日期:2015-05-13 Watercooler effect refers to the effect created by two or more employees having an informal, face-to-face conversation, as though at a watercooler. A theory says that people come up with their best ideas when grouped informally. 饮水机效应指几个员工... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-13 Food has so much control over our lives and, if we're honest, most of us will admit to having used food at some point in an emotional way. We eat to distract or alter the way we are feeling, to find pleasure, to avoid pain. 食物对我们的生活有很大的... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-13 Dadbod (dad+body)is used to refer to a male physique characterized by a slight flabbiness, undefined musculature, and a noticeable beer belly. It can also refer to a man who has such a physique. 老爸身材用来形容那种肌肉有点松弛、没型、啤酒肚明显的... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-13 Iceberg homes are houses with big, hidden basements that may be significantly larger than the house that appears on the surface. These basements can be as many as four storeys deep huge subterranean bunkers often containing luxury add-ons such as sw... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-13 说到这个萌词就不能不提它的发明者:美国女作家Sylvia Wright。1954年11月,Wright在《Harper's Magazine》上发表的《萌得绿女士之死》一文中首次使用这个词。她说,小时候妈妈给她读Percy的《Reliques》一诗时,她总把第四句听成And Lady Mondegreen(实际上是And lai... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-13 Meat in a seat refers to a customer or employee who is unappreciated or viewed only as a source of revenue; or an unskilled person who is just along for the ride. Meat in a seat(座位上的一团肉)指不被赏识的员工或者仅被商家当做收入来源的顾客;或指没... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-13 Office hit list is a list of people with whom you work and whom you would also like to murder. But you never would because you're not a murderer so it's an office hit list instead of just a regular hit list that refers to a list of would-be victims... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-13 Nighthawk is a recurring thought that only seems to strike you late at night -- an overdue task, a nagging guilt, a looming and shapeless future -- that circles high overhead during the day, that pecks at the back of your mind while you try to sleep... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-11 Tech-free tourism refers to travelling without a mobile phone or similar devices, particularly to places that block or cannot access Internet and cellular signals. 零科技旅游指不带手机等通讯设备去旅行,尤其是到屏蔽或没有互联网和手机信号的地方旅游。... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-11 High demand spurs high income. With an increasing awareness of the importance of taking care of mothers and newborns, maternity matrons see a growth in demand and income. 高需求激发出高收入。随着人们日益重视对产妇和新生婴儿的照顾,月嫂的需求量和收入... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-11 Likebait , or like-bait, is web content which is specifically intended to make Facebook users click the 'Like' button associated with it providing content of any value. 求赞帖指专门设计用来让Facebook用户点赞的网页内容,其本身无任何实际价值。 Bait是... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-11 When you're trying to make a conversation with a girl/guy you met recently, either A) online B) via text message or C) in person, and she/he responds to any of your questions with blank stares, one letter text messages using the words: oh, cool, or... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-04-24 When you walk up to someone on the sidewalk and you both try to move out of each other's way, and in doing so repeatedly move into each other's way. 当你在人行道与对面的行人迎面遇上时,你们双方都试图避开对方,但却总是恰好又挡住对方的路。 例句: Why... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-04-24 There can't be many buyers out there for a fur bikini . 肯定不会有很多买皮毛比基尼这种东西的。 But Kim Kardashian proved just how useful such a seemingly impractical garment could be as she played in the snow wearing her 'furkini'. 但是,当金卡戴珊... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-04-24 Threenager is a three-year-old who displays the moodiness and attitude of a teenager. 三岁小大人指的是有着十几岁青少年般情绪和态度的三岁小孩儿。 With the summer sales in full swing it makes sense to stock up on clothes for next year, but bear in min... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-04-24 Garden-to-fork is an adjective describing or relating to food grown in a person's own garden. 从菜园到餐桌,形容自己在菜园种出的食物,或与此相关的事物。 例句: Last week I ate the first head of lettuce it was amazing, all that garden to fork crap is... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-04-24 在参加活动或者聚会之前,你出现过焦虑或紧张的情绪吗?这被称为 pre party nerves (聚会前焦虑),指的就是the butterflies and overwhelming feeling of nervousness and anxiety before a big party(参加大型聚会前出现的心慌意乱、极度紧张和焦虑)。 类似的表达... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-04-24 Wantrapreneur is a pejorative slang word for a person who wants to be an entrepreneur, but has either not made the full commitment or is pursuing the endeavor in a haphazard manner. 创想家是对想当企业家,但又没有全身心投入或是以一种随随便便态度对待... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-04-24 It has been perhaps the most controversial - and maligned - men's styling trend of the twenty-teens. Simply a few centimetres of skin on show between hemline and shoe, the mankle has come to signify membership of a certain tribe (fashion aware, poss... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-04-13 A breastaurant is a restaurant that has sexual undertones, most commonly in the form of large-breasted, skimpily-dressed waitresses and barmaids and double-entendre brand name. 波霸餐厅是指带有性意味的餐厅,这种餐厅的服务员或女招待都是穿着暴露的大胸... 阅读全文>> |