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28 Your questioning eyes are sad. They seem to know my meaning as the moon would fathom1 the sea. 你的疑问的眼光是含愁的。它要追探了解我的意思,好像月亮探测大海。 I have bared my life before your eyes from end to end, with nothing hidden or held back. That is why you know me not. 我已经把我生命的终始,全部暴露在你的眼前,没有任何隐秘和保留。因此你不认识我。 If it were only a gem2 I could break it into a hundred pieces and string them into a chain to put on your neck. 假如它是一块宝石,我就能把它碎成千百颗粒,穿成项链挂在你的颈上。 If it were only a flower, round and small and sweet, I could pluck it from its stem to set it in your hair. 假如它是一朵花,圆圆小小香香的,我就能从枝上采来戴在你的发上。 But it is a heart, my beloved. Where are its shores and its bottom? 但是它是一颗心,我的爱人。何处是它的边和底? You know not the limits of this kingdom, still you are its queen. 你不知道这个王国的边极,但你仍是这王国的女王。 If it were only a moment of pleasure it would flower in an easy smile, and you could see it and read it in a moment. 假如它是片刻的欢娱,它将在喜笑中开花,你立刻就会看到、懂得了。 If it were merely a pain it would melt in limpid3 tears, reflecting its inmost secret without a word. 假如它是一阵痛苦,它将融化成晶莹眼泪,不着一字地反映出它最深的秘密。 But it is love, my beloved. 但是它是爱,我的爱人。 Its pleasure and pain are boundless4, and endless its wants and wealth. 它的欢乐和痛苦是无边的,它的需求和财富是无尽的。 It is as near to you as your life, but you can never wholly know it. 它和你亲近得像你的生命一样,但是你永远不能完全了解它。 29 Speak to me, my love! Tell me in words what you sang. 对我说吧,我爱!用言语告诉我你唱的是什么。 The night is dark. The stars are lost in clouds. The wind is sighing through the leaves. 夜是深黑的,星星消失在云里,风在叶丛中叹息。 I will let loose my hair. My blue cloak will cling round me like night. I will clasp your head to my bosom5; and there in the sweet loneliness murmur6 on your heart. I will shut my eyes and listen. I will not look in your face. 我将披散我的头发,我的青蓝的披风将像黑夜一样地紧裹着我。我将把我的头紧抱在胸前:在甜柔的寂寞中在你心头低诉。我将闭目静听。我不会看望你的脸。 When your words are ended, we will sit still and silent. Only the trees will whisper in the dark. 等到你的话说完了,我们将沉默凝坐。只有丛树在黑暗中微语。 The night will pale. The day will dawn. We shall look at each other's eyes and go on our different paths. 夜将发白。天光将晓。我们将望望彼此的眼睛,然后各走各的路。 Speak to me, my love! Tell me in words what you sang. 对我说话吧,我爱!用言语告诉我你唱的是什么。 30 You are the evening cloud floating in the sky of my dreams. 你是一朵夜云,在我梦幻中的天空浮泛。 I paint you and fashion you ever with my love longings7. 我永远用爱恋的渴想来描画你。 You are my own, my own, Dweller8 in my endless dreams! 你是我一个人的,我一个人的,我无尽的梦幻中的居住者! Your feet are rosy-red with the glow of my heart's desire, Gleaner9 of my sunset songs! 你的双脚被我心切望的热光染得绯红,我的落日之歌的搜集者! Your lips are bitter-sweet with the taste of my wine of pain. 我的痛苦之酒使你的唇儿苦甜。 You are my own, my own, Dweller in my lonesome dreams! 你是我一个人的,我一个人的,我寂寥的梦幻中的居住者! With the shadow of my passion have I darken your eyes, Haunter of the depth of my gaze! 我用热情的浓影染黑了你的眼睛;我的凝视深处的崇魂! I have caught you and wrapt you, my love, in the net of my music. 我捉住了你,缠住了你,我爱,在我音乐的罗网里。 You are my own, my own, Dweller in my deathless dreams! 你是我一个人的,我一个人的,我永生的梦幻中的居住者! 31 My heart, the bird of the wilderness10, has found its sky in your eyes. 我的心,这只野鸟,在你的双眼中找到了天空。 They are the cradle of the morning, they are the kingdom of the stars. 它们是清晓的摇篮,它们是星辰的王国。 My songs are lost in their depths. 我的诗歌在它们的深处消失。 Let me but cleave11 its clouds and spread wings in its sunshine. 只让我冲破它的云层,在它的阳光中展翅吧。 32 Tell me if this be all true, my lover, tell me if this be true. 告诉我,这一切是否都是真的。我的情人,告诉我,这是否真的。 When these eyes flash their lightning the dark clouds in your breast make stormy answer. 当这一对眼睛闪出电光,你胸中的浓云发出风暴的回答。 Is it true that my lips are sweet like the opening bud of the first conscious love? 我的唇儿,是真像觉醒的初恋的蓓蕾那样香甜么? Do the memories of vanished months of May linger in my limbs? 消失了的五月的回忆仍旧流连在我的肢体上么? Does the earth, like a sharp, shiver into songs with the touch of my feet? 那大地,像一张琴,真因着我双足的踏触而颤成诗歌么? Is it then true that the dewdrops fall from the eyes of night when I am seen, and the morning light is glad when it wraps my body round? 那么当我来时,从夜的眼睛里真的落下露珠,晨光也真因为围绕我的身躯而感到喜悦么? Is it true, is it true, that your love travelled alone through ages and worlds in search of me? 是真的么,是真的么,你的爱贯穿许多时代、许多世界来寻找我么? That when you found me at last, your age-long desire found utter peace in my gentle speech and my eyes and lips and flowing hair? 当你最后找到了我,你天长地久的渴望,在我的温柔的话里,在我的眼睛嘴唇和飘扬的头发里,找到了完全的宁静么? Is it then true that the mystery of the Infinite is written on this little forehead of mine? 那么"无限"的神秘是真的写在我小小的额上么? Tell me, my lover, if all this be true. 告诉我,我的情人,这一切是否都是真的。 33 I love you, beloved. Forgive me my love. 我爱你,我的爱人。请饶恕我的爱。 Like a bird losing its way I am caught. 像一只迷路的鸟,我被捉住了。 When my heart was shaken it lost its veil and was naked. Cover it with pity, beloved, and forgive me my love. 当我的心抖战的时候,它丢了围纱,变成赤裸。用怜悯遮住它吧。爱人,请饶恕我的爱。 If you cannot love me, beloved, forgive me my pain. 如果你不能爱我,爱人,请饶恕我的痛苦。 Do not look askance at me from afar. 不要远远地斜视我。 I will steal back to my corner and sit in the dark. 我将偷偷地回到我的角落里去,在黑暗中坐地。 With both hands I will cover my naked shame. 我将用双手掩起我赤裸的羞惭。 Turn your face from me, beloved, and forgive me my pain. 回过脸去吧,我的爱人,请饶恕我的痛苦。 If you love me, loved, forgive me my joy. 如果你爱我,爱人,请饶恕我的欢乐。 When my heart is borne away by the flood of happiness, do not smile at my perilous12 abandonment. 当我的心被快乐的洪水卷走的时候,不要笑我的汹涌的退却。 When I sit on my throne and rule you with my tyranny of love, when like a goddess I grant you my favor, bear with my pride, beloved, and forgive me my joy. 当我坐在宝座上,用我暴虐的爱来统治你的时候,当我像女神一样向你施恩的时候,饶恕我的骄傲吧,爱人,也饶恕我的欢乐。 34 Do not go, my love, without asking my leave. 不要不辞而别,我爱。 I have watched all night, and now my eyes are heavy with sleep. 我看望了一夜,现在我脸上睡意重重。 I fear lest I lose you when I am sleeping. 只恐我在睡中把你丢失了。 Do not go, my love, without asking my leave. 不要不辞而别,我爱。 I start up and stretch my hands to touch you. I ask myself, "Is it a dream?" 我惊起伸出双手去摸触你,我问自己说:"这是一个梦么?" Could I but entangle13 your feet with my heart and hold them fast to my breast! 但愿我能用我的心系住你的双足,紧抱在胸前! Do not go, my love, without asking my leave. 不要不辞而别,我爱。 35 Lest I should know you too easily, you play with me. 只恐我太容易地认得你,你对我耍花招。 You blind me with flashes of laughter to hide your tears. 你用欢笑的闪光使我目盲来掩盖你的眼泪。 I know, I know your art. 我知道,我知道你的妙计。 You never say the word you would. 你从来不说出你所要说的话。 Lest I should not prize you, you elude14 me in a thousand ways. 只恐我不珍爱你,你千方百计地闪避我。 Lest I should confuse you with the crowd, you stand aside. 只恐我把你和大家混在一起,你独自站在一边。 I know, I know your art. 我知道,我知道你的妙计, You never walk the path you would. 你从来不走你所要走的路。 Your claim is more than that of others, that is why you are silent. 你的要求比别人都多,因此你才静默。 With playful carelessness you avoid my gifts. 你用嬉笑的无心来回避我的赠与。 I know, I know your art. 我知道,我知道你的妙计, You never will take what you would. 你从来不肯接受你想接受的东西。 36 He whispered, "My love, raise your eyes." 他低声说:"我爱,抬起眼睛吧。" I sharply chid15 him, and said "Go!"; but he did not stir. 我严厉地责骂他说:"走!"但是他不动。 He stood before me and held both my hands. I said, "Leave me!"; but he did not go. 他站在我面前拉住我的双手。我说:"躲开我!"但是他没有走。 He brought his face near my ear. I glanced at him and said, "What a shame!"; but he did not move. 他把脸靠近我的耳边。我瞪他一眼说:"不要脸!"但是他没有动。 His lips touched my cheek. I trembled and said, "You dare too much"; but he had no shame. 他的嘴唇触到我的腮颊。我震颤了,说:"你太大胆了!" He put a flower in my hair. I said, "It is useless!"; but he stood unmoved. 他把一朵花插在我发上。我说:"这也没有用处!"但是他站着不动。 He took the garland from my neck and went away. I weep and ask my heart, "Why does he not come?" 他取下我颈上的花环就走开了。我哭了,问我的心说:"他为什么不回来呢?" 点击 ![]()
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