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44 Reverend sir, forgive this pair of sinners. 尊敬的长者,饶恕这一对罪人吧。 Spring winds to-day are blowing in wild eddies1, driving dust and dead leaves away, and with them your lessons are all lost. 今天春风猖狂地吹起旋舞,把尘土和枯叶都扫走了,你的功课也随着一起丢掉了。 Do not say, father, that life is a vanity. 师父,不要说生命是虚空的。 For me have made truce2 with death for once, and only for a few fragrant3 hours we two have been made immortal4. 因为我们和死亡订下一次和约,在一段温馨的时间中,我俩变成不朽。 Even if the king's army came and fiercely fell upon us we should sadly shake our heads and say, Brothers, you are disturbing us. If you must have this noisy game, go and clatter5 your arms elsewhere. 即使是国王的军队凶猛地前来追捕,我们将忧愁地摇头说,弟兄们,你们扰乱了我们了。如果你们必须做这个吵闹的游戏,到别处去敲击你们的武器吧。 Since only for a few fleeting6 moments we have been made immortal. 因为我们刚在这片刻飞逝的时光中变成不朽。 If friendly people came and flocked around us, we should humbly7 bow to them and say, This extravagant8 good fortune is an embarrassment10 to us. Room is scare in the infinite sky where we dwell. For in the springtime flowers come in crowds, and the busy wings of bees jostle each other. Our little heaven, where dwell only we two immortals11, is too absurdly narrow. 如果亲切的人们来把我们围起,我们将恭敬地向他们鞠躬说,这个荣幸使我们惭愧。在我们居住的无限天空之中,没有多少隙地。因为在春天繁花盛开,蜜蜂的忙碌的翅翼也彼此摩挤。只住着我们两个仙人的小天堂,是狭小得太可笑了。 46 To the guests that must go bid God's speed and brush away all traces of their steps. 对那些定要离开的客人们,求神帮他们快走,并且扫掉他们所有的足迹。 Take to your bosom12 with a smile what is easy and simple and near. 把舒服的、单纯的、亲近的微笑着一起抱在你的怀里。 To-day is the festival of phantoms13 that know not when they die. 今天是幻影的节日,他们不知道自己的死期。 Let your laughter be but a meaningless mirth like twinkles of light on the ripples14. 让你的笑声只作为无意义的欢乐,像浪花上的闪光。 Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf. 让你的生命像露珠在叶尖一样,在时间的边缘上轻轻跳舞。 Strike in chords from your harp15 fitful momentary16 rhythms. 在你的琴弦上弹出无定的暂时的音调吧。 46 You left me and went on your way. 你离开我自己走了。 I thought I should mourn for you and set your solitary17 image in my heart wrought18 in a golden song. 我想我将为你忧伤,还将用金色的诗歌铸成你孤寂的形象,供养在我的心里。 But ah, my evil fortune, time is short. 但是,我的运气多坏,时间是短促的。 Youth wanes19 year after year; the spring days are fugitive20; the frail21 flowers die for nothing, and the wise man warns me that life is but a dewdrop on the lotus leaf. 青春一年一年地消逝;春日是暂时的;柔弱的花朵无意义地调谢,聪明人警告我说,生命只是一颗荷叶上的露珠。 Should I neglect all this to gaze after one who has turned her back on me? 我可以不管这些,只凝望着背弃我的那个人么? That should be rude and foolish, for time is short. 这会是无益的,愚蠢的,因为时间是太短暂了。 Then, come, my rainy nights with pattering feet; smile, my golden autumn; come, careless April, scattering22 your kisses abroad. 那么,来吧,我的雨夜的脚步声;微笑吧,我的金色的秋天;来吧,无虑无忧的四月,散掷着你的亲吻。 You come, and you, and you also! 你来吧,还有你,也有你! My loves, you know we are mortals. Is it wise to break one's heart for the one who takes her heart away? For time is short. 我的情人们,你知道我们都是凡人。为一个取回她的心的人而心碎,是件聪明的事情么?因为时间是短暂的。 It is sweet to sit in a corner to muse23 and write in rhymes that you are all my world. 坐在屋角凝思,把我的世界中的你们都写在韵律里,是甜柔的。 It is heroic to hug one's sorrow and determine not to be consoled. 把自己的忧伤抱紧,决不受人安慰,是英勇的。 But a fresh face peeps across my door and raises its eyes to my eyes. 但是一个新的面庞,在我门外偷窥,抬起眼来看我的眼睛。 I cannot but wipe away my tears and change the tune9 of my song. 我只能试去眼泪,更改我歌曲的腔调。 For time is short. 因为时间是短暂的。 47 If you would have it so, I will end my singing. 如果你要这样,我就停了歌唱。 If it sets your heart aflutter, I will take away my eyes from your face. 如果它使你心震颤,我就把眼光从你脸上挪开。 If it suddenly startles you in your walk, I will step aside and take another path. 如果使你在行走时忽然惊跃,我就躲开另走别路。 If it confuses you in your flower-weaving, I will shun24 your lonely garden. 如果在你编串花环时,使你烦乱,我就避开你寂寞的花园。 If it makes the water wanton and wild, I will not row my boat by your bank. 如果我使水花飞溅,我就不在你的河边划船。 48 Free me from the bonds of your sweetness, my love! No more of this wine of kisses. 把我从你甜柔的枷束中放出来吧,我爱,不要再斟上亲吻的酒。 This mist of heavy incense25 stifles26 my heart. 香烟的浓雾窒塞了我的心。 Open the doors, make room for the morning light. 开起门来,让晨光进入吧! I am lost in you, wrapped in the folds of your caresses27 我消失在你里面,包缠在你爱抚的折痕之中。 Free me from your spells, and give me back the manhood to offer you my freed heart. 把我从你的诱惑中放出来吧,把男子气概交还我,好让我把得到自由的心贡献给你。 49 I hold her hands and press her to my breast. 我握住她的手把她抱紧在胸前。 I try to fill my arms with her loveliness, to plunder28 her sweet smile with kisses, to drink her dark glances with my eyes. 我想以她的爱娇来填满我的怀抱,用亲吻来偷劫她的甜笑,用我的眼睛来吸饮她的深黑的一瞥。 Ah, but, where is it? Who can strain the blue from the sky? 呵,但是,它在哪里呢?谁能从天空滤出蔚蓝呢? I try to grasp the beauty, it eludes29 me, leaving only the body in my hands. 我想去把握美;它躲开我,只有躯体留在我的手里。 Baffled and weary I come back. 失望而困乏地,我回来了。 How can the body touch the flower which only the spirit may touch? 躯体哪能触到那只有精神才能触到的花朵呢? 50 Love, my heart longs day and night for the meeting with you——for the meeting that is like all-devouring death. 爱,我的心日夜想望和你相见——那像吞灭一切的死亡一样的会见。 Sweep me away like a storm; take everything I have; break open my sleep and plunder my dreams. Rob me of my world. 像一阵风暴把我卷走;把我的一切都拿去;劈开我的睡眠抢走我的梦。剥夺了我的世界。 In that devastation30, in the utter nakedness of spirit, let us become one in beauty. 在这毁灭里,在精神的全部赤露里,让我们在美中合一吧。 Alas31 for my vain desire! Where is this hope for union except in thee, my God? 我的空想是可怜的!除了在你里面,哪有这合一的希望呢,我的神? 51 Then finish the last song and let us leave. 那么唱完最后一支歌就让我们走吧。 Forget this night when the night is no more. 当这夜过完就把这夜完掉。 Whom do I try to clasp in my arms? Dreams can never be made captive. 我想把谁紧抱在臂里呢?梦是永不会被捉住的。 My eager hands press emptiness to my heart and it bruises32 my breast. 我渴望的双手把"空虚"紧压在我心上,压碎了我的胸膛。 52 Why did the lamp go out? 灯为什么熄了呢? I shaded it with my cloak to save it from the wind, that is why the lamp went out. 我用斗篷遮住它怕它被风吹灭,因此灯熄了。 Why did the flower fade? 花为什么谢了呢? I pressed it to my heart with anxious love, that is why the flower faded. 我的热恋的爱把它紧压在我的心上,因此花谢了。 Why did the stream dry up? 泉为什么干了呢? I put a dam across it to have it for my use, that is why the stream dried up. 我盖起一道堤把它拦起给我使用,因此泉干了。 Why did the harp-string break? 琴弦为什么断了呢? I tried to force a note that was beyond its power, that is why the harp-string is broken. 我强弹一个它力不能胜的音节,因此琴弦断了。 53 Why do you put me to shame with a look? 为什么盯着我使我羞愧呢? I have not come as a beggar. 我不是来求乞的。 Only for a passing hour I stood at the end of your courtyard outside the garden hedge. 只为要消磨时光,我才来站在你院边的篱外。 Why do you put me to shame with a look? 为什么盯着我使我羞愧呢? Not a rose did I gather from your garden, not a fruit did I pluck. 我没有从你园里采走一朵玫瑰,没有摘下一颗果子。 I humbly took my shelter under the wayside shade where every strange traveller may stand. 我谦卑地在任何生客都可站立的路边棚下,找个荫蔽。 Not a rose did I pluck. 我没有采走一朵玫瑰。 Yes, my feet were tried, and the shower of rain came down. 是的,我的脚疲乏了,骤雨又落了下来。 The winds cried out among the swaying bamboo branches. 风在摇曳的竹林中呼叫。 The clouds ran across the sky as though in the flight from defeat. 云阵像败退似地跑过天空。 My feet were tried. 我的脚疲乏了。 I know not what you thought of me or for whom you were waiting at your door. 我不知道你怎样看待我,或是你在门口等什么人。 Flashes of lighting33 dazzled your watching eyes. 闪电昏眩了你看望的目光。 How could I know that you could see me where I stood in the dark? 我怎能知道你会看到站在黑暗中的我呢? I know not what you thought of me. 我不知道你怎样看待我。 The day is ended, and the rain has ceased for a moment. 白日过尽,雨势暂停。 I leave the shadow of the tree at the end of your garden and this seat on the grass. 我离开你园畔的树荫和草地上的座位。 It has darkened; shut your door; I go my way. 日光已暗;关上你的门户吧;我走我的路。 The day is ended. 白日过尽了。 点击 ![]()
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