exploding head syndrome 爆炸头综合症
文章来源:未知 文章作者:enread 发布时间:2015-09-17 07:25 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
"There's this sudden crescendo of noise, then a profound and jarring explosion of sound, electrical fizzing and a bright flash in my vision, like someone has lit a spotlight in front of my face."
That's how Niels Nielsen describes what it's like to live with "exploding head syndrome" - an unpleasant and sometimes terrifying sensation. Others describe it as like a bomb going off next to their head as they fall asleep. Sometimes it occurs just once in a lifetime, for others it happens multiple times a night.
The physician Silas Weir Mitchell first described the disorder in 1876, when he described two men who suffered from what he called "sensory discharges" - the men themselves described it as hearing "loud bells" or a "gunshot" that would wake them from sleep.

TAG标签: head vision explosion