest you tell me the truth….”
He realized the issue very clearly. Frank Carter was stupid—but he wasn’t so stupid as not tosee that to persist in his denial was his best and safest course. Let him once admit that he had goneinto that room at twenty-six minutes past twelve and he was taking a step into grave danger. Forafter that, any story he told would have a good chance of being considered a lie.
Let him persist in his denial, then. If so, Hercule Poirot’s duty would be over. Frank Carterwould in all probability be hanged for the murder of Henry Morley—and it might be, justlyhanged.
Hercule Poirot had only to get up and go.
Frank Carter said again:
“It’s a lie!”
There was a pause. Hercule Poirot did not get up and go. He would have liked to do so—verymuch. Nevertheless, he remained.
He leaned forward. He said—and his voice held all the compelling power of his powerfulpersonality—
“I am not lying to you. I ask you to believe me. If you did not kill Morley your only hope is totell me the exact truth of what happened that morning.”
The mean, treacherous9 face looking at him wavered, became uncertain. Frank Carter pulled athis lip. His eyes went from side to side, terrified, frankly10 animal eyes.
It was touch and go now….
Then suddenly, overborne by the strength of the personality confronting him, Frank Cartersurrendered.
“All right then—I’ll tell you. God curse you if you let me down now! I did go in … I went upthe stairs and waited till I could be sure of getting him alone. Waited there, up above Morley’slanding. Then a gent came out and went down—fat gent. I was just making up my mind to go—when another gent came out of Morley’s room and went down too. I knew I’d got to be quick. Iwent along and nipped into his room without knocking. I was all set to have it out with him.
Mucking about, putting my girl against me—damn him—”
He stopped.
“Yes?” said Hercule Poirot: and his voice was still urgent—compelling—Carter’s voice croaked12 uncertainly.
“And he was lying there—dead. It’s true! I swear it’s true! Lying just as they said at the inquest.
I couldn’t believe it at first. I stooped over him. But he was dead all right. His hand was stone coldand I saw the bullet hole in his head with a hard black crust of blood round it….”
At the memory of it, sweat broke out on his forehead again.
“I saw then I was in a jam. They’d go and say I’d done it. I hadn’t touched anything except hishand and the door handle. I wiped that with my handkerchief, both sides, as I went out, and I stoledownstairs as quickly as I could. There was nobody in the hall and I let myself out and legged itaway as fast as I could. No wonder I felt queer.”
He paused. His scared eyes went to Poirot.
“That’s the truth. I swear that’s the truth … He was dead already. You’ve got to believe me!”
Poirot got up. He said—and his voice was tired and sad—“I believe you.”
He moved towards the door.
Frank Carter cried out:
“They’ll hang me—they’ll hang me for a cert if they know I was in there.”
Poirot said:
“By telling the truth you have saved yourself from being hanged.”
“I don’t see it. They’ll say—”
Poirot interrupted him.
“Your story has confirmed what I knew to be the truth. You can leave it now to me.”
He went out.
He was not at all happy.
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