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People severely1 afflicted2 by psoriasis have a significantly increased risk of dying from heart disease, new research shows. A Swedish study found that patients hospitalised with the skin disorder3 were 50% more likely to die from a heart condition than expected. The extra risk increased sharply as patients got younger, rising to 162% for those admitted under the age of 40. For severe psoriasis sufferers aged4 40-59 when they were hospitalised, the risk was 91% higher than in the average population. However the same trend was not seen in less seriously affected5 individuals who were not admitted to hospital. The findings emerge from a Swedish study of almost 9,000 psoriasis patients admitted to dermatology wards6 and more than 19,000 outpatients. They suggest a genetic7 defect linking the skin condition and heart problems. Serious psoriasis sufferers are known to have raised levels of blood cholesterol8, which is a chief indicator9 of heart and artery10 disease. Previously11 this was blamed on the age of older patients or the long term effect of drugs used to treat the disorder. But the Swedish researchers found high cholesterol levels in a group of 600 newly diagnosed patients who had been suffering from psoriasis for less than a year. 中文: 近日,瑞典公布的一项最新研究结果显示,那些饱受折磨的牛皮癣患者死于心脏病的可能性要比其他人高很多。 据英国《每日邮报》10月29日报道,由瑞典科学家进行的研究发现,对于患牛皮癣病的患者来说,他们实际死于心脏病的概率要比其他人高50%。从年龄角度来看,患者的年龄越小,死于心脏病的风险越大。该项研究所涉及的对象包括约9000名已被确诊并住院接受治疗的牛皮癣患者以及1.9万名无需住院治疗的牛皮癣病病人。 瑞典科研人员认为,基因缺陷导致牛皮癣病与心脏病之间建立了“密切”的联系。牛皮癣病患者血液中的胆固醇水平往往较高,而这也是衡量一个人是否患有心脏病或血管疾病的重要指标。以前,人们总是把牛皮癣病患者胆固醇水平高归咎于两种原因:其一,认为可能是由于患者年龄偏大造成的;其二,认为可能是由于为治好牛皮癣病而长期服用有副作用药物造成的。但此次瑞典科研人员在对600名新近被确诊患有牛皮癣且患病时间不足1年的人进行的研究发现,这些患者血液中的胆固醇水平从一开始就很高。 点击 ![]()
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