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ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Your love life will improve as the week progresses so save the best for last. An aggressive passionate1 approach will help you separate the partners who tease from the ones who want to reciprocate2 wholeheartedly. 白羊座:本周的爱情日益甜蜜,最甜的总留在最后。强劲的热情方式能让你把原本想一心一意交往的人们分开。 TAURUS (Apr. 21- may 21) You can talk your way into someone's heart but holding on to him or her may be difficult this week. Opt3 for friendship first if you are really serious about trying to have a long-term relationship with this person. 金牛座:本周能打动对方的心,但是能拥有他确不是很容易。如果真想和此人有长期的关系发展,最好先成为朋友。 GEMINI (May 22-June 21) You are more likely to engage in a little romance with someone you meet through work or through a colleague. Networking attending conferences and getting more involved with your peers will all lead to romance. 双子座:很可能和通过工作或者同事认识的一个人发展一段关系。网上交友或者和同辈交往都会有这样的机会。 CANCER (June 22-July 22) Your Cancer charm, knowledge and warmth will be what works in the romance department this week. Being pushy4 will turn whoever interests you off. An effort to prove how loyal you are will bring good results. 巨蟹座:巨蟹的魅力,才智和温情会在本周起到很好的作用。太激进反而会让对方后退。努力证实自己的忠诚能带来很好的效果。 LEO (July 23-Aug 22) You may be tempted5 by a secret affair but before you decide to be a participant you may want to consider the consequences. This will not lead to a commitment and it may cause problems with your current position. 狮子座:你可能会被对方所诱惑,但是在决定投入之前是要先想想后果。这件事不会给你带来承诺,反而会影响你现在的地位。 VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) You can get serious about the future and by doing so win the heart of someone who has been waiting to become more involved with you for some time. You may want to make a residential6 move in order to seal the deal. 处女座:能够认真对待未来,并且由此赢得对方的青睐。由于某种原因,你可能想改变一下处所。 LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) You aren't likely to do very well if you are self-absorbed this week so take the attention off you and be more attentive7 towards the one who interests you if you really want to get a favorable response. 天秤座:本周不要太热衷于自己的想法,否则什么事情都做不好。如果真想得到积极的回应就该给对方多一些关注。 SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Ask and you shall receive. This is a great week for love as long as you make your choice of partners for the right reasons. Depth of character must play a part if you are looking for something lasting8. 天蝎座:发出请求才能得到回复。只要用正确的理由选择了合适的伴侣,本周的爱情就会很甜蜜。在寻找持久爱情时,性格需要考虑进去。 SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) You'll be hard to resist this week so get out and have a blast. You can count on being pursued and wooed. Your biggest problem will be picking the right person. Having similar interests should be your guide. 射手座:本周很难表达自己的反抗情绪,所以还是出去发泄吧。等待别人的追求,但是最大的问题在于如何选对人。志同道合可以作为一个指导。 CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20) It's not a business partnership9 you want so stop treating it like one. Bring down your guard and reveal your feelings if you want someone to respond for the right reason and not for your looks or position. 摩羯座:商业伙伴和爱情伴侣可不是一回事。警觉性不要太高了,显露自己的真情,才能不让对方因为你的反应和地位而后退。 AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) You'll meet someone new in the most unusual place. Your personal life can change quite rapidly but it isn't likely that you or the person you meet will reveal who you truly are initially10. Don't move too fast. 水瓶座:在最不寻常的地方能遇到新的他/她。你的个人生活会很快改变,但这不意味着你或者你遇到的那个人都能透露真情。不要行动太快。 PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) Socializing will lead to interesting conversations with someone who is into you and what you do. Don't do all the talking find out who you are dealing11 with and what he or she has to offer you in return. 双鱼座:社会化能让你和深入你心,深入你行的人开展有趣的谈话。不要总是自己说,也要从对方的话语中找到你想要的答案。 点击 ![]()
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