
时间:2022-11-10 08:52:48


1. At the gym, some people lift weights to build up their muscle strength. What is this sometimes called?
a) pumping iron
b) hitting metal
c) lifting iron
d) muscle pumping
2. Some people spend a lot of time at the gym and are obsessed1 about improving or maintaining their physique. What are these people often called?
a) gym people
b) gym animals
c) gym bunnies
d) gym sleepers2
3. Which piece of equipment used in the gym has the same name as the word used to describe doing a job that is boring, repetitive and makes you feel tired?
a) dumbbells
b) exercise bike
c) treadmill3
d) bench press
4. When at the gym, what type of very active exercise should you do to make your heart and lungs stronger?
a) aerobic4
b) aerobics5
c) aquaerobics
d) isometric
5. Which muscles are being toned when doing chest presses in the gym?
a) biceps
b) pectorals
c) abdominals
d) triceps
6. Many gyms offer group exercise classes to help you get fit. Which of these is an example of such a class?
a) boxercise
b) circuit training
c) Zumba
d) all of the above
1) a, 2) c, 3) c, 4) a, 5) b, 6) d.



1 obsessed 66a4be1417f7cf074208a6d81c8f3384     
  • He's obsessed by computers. 他迷上了电脑。
  • The fear of death obsessed him throughout his old life. 他晚年一直受着死亡恐惧的困扰。
2 sleepers 1d076aa8d5bfd0daecb3ca5f5c17a425     
n.卧铺(通常以复数形式出现);卧车( sleeper的名词复数 );轨枕;睡觉(呈某种状态)的人;小耳环
  • He trod quietly so as not to disturb the sleepers. 他轻移脚步,以免吵醒睡着的人。 来自辞典例句
  • The nurse was out, and we two sleepers were alone. 保姆出去了,只剩下我们两个瞌睡虫。 来自辞典例句
3 treadmill 1pOyz     
  • The treadmill has a heart rate monitor.跑步机上有个脉搏监视器。
  • Drugs remove man from the treadmill of routine.药物可以使人摆脱日常单调的工作带来的疲劳。
4 aerobic BN8zn     
  • Aerobic exercise helps to build up stamina.有氧健身操有助于增强耐力。
  • Aerobic dance is conductive to the health.有氧舞蹈有助于健康。
5 aerobics Bznzhw     
  • Doing aerobics is a good way to improve one's health.做有氧健身操是改善健康状况的一个好方法。
  • Aren't you going to the aerobics class this morning?今天上午你不是去上有氧运动课吗?
