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16日发生的泰国空难已经造成89人死亡。目前失事飞机上的两个黑匣子已经在出事地点找到。那么,“黑匣子”怎么说呢? 请看外电相关报道: The flight was carrying 123 passengers and seven crew members from the capital Bangkok to Phuket when it skidded1 off the runway in driving rain. It then ran through a low retaining wall, split in two and burst into flames. Investigators2 said they had recovered the plane's two flight data recorders, known as "black boxes," and hoped they would yield some answers about the accident. 报道中说,这架由曼谷飞往普吉岛的航班搭载了123名乘客和7名机组人员。当时普吉岛刚下过暴雨,飞机降落时冲出跑道撞到墙上,断为两截,并发生爆炸。调查人员称,失事飞机的两个黑匣子已经找到,希望能帮助找出造成空难的原因。 这里的“black box” 就是“黑匣子”。人们通常把记录飞机飞行状况的器材叫做“黑匣子”,或称“flight data recorders”。黑匣子得名于这种密封良好的器材内部黑咕隆咚,而不是取其外表的颜色。 点击收听单词发音
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