日期:2024-11-06 III They stood at last in the room where Mary Gerrard had died. The house had a strange atmosphere in it: it seemed alive with memories and forebodings. Peter Lord flung up one of the windows. He said with a slight shiver: This place feels like a to... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-11-06 II Poirot lunched with the doctor in a pleasant square room with a window open on to the garden. Lord said: Did you get what you wanted out of old Slattery? Poirot nodded. Yes. What did you want with her? Gossip! Talk about old days. Some crimes hav... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-11-06 Twelve Dr. Lord met the train at the station as requested. Hercule Poirot alighted from it. He looked very Londonified and was wearing pointed patentleather shoes. Peter Lord scrutinized his face anxiously, but Hercule Poirot was giving nothing away... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-11-06 Ten Nurse OBrien tossed her red head and smiled widely across the tea table at the little man oppositeher. She thought to herself: Its the funny little fellow he isand his eyes green like any cats, and with all that Dr. Lordsaying hes the clever one... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-11-06 Nine Peter Lord said: Well? Hercule Poirot said: No, it is not very well. Peter Lord said heavily: You havent got hold of anything? Poirot said slowly: Elinor Carlisle killed Mary Gerrard out of jealousy Elinor Carlisle killed her aunt so as toinher... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-11-06 Eight Chief Inspector Marsden was affable. Well, M. Poirot, he said. Come to set me right about one of my cases? Poirot murmured deprecatingly: No, no. A little curiosity on my part, that is all. Only too happy to satisfy it. Which case is it? Elino... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-11-06 Seven In the offices of Messrs Seddon, Blatherwick Seddon, Hercule Poirot was received withextreme caution, not to say distrust. Mr. Seddon, a forefinger stroking his closely shaven chin, was noncommittal and his shrewdgrey eyes appraised the detect... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-11-06 Six Poirot looked with interest at the long, sensitive face of Roderick Welman. Roddys nerves were in a pitiable condition. His hands twitched, his eyes were bloodshot, hisvoice was husky and irritable. He said, looking down at the card: Of course,... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-11-06 II There was suddenly a poignant sense of loss, of something exquisite destroyed. In his mind phrase after phrase succeeded each other. Peter Lords She was a nice kid. NurseHopkins She could have gone on the films any time. Mrs. Bishops venomous No... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-11-06 Five Since it was a Sunday, Hercule Poirot found Ted Bigland at his fathers farm. There was little difficulty in getting Ted Bigland to talk. He seemed to welcome the opportunityas though it was a relief. He said thoughtfully: So youre trying to fin... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-11-06 Four In the awesome majesty of Mrs. Bishops black- clad presence Hercule Poirot sat humblyinsignificant. The thawing of Mrs. Bishop was no easy matter. For Mrs. Bishop, a lady of Conservative habitsand views, strongly disapproved of foreigners. And... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-11-06 Three Hercule Poirot sat in Nurse Hopkins cottage. Dr. Lord had brought him there, had introducd him and had then, at a glance from Poirot, lefthim to a tte--tte. Having, to begin with, eyed his foreign appearance somewhat askance, Nurse Hopkins was... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-11-06 Two Peter Lord stared at him, took out a handkerchief, wiped his face and threw himself down in achair. Whoof! he said. You got me all worked up! I didnt see in the least what you were gettingat! Poirot said: I was examining the case against Elinor... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-11-06 PART II One Hercule Poirot, his egg-shaped head gently tilted to one side, his eyebrows raised inquiringly, hisfingertips joined together, watched the young man who was striding so savagely up and down theroom, his pleasant freckled face puckered an... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-11-06 IV Nurse Hopkins was in the pantry. She was wiping her face with a handkerchief. She looked upsharply as Elinor entered. She said: My word, its hot in here! Elinor answered mechanically: Yes, the pantry faces south. Nurse Hopkins relieved her of the... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-11-06 III In the Lodge Mary Gerrard was looking round rather helplessly. She hadnt realized, somehow, how cramped it all was. Her past life rushed back over her in a flood. Mum making clothes for her dolls. Dad alwayscross and surly. Disliking her. Yes, d... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-11-06 II Elinor Carlisle entered the grounds of Hunterbury by the back gate. It was a hot, clear summers day. There were sweetpeas in flower. Elinor passed close by a rowof them. The undergardener, Horlick, who was remaining on to keep the place in order,... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-11-06 Six Letter from Nurse OBrien to Nurse Hopkins, July 14th: Laborough Court Dear Hopkins,Have been meaning to write to you for some days now. This is alovely house and the pictures, I believe, quite famous. But I cant say its ascomfortable as Hunterbu... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-11-06 Seven Elinor Carlisle came out of the Kings Arms on the morning of Thursday, July 27th, and stood fora minute or two looking up and down the main street of Maidensford. Suddenly, with an exclamation of pleasure, she crossed the road. There was no mi... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-11-06 VI In the library Elinor had just finished a letter: Dear Mr. Seddon,Will you draft a will for me to sign? Quite a simple one. Iwant to leave everything to Roderick Welman absolutely. Yours sincerely, Elinor Carlisle She glanced at the clock. The po... 阅读全文>> |