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美国史上最严重的校园枪击案引起了全世界的震惊,连一向不对公众新闻发言表态的英国伊丽莎白女王二世也发表了公开讲话。让我们来第一时间看看美国的几个主要官方媒体的报道,请注意几个重要描述。 Cho was alonerand authorities are having a hard time finding information about him. Authorities say they initially1 believed the dorm shooting was an "isolated2 incident" and were still investigating it when theslaughteroccurred at Norris Hall. "He seemed verythoroughabout it, getting almost everyone down, I pretended to be dead." 注:thorough的一个意思是“彻底的”,而在这里表示“缜密、周密”。 "As I got closer, I saw it was a girl lying on the floorjerkingaround as if she was trying to get up." Gun controlsurged back onto the US agenda after the deadliest school shooting in US history, but with few politicians willing to take up the sensitive issue, chances of major change look remote. 点击 ![]()
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