• Jane Eyre 简爱 Chapter 19

    14-10-09 THE library looked tranquil enough as I entered it, and the Sibyl- if Sibyl she were- was seated snugly enough in an easy-chair at the chimney-corner. She had on a red cloak and a black bonnet: or rather, a broad-brimmed gipsy hat, tied down with a...

  • reshoring 回流

    14-09-25 Reshoring means moving jobs that had previously been done in other countries back to the country where the company is based. 回流指的是将原本在其他国家做的工作迁回公司本部所在的国家。 Example: It is said that reshoring is a growing trend. 据说企业回...

  • 喜力拒绝南非米勒的收购请求

    14-09-15 Dutch brewing giant Heineken has rejected a takeover offer from London brewer SABMiller saying the proposal is non-actionable. 荷兰酿酒巨头喜力啤酒拒绝了伦敦南非米勒酿酒公司的收购请求,称对方的提议不可能执行。 Heineken said it had consulted with its...

  • 《变形金刚4》将李冰冰的事业推向新高峰

    14-07-25 Even though she was only on screen for 10 minutes, Li Bingbing's appearance in the new Transformers movie has helped propel her career to a new level. 虽然李冰冰在《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》中的戏份只有10分钟,但她在影片中的亮相着实将她的事业推向了新的...

  • Story of the Three Calenders - 1

    14-07-23 In the reign of the Caliph Haroun-al-Raschid, there lived at Bagdad a porter who, in spite of his humble calling, was an intelligent and sensible man. One morning he was sitting in his usual place with his basket before him, waiting to be hired, whe...

  • 摩根大通老板杰米·戴蒙患咽喉癌

    14-07-02 JPMorgan Chase chairman and chief executive Jamie Dimon says he will continue to run the bank despite being diagnosed with throat cancer. 摩根大通集团董事长、首席执行官杰米戴蒙称,尽管被诊断出患上咽喉癌,他仍将继续掌管公司。 Jamie Dimon will undergo...

  • crowdsourcing 众包

    14-05-08 Many of us will be familiar with the established concept of outsourcing, defined as 'an arrangement in which work is done by people from outside your company '. This definition might fit an instance of crowdsourcing too, but the essential difference...

  • Hostage lunch 人质午餐

    14-04-07 Hostage lunch is meal purchased by the company, often pizza, and delivered for employees who bosses require them to attend a meeting or work over their lunch hour. 人质午餐是公司给员工买的快餐,通常是比萨,因为老板需要员工在午餐时间开会或工作。 Exam...

  • The Company

    14-02-26 The Company Sigman Byrd We believed in the company as permanent gravity, as sacrament(圣礼) , and got the job done. We were given the memo about getting it done. But then the company changed hands. Another, more profitable company hoisted up a sig...

  • vulture capitalist 秃鹰资本家

    14-02-25 A vulture capitalist is an investor who used the clauses of the terms of an investment deal in a company to seize ownership of the company or valuable parts of it outright. 秃鹰资本家是那种利用和公司达成的投资交易的条款来抢占该公司的所有权或公司最有...