Portobello Market 波多贝露二手市场

时间:2009-06-08 07:23:56


Helen: This street is about a mile long.

Zoë: It’s full of stalls.

Helen: And it’s one of the best known street markets in the UK.

Zoë: 这条街就是伦敦的Portobello Market, 真正的street market. 市场。

Helen: Hello, I’m Helen. Welcome to On the Town from BBC Learning English.

Zoë: 大家好,我是刘佳。在我们今天的BBC Learning English节目当中,我们回来给大家好好介绍一下伦敦市中心最有名的二手货市场Portobello Market 波多贝露市场。

Helen: What does Portobello Market mean to people? Here’s what one of them had to say.


Portobello Road Market is a very lively, very vibrant1, quite raw, quite over priced, very multi cultural, very ethnic2, long winding3 road, where you can buy anything, providing it’s old and second hand.

Zoë+Helen: 这位先生说到点上了。他用了很多个非常来形容波多贝露市集的特点。非常热闹充满了生气 (very lively),有着动感(very vibrant),比较原始 (quite raw), 多元文化 (multicultural4 ), 民族色彩 (ethnic)。 不过他也觉得波多贝露市集上有的东西标价过高 (overpriced)。 最重要的特点是你在这儿什么东西都能买到 (you can buy anything),只要是二手旧货 (that’s right, this is a market for old and second hand goods.)


Portobello Road Market is a very lively, very vibrant, quite raw, quite over priced, very multi cultural, very ethnic, long winding road, where you can buy anything, providing it’s old and second hand.

Helen: The market has lots of stalls selling all kinds of things.

Zoë: Stall 就是小摊,这些小摊虽然地方不大,可能只有几平米,可是也都挂满了各种各样稀奇古怪的东西。

Helen: Jonathan has an antique map stall in the Portobello market. So what sort of unique interesting things can you find at the market? Jonathan gave us some ideas.


Well, as I said, anything and everything. There are some shops stalls that are very expensive, and they have wonderful furniture, paintings, or pieces of pottery5 or porcelain6.

Zoë+Helen: 有些商店是古董专家,所以价格不便宜。像家具 (furniture), 画 (paintings), 陶瓷 (pottery and porcelain) 都有不少的选择。


And then there’ll be a store selling what we call in this country bric-a-brac, and that can be anything from a little cup, to a tin, to a glass to an old game, to a toy, you name it. And that’s the great thing about going to Portobello Road, you are never sure what you are going to find.

Zoë+Helen: Jonathan 也提到很多小摊买的是二手杂货, 英语里有个特别的名字 (it’s called bric-a-brac) bric-a-brac 这类的东西一般都比较小,像杯子,小盒子,纪念品,玩具之类的。(You are never sure what you are going to find.)逛Portobello Market 的乐趣就是你永远不知道你会发现什么。


It’s full of surprises. For a few pounds you’ll come away with a wonderful memento7 of London and something that’s probably unique.

Zoë: 大家都说伦敦消费贵,可是你到了Portobello, 没准就花几镑钱就能买到好东西。

Helen: That’s right, for a few pounds you could have something wonderful to remind you of London.

Zoë: 而且是独一无二的纪念品 a unique memento。这才是最有意思的。

Helen: A couple of other things about Portobello Market. Firstly, the main market is only open on Saturdays.

Zoë: 这个二手市集只有星期六才有。平时只有少数的商店才开门。

Helen: And secondly8, don’t be afraid to haggle9.

Zoë: haggle 就是讨价还价,只有在这种地方,才有机会和摊主谈谈价钱。不过可别杀价太狠了。

Helen: Well I hope you now know more about the famous second hand market in London -- Portobello Market.

Zoë: 波多贝露市集, 伦敦最有名的古董二手货市场。

Helen: So until the next time, it’s goodbye from both of us at BBC Learning English.

Zoë: Bye.



1 vibrant CL5zc     
  • He always uses vibrant colours in his paintings. 他在画中总是使用鲜明的色彩。
  • She gave a vibrant performance in the leading role in the school play.她在学校表演中生气盎然地扮演了主角。
2 ethnic jiAz3     
  • This music would sound more ethnic if you played it in steel drums.如果你用钢鼓演奏,这首乐曲将更具民族特色。
  • The plan is likely only to aggravate ethnic frictions.这一方案很有可能只会加剧种族冲突。
3 winding Ue7z09     
  • A winding lane led down towards the river.一条弯弯曲曲的小路通向河边。
  • The winding trail caused us to lose our orientation.迂回曲折的小道使我们迷失了方向。
4 multicultural qnIzdX     
  • Children growing up in a multicultural society.在多元文化社会中长大的孩子们。
  • The school has been attempting to bring a multicultural perspective to its curriculum.这所学校已经在尝试将一种多元文化视角引入其课程。
5 pottery OPFxi     
  • My sister likes to learn art pottery in her spare time.我妹妹喜欢在空余时间学习陶艺。
  • The pottery was left to bake in the hot sun.陶器放在外面让炎热的太阳烘晒焙干。
6 porcelain USvz9     
  • These porcelain plates have rather original designs on them.这些瓷盘的花纹很别致。
  • The porcelain vase is enveloped in cotton.瓷花瓶用棉花裹着。
7 memento nCxx6     
  • The photos will be a permanent memento of your wedding.这些照片会成为你婚礼的永久纪念。
  • My friend gave me his picture as a memento before going away.我的朋友在离别前给我一张照片留作纪念品。
8 secondly cjazXx     
  • Secondly,use your own head and present your point of view.第二,动脑筋提出自己的见解。
  • Secondly it is necessary to define the applied load.其次,需要确定所作用的载荷。
9 haggle aedxa     
  • In many countries you have to haggle before you buy anything.在许多国家里买东西之前都得讨价还价。
  • If you haggle over the price,they might give you discount.你讲讲价,他们可能会把价钱降低。
