1. call for sb. or sth. ***要求(购买某物或某种服务)
解 短语动词;词义溯源:[为了(for)]某物而要求
例 She sat down and called for some beer. 她坐下来要了一些啤酒。
2. call on 〔upon〕 sb. ***拜访;号召,呼吁
解 短语动词;词义溯源:[向着(on)]某人要求(或拜访)
例 It's been a while since we called on
Jack1, so let's stop by his office today and give him a
surprise visit. 自从我们上次去拜访杰克后,已经过去很久了,我们今天去他办公室给他一
3. call sb. down ***责骂
解 短语动词;词义溯源:[彻底地(down)]责备某人
例 Mr. Jones rarely scolds us, so imagine our surprise when he called the three students down
for their
mischief2. 琼斯先生很少批评我们,所以当他因为那三个学生调皮而责骂他们时,你
4. call sb. or sth. in ***叫来(医生、警察等);请求(帮助)
解 短语动词;词义溯源:呼喊某人或某物到[里面(in)]
例 The local police had no experience
dealing3 with hostage situations, so an FBI emergency
response team was called in to handle it. 由于当地警察没有处理绑架案件的经验,所以一个联
5. call sb. out ***(在紧急状况下)出动;(工会等)发动(工人)罢工
解 短语动词;词义溯源:召集某人到[外面(out)]去
例 Feeling genuinely threatened by the student
demonstrations4, the govern-ment called out an
additional riot police brigade to
quell5 the movement. 政府认为学生的示威游行活动确实带来了
6. call sth. to order **宣布(会议)开始;要求保持安静
解 习语;词义溯源:要求会议有[秩序(order)]
例 Delegates chatted with each other before the meeting was called to order. 在大会开始