• 澳洲科学家在桉树叶里找到了黄金

    15-01-05 Money really does grow on trees - at least in Australia. Scientists have found gold in the leaves of eucalyptus trees. The particles are much too small to be seen with the naked eye but have been detected using a type of x-ray that is especially goo...

  • 齐人攫金

    14-12-11 A man of the State of Qi have an extraordinary love for gold, and the vision of piles of splendid gold often appeared in front of his eyes. One morning, the man, tidily dressed, hurried to the bazaar. He came to the gold booth, seized on the gold an...

  • the brown touch 棕手指

    14-11-20 The brown touch is similar to the Midas touch, but instead of everything they touch turning to gold, it becomes worthless. 棕手指和金手指很像,只不过金手指是点石成金,而棕手指则是点金成土。 Example: Mike's wrecked his third car in a year and lost hi...

  • Jane Eyre 简爱 Chapter 14

    14-09-28 FOR several subsequent days I saw little of Mr. Rochester. In the mornings he seemed much engaged with business, and, in the afternoon, gentlemen from Millcote or the neighbourhood called, and sometimes stayed to dine with him. When his sprain was w...

  • 心存侥幸

    14-05-29 River Lishui, located in the south of the state of Chu, abounded in alluvial(冲积的) gold. In order to monopolize(垄断) the mineral resources, the government issued a law to the effect that whoever was caught panning(淘金) secretly in the rive...

  • 中国对黄金的需求将增长20%

    14-04-15 China's demand for gold is set to rise by about 20% over the next few years, the World Gold Council has estimated. 世界黄金协会预计,中国在未来几年内对于黄金的需求将增长20%。 China's demand for gold shows no sign of letting up The council estimates...

  • 金涂层能降低光线强度

    14-04-06 All that's gold does not glitter, thanks to new work by UC Irvine scientists that could reduce glare from solar panels and electronic displays and dull dangerous glints(闪烁) on military weapons. We found that a very simple process and a tiny bit...

  • 加州夫妇在土中发现价值千万的金币

    14-02-26 A California couple found a stash of gold coins buried on their property last year valued at as much as $10m, rare coin dealers have said. 加利福尼亚州一对夫妇在他们的地产中发现了一罐埋在地下的金币,价值1000万美元。 The coins were buried in rusted o...

  • 2013黄金投资形式极为严峻

    13-12-06 十一月为坚信黄金价值的投资者带来了新的不利消息:该月黄金价格下降6%,是6月以来单月下降最多的月份,使2013年度的黄金投资形式更为严峻,也结束了长达13年的黄金市场繁荣。黄金价格今年已经下跌了25%,是自2000年以来的首次。 November brought more bad news for b...

  • A Miser Man

    13-12-05 A very stingy(吝啬的) man who had no pleasure but that of making money sold his all, namely, his place and fields, and forged all the money he received into a mass of gold, and buried it in the ground. Every day he visited the spot, which was one...