
时间:2021-10-02 12:49:07


你热爱美食吗?要想吃遍全球,掌握各语言中表示不同食物的词汇非常重要。英语中和食品有关的词汇和表达数不胜数。你了解多少?做下面《英语小测验》中的六道题,丰富你的 “美食” 英语词汇!
1. In British English, something sweet that is eaten at the end of a meal is a ______.
a) desert
b) starter
c) main
d) pudding
2. Food that is not healthy but is convenient and tasty might be called this.
a) junk food
b) organic food
c) gluten-free food
d) reduced-salt food
3. Meals that you can order and then collect or have delivered are called this.
a) giveaways
b) throwaways
c) takeaways
d) castaways
4. Which expression means you have eaten too much?
a) I've had plenty.
b) I'm caked.
c) I'm vegging out.
d) I'm pancaked.
5. One of these is NOT an informal word for food. Which one?
a) lump
b) nosh
c) chow
d) grub
6. A small food item that you might eat between meals is a ______.
a) banquet
b) snack
c) slap-up dinner
d) main
1) d, 2) a, 3) c, 4) a, 5) a, 6) b.

