A well-known protein complex responsible for controlling how DNA1 is expressed plays a previously2 unsuspected role in preventing pancreatic(胰腺的) cancer, according to researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine. Technological3 advances in the way researchers can compare normal and tumor5 DNA showed that the gene6 for at least one subunit of the multi-subunit SWI/SNF protein complex was either deleted, mutated or rearranged in about a third of the 70 human pancreatic cancers that the Stanford team examined. Additionally, the researchers found that restoring the expression of one of the missing genes7 slowed the growth of pancreatic cancer cells in the laboratory and caused them to enter an arresting state called senescence(衰老) .
"This is really strong genetic8 evidence that this complex plays a role in pancreatic cancer," said associate professor of pathology Jonathan Pollack, MD, PhD, "and it suggests the influence of the SWI/SNF complex is on par4 with that of other well-known tumor suppressors, such as p53."
Pollack is the senior author of the research, published online Jan. 9 in the Proceedings9 of the National Academy of Sciences. Graduate student Hunter Shain is the first author.
The tumor-suppressing role of the SWI/SNF complex had not been previously discovered because the disabling changes were spread among five of the complex's protein subunits. In other words, one person's pancreatic cancer might have a mutation10 or deletion in one protein subunit, while another's could have a change in a different subunit. Considered individually, each variation occurs relatively11 infrequently.
Shain and Pollack used a technique called array comparative genomic hybridization(杂交,配种) , or CGH, to pinpoint12 places in the genome that differed among normal and cancerous pancreatic epithelial cells. The procedure relies on the ability of single-stranded DNA to seek out and bind13 to its mirror image. By comparing the relative amounts of tumor and normal DNA that bind to a panel of reference sequences, the researchers can tell whether the cancer cell contains amplifications or deletions of genetic material in specific regions throughout the genome. These copy-number variations often occur in genes or regions important in regulating uncontrolled cell growth.
The researchers examined about 70 different pancreatic cancers, including specimens14 provided by their co-authors at the Sol Goldman Pancreatic Cancer Research Center at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Forty-eight of the cancers were primary samples from human patients that had been coaxed15 to grow in immune-deficient mice; 22 had been maintained as laboratory-grown cancer cell lines. Shain used high-density arrays of reference DNA sequences for the CGH, which allowed him to identify amplified16 or deleted regions at a much higher resolution than previously possible -- narrowing the areas of interest to just a few thousand nucleotides(核苷酸) rather than larger stretches of DNA.
When the researchers looked at the results of the array CGH analysis, they found many genes known to be involved in pancreatic cancer, and also some new candidates. In particular, they noticed that the genes for individual subunits of the SWI/SNF complex were altered in about 5 to 10 percent of the cancer samples -- an interesting finding, but not prevalent enough to spark further immediate17 investigation18 under normal circumstances. However, when considered together, Shain and Pollack realized that more than a third of the cancer samples contained a deletion, mutation or rearrangement in the gene for at least one of the five subunits.