
时间:2007-03-01 07:57:36


What's the exchange rate for dollars?


A: Good morning. I'd like to change some money, please.

A: 早晨好。我想兑换一些钱。

B: Certainly, sir. What currency1?

B: 当然可以,先生。你有哪种货币?

A: Dollars. US dollars. I'd like to change them into yuan, please.

A: 美元。美国美元。我想把它们兑换成人民币。

B: How much do you want to change?

B: 你想兑换多少?

A: Two hundred and fifty dollars, thanks. What's the exchange rate for dollars?

A: 二百五十美元,谢谢。美元对人民币的兑换率是多少?

B: It's 8. Eight yuan to one dollar.

B: 是8。8元人民币兑1美元。

Notes 注释


1. Remember the polite phrase2 I would like to . . . (or in shorter form I'd like to . . . / I'd like to . . .) e.g.I'd like to change some money / I'd like to change some money.

记住下面非常礼貌的说法I would like to . . / 我想要 . . .(或者它的简短形式I'd like to . . . /我想要 . . .)例如:I'd like to change some money /我想兑换一些钱。

2. You can use the question How much . . ? / How much . . .? in various ways, e.g.How much do you want to change? / How much do you want to change? How much do you want to spend? / How much do you want to spend? : How much can you eat? / How much can you eat?

3. 在很多情形下你都可以问How much . . ? /多少?这个问题。例如:How much do you want to change? /你想兑换多少钱? : How much do you want to spend? /你想花多少钱? : How much can you eat? /你想吃多少?



1 currency Synxh     
  • How much foreign currency do you take when you go abroad?你出国时带多少外币?
  • The dollar has been revalued against all world currency.美元对所有国际货币比,做了重新调整。
2 phrase 6N2x7     
  • The phrase was caught on and immediately became popular.这个短语被采用后很快就流行了。
  • That's exactly the phrase I was looking for.这就是我一直找的那个短语。
