Every once in a while, we are forced to sort that stack of papers on the kitchen counter.
Interspersed1(点缀,散布) between the expired
coupons2 and dozens of takeout menus are important documents like your car insurance or electric bill. So it isn't an option to simply drop it all in the trash at once -- you need to read through the messages to be sure that you don't lose vital information. In the cell, proteins similarly read through messages to distinguish what needs to be saved and what needs to be discarded. But, here, the process takes on a much more important role. More than just
clutter3, messages that are marked for disposal can
drastically(彻底地) alter the fate of a cell. In fact, stem cells use just such a
mechanism4 to maintain their identity. So how does a protein detect the difference between two seemingly similar messages? Today, a team of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) scientists, led by Professor and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Investigator5 Leemor Joshua-Tor, describe how the protein Dis3l2 uses numerous recognition sites to capture messages that are flagged for decay.
Dis3l2 is a
molecular6 machine that helps to preserve the character of stem cells. It serves as the executioner of an elegant pathway that prevents stem cells from changing into other cell types. The protein does this by
acting7 like a garbage disposal for messages in the cell, cutting them up until they no longer encode useful information. But Dis3l2 is necessarily highly specific. While it must degrade messages that would alter the fate of the stem cell, discarding the wrong message could have
devastating8 consequences.
Therefore, Dis3l2 only targets specific messages that have been marked with a molecular flag, known as a "poly-U" chain. The
enzyme9 ignores the majority of messages in the cell -- those that go on to encode proteins and other critical messages -- whose ends are decorated with a different type of chain, called "poly-A" tail.
The CSHL scientists set out to understand how Dis3l2 is able to read and distinguish between these two chains. In work published in Nature, they used a type of molecular photography, known as X-ray crystallography, to observe the structure of Dis3l2 while bound to a poly-U chain. "We saw that the enzyme looks a lot like
funnel10, quite wide at the top and narrow at the base," says Joshua-Tor. "The poly-U chain inserts itself into the depths of this funnel while the rest of the
bulky(庞大的) message can remain in the wide mouth at the top."
But how does the enzyme "read" the poly-U chain? Christopher Faehnle, PhD and
Jack11 Walleshauser, lead authors on the paper, found that the interior of the funnel contains more than a dozen contacts that interact specifically with the poly-U chain. "Together, all of these points create a sticky web that holds the poly-U sequence deep within the enzyme," says Faehnle. "But other chains don't interact -- they can slide right out. It has helped us understand how an enzyme can
differentiate12 between two sequences in the cell."
More than that, the work provides insight into how a stem cell maintains its identity. "Misregulation of any step in this pathway leads to developmental
disorders13 and cancer," says Joshua-Tor. "We now have a much better
appreciation14 of the terminal step, a critical point of control."