日期:2024-12-31 Eleven I Hercule Poirot flicked a last speck of dust from his shoes. He had dressed carefully for his luncheon party and he was satisfied with the result. He knew well enough the kind of clothes that were worn in the country on a Sunday in England,... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-12-31 Ten It was ten oclock the next morning when John came down. Breakfast was on the sideboard. Gerda had had her breakfast sent up to her in bed and had been rather perturbed since perhaps she might be giving trouble. Nonsense, John had said. People li... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-12-31 Nine John Christow came out from the chestnut woods on to the green slope by the house. There was a moon and the house basked in the moonlight with a strange innocence in its curtained windows. He looked down at the wristwatch he wore. It was three... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-12-31 II At dinner that night, Henrietta was put next to David, and from the end of the table Lucys delicate eyebrows telegraphed not a commandLucy never commandedbut an appeal. Sir Henry was doing his best with Gerda and succeeding quite well. John, his... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-12-31 Eight I After tea John said to Henrietta, Come for a walk, and Lady Angkatell said that she must show Gerda the rock garden though of course it was quite the wrong time of year. Walking with John, thought Henrietta, was as unlike walking with Edward... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-12-31 IV After lunch Edward said: Come for a walk, Henrietta. It was Edwards kind of walka stroll. They went up behind the house, taking a path that zigzagged up through the trees. Like the woods at Ainswick, thought Henrietta. Dear Ainswick, what fun the... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-12-31 Seven As they got into the car and Lewis shut the front door of the Harley Street house, Gerda felt the pang of exile go through her. That shut door was so final. She was barred outthis awful weekend was upon her. And there were things, quite a lot... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-12-31 III When Henrietta drove in, Midge was sitting on the low wall of the terrace, and waved to her cheerfully. Henrietta was pleased to see Midge, whom she liked. Lady Angkatell came out of the house and said: Oh, there you are, Henrietta. When youve t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-12-31 III When Henrietta drove in, Midge was sitting on the low wall of the terrace, and waved to her cheerfully. Henrietta was pleased to see Midge, whom she liked. Lady Angkatell came out of the house and said: Oh, there you are, Henrietta. When youve t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-12-31 II Henrietta got the Delage out from the garage in the Mews and, after a wholly technical conversation with her friend Albert, who looked after the Delages health, she started off. Running a treat, miss, said Albert. Henrietta smiled. She shot away... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-12-31 Six I Midge Hardcastle came downstairs about eleven on Saturday morning. She had had breakfast in bed and had read a book and dozed a little and then got up. It was nice lazing this way. About time she had a holiday! No doubt about it, Madame Alfreg... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-12-31 II The pudding was burnt. Christow raised his eyebrows over it and Gerda hurried into apologies. Im sorry, dear. I cant think why that should happen. Its my fault. Give me the top and you take the underneath. The pudding was burnt because he, John C... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-12-31 Five I In the dining room the child Terry made another scientific statement. Lead salts are more soluble in cold water than hot. If you add potassium iodide you get a yellow precipitate of lead iodide. He looked expectantly at his mother but without... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-12-31 Four In the dining room of the flat above the consulting room Gerda Christow was staring at a joint of mutton. Should she or should she not send it back to the kitchen to be kept warm? If John was going to be much longer it would be coldcongealed, a... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-12-31 Three John Christow sat in his consulting room, seeing his last patient but one for that morning. His eyes, sympathetic and encouraging, watched her as she describedexplainedwent into details. Now and then he nodded his head, understandingly. He ask... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-12-31 Two Henrietta Savernake rolled up a little strip of clay and patted it into place. She was building up the clay head of a girl with swift practised skill. In her ears, but penetrating only to the edge of her understanding, was the thin whine of a sl... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-12-31 One At six thirteen a.m. on a Friday morning Lucy Angkatells big blue eyes opened upon another day and, as always, she was at once wide awake and began immediately to deal with the problems conjured up by her incredibly active mind. Feeling urgently... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-12-17 Five AFTERMATH In the silence that followeda horrified, appalled silence, the sunset slowly flickered away, the last gleam left the window where it had rested on the dark head and pale furs of the woman sitting there. Elsa Dittisham moved and spoke.... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-12-17 Four TRUTH Slowly, Angela Warren swung round. Her eyes, hard and contemptuous, ranged over the faces turned towards her. She said: Youre blind foolsall of you. Dont you know that if I had done it I would have confessed! Id never have let Caroline su... 阅读全文>> 日期:2024-12-17 Two POIROT ASKS FIVE QUESTIONS I Well, Mr. Poirot? Philip Blakes tone was impatient. Poirot said: I have to thank you for your admirable and lucid account of the Crale tragedy. Philip Blake looked rather self-conscious. Very kind of you, he murmured... 阅读全文>> |