A red dye derived1 from lichens2(地衣) that has been used for centuries to color fabrics3 and food appears to reduce the abundance of small toxic4 protein aggregates5 in Alzheimer's disease. The dye, a compound called orcein(地衣红) , and a related substance, called O4, bind6 preferentially to small amyloid(淀粉体) aggregates that are considered to be toxic and cause neuronal dysfunction and memory impairment in Alzheimer's disease. O4 binding7 to small aggregates promotes their conversion8 into large, mature plaques9(斑块) which researchers assume to be largely non-toxic for neuronal cells. Further research with animal models is needed to determine whether this new approach by Dr. Jan Bieschke (Max Delbrück Center for Molecular10 Medicine, MDC, Berlin-Buch), Dr. Martin Herbst (Charité -- Universitätsmedizin Berlin) and Professor Erich Wanker (MDC) in Berlin, Germany, will be useful for therapy development.
Protein misfolding is considered to be the cause of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and also Huntington's disease. In a multistep process, proteins misfold and accumulate into large extra- or intracellular(细胞内的) plaques. Researchers assume that small misfolded protein aggregates that are precursors11 of mature plaques are toxic for nerve cells and are the reason why they are eventually destroyed.
Dye from the Canary Islands
The dye orcein is isolated12 from lichens that grow on the Canary Islands, among other places. Lichens have been used for centuries to color fabrics and food. Eight years ago Professor Wanker screened hundreds of natural compounds to find potential candidate drug molecules13 for the treatment of neurodegenerative(神经变性的) diseases. Among those substances he found orcein, a compound made up of about 14 small molecules. As these molecules might have different biological effects, the researchers in Berlin began to search for pure chemicals with similar properties. They identified the substance O4, a blue dye, which is structurally14 very similar to one of the 14 molecules. Moreover, they showed that O4 stimulates15 the formation of large, non-toxic protein plaques from small toxic protein assemblies.