A newly published article "Revision of the Afrotropical Mayrellinae (Cynipoidea, Liopteridae), with the first record of Paramblynotus from Madagascar" by Dr. Simon van Noort, from Natural History Department,Iziko South African Museum, and Dr. Matthew L. Buffington from the
Systematic1 Entomology Lab, USDAoffers the description of 9
remarkable2 new species of
wasps3. Mayrellinids are extremely rare wasps, which are under-represented in museum collections. Most species are known from single
specimens4. The study was published in the open access Journal of Hymenoptera Research. The Mayrellinae subfamily includes two genera,Kiefferiellaand Paramblynotus, with only the latter genus occurring in the Afrotropical region. The representatives of the genus are very small species that look superficially like cynipids, or
gall5 wasps. Little is known about their biology. They are assumed to be parasitoid of wood-boring
beetle6 larvae7(幼虫), although there is no confirmed host record to date.
The genus Paramblynotusis also recorded from Madagascar for the first time, with representatives of two species groups being present on the island. The P. seyrigi group, is
erected8 in this study to accommodate a single, but highly
distinctive9 new species, likely to be endemic to the island. The specimens were
unearthed10(发掘,破获) by the authors from a 1930s collection by André Seyrig, held in the Natural History Museum in Paris.
"Discovering the field box full of unusual wasps was
reminiscent of(令人回忆起) excitement around opening presents as a child. In fact most new samples of wasps collected in the region
evoke11 such a response when first sorted under a microscope." explains Dr van Noort. "There is a huge diversity of undiscovered species in Africa and Madagascar and every new sample contains species unknown to science. Seyrig was a
prolific12 collector of wasps. It was a privilege to be able to work on some of his specimens that had not been examined by specialist
taxonomists(分类学者) since they were collected in the 1930's."