As a spin-off (
pun双关语 intended) of their Tropical Biodiversity course in Malaysian Borneo, a team of biology students discover a new spider species, build a makeshift
taxonomy(分类学) lab, write a
joint1 publication and send it off to a major taxonomic journal. Discovering a new spider species was not what she had anticipated when she signed up for her field course in Tropical Biodiversity, says Elisa Panjang, a Malaysian master's student from Universiti Malaysia Sabah. She is one of twenty students following the course, organised by Naturalis Biodiversity Center in The Netherlands, and held in the Danau Girang Field Centre in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. The aim of the one-month course, say organisers Vincent Merckx and Menno Schilthuizen, is to teach the students about how the rich
tapestry2(织锦,挂毯) of the tropical lowland rainforest's
ecosystem3 is woven.
Besides charismatic species, such as the orangutans that the students encounter every day in the forest, the tropical ecosystem consists of scores of unseen organisms, and the course focus is on these "small things that run the world" -- such as the tiny orb-weaving spiders of the tongue-twistingly named family Symphytognathidae. These one-millimetre-long spiders build tiny webs that they suspend between dead leaves on the forest floor. "When we started putting our noses to the ground we saw them everywhere," says Danish student Jennie Burmester enthusiastically. What they weren't prepared for was that the webs turned out to be the work of an unknown species, as spider specialist Jeremy
Miller4, an
instructor5 on the course, quickly confirmed.
The students then
decided6 to make the official naming and description of the species a course project. They rigged the field centre's microscopes with smartphones to produce images of the tiny spider's even tinier genitals (using cooking oil from the station's kitchen to make them more translucent), dusted the spider's webs with
puffs7 of corn flour (also from the kitchen) to make them stand out and described the way they were built. They also put a spider in alcohol as "holotype," the
obligatory8 reference
specimen9 for the naming of any new species -- which is to be stored in the collection of Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Finally, a dinner-time discussion yielded a name for this latest addition to the tree of life: Crassignatha danaugirangensis, after the field centre's
idyllic10(田园诗的) setting at the Danau Girang oxbow lake.
All data and images were then compiled into a scientific paper, which, via the station's satellite link, was submitted to the Biodiversity Data Journal, a leading online journal for quick
dissemination11 of new biodiversity data. Even though thousands of similarly-sized spider species still await discovery, Miller thinks the publication is an important one. "It means we provide a quick anchor point for further work on this species; the naming of a species is the only way to make sure we're all singing from the same score," he says.