
时间:2022-08-15 08:26:57


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't [a different topic]...? 如果我说错了,请你们指正,不过是不是...?
I'm not an expert on..., it seems to me that...  我在这方面是外行,在我看来...
I might be wrong, but ... 可能我理解错了,不过...
I suspect that I lack some information about this aspect, but here is my two cents. 可能我对这方面的信息了解不够充分,我的看法是...
I am not sure about this..., you might want to check with Professor X... Would you mind letting me know what he/she says? 这个我不太确定,或许你可以找XX教授确认一下。到时候麻烦你告诉我一下他是怎么说的,可以吗?
This is one way to look at it. Another way to look at it might be.... 你这是一种看法,我另外还有一种看法是...(这句话通常在别人说了一堆之后,为了引出自己的观点时使用)

