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1.敷衍搪塞 give someone the runaround 别拿话儿搪塞我们,我们只是想知道你到底是同意还是不同意。 Don’t give us the runaround. We’d just like to know whether you agree or not. 2.哭穷 to poor-mouth 别跟我哭穷了,我还不知道你的底细? Don’t poor-mouth to me. I have your number. 3.白吃白喝 a freeloader 我可不愿白吃白喝别人。我不是那种爱占便宜的人。 I wouldn’t freeload .I’m not a freeloader. 4.牵线搭桥 pull the strings1 听说你公司有个空位,我很想去试一试。但你能先为我牵线搭桥么? I hear there’s an opening in your company and I would like to fill it. But will you pull some strings for me? 5.甩掉 palm of f 他让你赶紧把手中的次品都甩掉。 He urged you palm off all the shoddy goods immediately. 6.得罪某人get in Dutch with someone 张名得罪了他的上司,几个月后就被开除了。 Zhang Ming got in Dutch with his boss and in a few months he was sacked. 7.说别人的闲话dish the dirt about… 她特别喜欢说别人的闲话,是我们这出了名的长舌妇。 She is a notorious gossiper here, who is very fond of dishing the dirt about others. 8.挂个电话 give a buzz 在来之前请先给我挂个电话,以免让你扑空。 Give me a buzz before coming so that you won’t come to a locked door. 9.写封信 drop me a line 有空了给我写封信 Drop me a line when you have time. 9.榨干血汗 bleed one white 他们是在设法榨干你身上所有的钱。 They are trying to bleed you white. 10.结伙对付某人 gang up on somebody 一些较大的贸易公司纠结在一起来对付我们,打算把我们从该行业中排挤出去。 Some fairly large trading companies ganged up on us, trying t force us out of that business. 11.无言以对 not find one’s tongue 起初他还挺硬,可是当警察出示经他篡改的文件并问他是怎么一回事的时候,他却无言以对了。 He was arrogant2 at the beginning, but the moment when the police showed the documents he had doctored and asked him what the matter was, he could not find his tongue. 12.把人逼疯send somebody the loony bin3 别再问了! 你想把你妈妈逼疯么? Don’t ask her! Do you want to send your mum to the loony bin. 13.反手一击turn the tables 他们给她来了个反击。 They turned the tables on her. 15.瞧一眼 give someone the once-over 听说那位演员来了,大家都想出去瞧一眼。 Hearing that the actress had arrived everyone went out and gave her the once-over. 14.对牛弹琴cast pearls before swine 你给他们讲解人体语言在交际中的重要性简直是对牛弹琴。 Trying to explain to them the importance of body language in communication is just like casting pearls before swine 15.拆了东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul 你从张家借钱还李家有什么意义?那只是拆了东墙补西墙 what’s the sense in borrowing from Zhang just to pay Li?That’s meant to rob Peter to pay Paul. 16.我只是私下跟你随便说说。Only between you and me and the gatepost. 我只私下跟你随便说说,听说经理跟那个女孩的关系可不大一般。 It’s only between you and me and the gatepost, I hear that the manager is on very familiar terms with that girl. 17.参与某事 have a finger in the pie 我可不喜欢你参与那件事,你没有那个能力 I don’t like you to have a finger in the pie, You are no good at such a deal. 18.顺手牵羊to walk away with… 那天聊完天以后,他就顺手牵羊把我的钢笔和打火机都拿走了。 That day after our chat, he walked away with both my pen and the lighter4. 20.把……打发走 to fob off 不用着急,你丈夫知道怎么样把那帮人打发走。 There’s no need to worry, for your husband knows how to fob the gang off. 19.偷看make a stealthy glance at… 他偷看那个女孩儿一样就装模做样的看起报纸来了 He made a stealthy glance at the girl and put on sort of airs of starting to read. 20.刁难某人make it hot for someone 我不想刁难你,但如果你不还给我那封信,我就不会告诉你那件事的实情。 I don’t want to make it hot for you. But I won’t tell you the true story of that till you return the letter to me. 21.横穿马路 jaywalk 在这条街上横穿马路是要被罚款的 Anyone who jaywalks in this street will be fined. 22.咬紧牙关bite the bullet 董事长让董事会要紧牙关顶住这场危机。 The president asked the board to bite the bullet to the crisis. 23.吓唬某人 give somebody a bluff5 别害怕,我只是吓唬吓唬你而已。 Don’t be scared .I was only giving you a bluff. 24.解囊相助 give someone the shirt off one’s back 缺钱花时你可以去找老张,他会解囊相助的。 You can turn to Zhang when you are caught short. He would give you the shirt off his back. 25.拔腿就跑 take to one’s heels 当街头小贩看到警察来了时,他们匆忙卷起摆的摊儿拔腿就跑 As soon as the street peddlers saw the police coming they folded up their stands and took to their heels. 26.刻苦钻研某科to dig at a subject 她说她一定要刻苦钻研美国文学以应付明年的考试。 She said that she would dig at American literature for her exam next year. 27.打开天窗说亮话 talk turkey 在这个问题上我们兜了这么长时间的圈子了,现在也该说点真格的了 We have been beating about the bush on the matter for so long and it’s time to talk turkey. 28.骑到某人脖子上walk all over someone 不要显得低于他,否则他会骑到你脖子上的。 Don’t appear to be in an inferior to him, or he’ll walk over you. 29.被逼得走投无路 be driven to the wall 他因被债主逼得走投无路而自杀。 The creditor6 drove him to the wall, which resulted in his suicide. 31.抖露出去 hang out something 如果你对我不公平,我就把你的那些丑事都给抖露出去 If you’re unfair to me, I’ll certainly hang out all your dirty linen7. 30.向……行贿 grease the hand of … 那个司机企图收买警察,却被警察拒绝了。 The driver was trying to grease the hand of the coop, but he was refused. 31.出卖朋友 sell someone down the river 你说他不好,可他从不会出卖自己的朋友。 You may think he is bad, but he has never sold his friends down the river. 32.有毛病 have rocks in one’s head 你把我钱借给像他那样的人?你有毛病阿? Want me to lend the money to guy like him? Have you got rocks in your head? 33.凑合 fill the bill 我没有新的,你先拿这个去凑合用吧。 I don’t have a new one, but you may take this to fill the bill. 34.糊弄人 throw someone off the scent8 我把实情告诉他了,可是他以为我在糊弄他。 I told him the true story, but he still thought I was throwing him off the scent. 35.堵住某人的嘴 stop someone’s mouth 他给你那笔钱是为了堵住你的嘴。 He gave you the money in order to stop your mouth. 36.逃学play hookey 他可不像你,动不动就逃学。 He’s not your sort, who plays hookey at will. 37.玩儿命 play with one’s life 很多出租汽车司机说他们得玩儿命挣钱。 Many cab drivers say that they must play with their lives to get money. 38.心里正盘算着 toy with the idea of doing 我心里正盘算着把我女儿嫁给他呢。 I was just toying wit the idea of marrying my daughter off with him. 40.来真格的 for keeps 咱们是随便玩玩呢,还是来真格的? Shall we play for fun or for keeps? 39.请示上边儿 ask the top kick 这个我自己决定不了,我得请示上边儿。 I can’t decide on it personally. I have to ask the top kick. 40.吃老本rest on one’s laurels9. 看来我们再也不能靠吃老本过日子了。 It seems that we can no longer afford to rest on our Laurels. 41.下饭馆儿 to eat out 今天咱们也下次饭馆,算是换个口味吧。 Let’s eat out today, just for a change. 42.搞得一团糟 louse up something 他因为跟另外一个女人勾搭而把自己的婚姻搞得一团糟。 He loused up his own marriage by getting involved with another woman. 43.精神寄托 someone’s meat and drink 读书成了我唯一的精神寄托。 Reading has become my only meat and drink. 44.瞎猜a shot in the dark 你怎么知道那件事的? How did you know that? 我不知道,是我瞎猜的。 I didn’t know. It was only a shot in the dark. 45.干掉某人cook somebody’s goose 昨晚他们商量要一起干掉那个家伙。 Last night they talked about their plan to cook the guy’s goose. 46.有保留的 with a grain of salt 我们有保留的同意了他们的计划。 We agreed to their plan wit ha grain of salt. 47.说走嘴 make a slip of the tongue 他只是说走嘴了,根本没有想伤害你的意思。 He didn’t mean to hurt you, he only made a slip of the tongue. 48.兜风go out for a spin 他们开车到外面去兜风了 They drove the car and went out for a spin. 49.折磨某人 run somebody through the guts10 如果你对她这么好又不打算和她结婚,这不等于折磨她么 If you are so good to her without ever wanting to marry her, that will amount to running her through the guts. 50.十分仓猝的be in a tearing hurry 他们十分仓猝的卷起钱就从后门逃走了。 They rolled up the money and left through the back gate in a tearing hurry. 51.改邪归正 straighten up and fly right 他说他要改邪归正,并向我保证不再做那种事了 He said he would straighten up and fly right and assured me that he would never involve himself in things of that sort. 52.抓阄draw straws 咱们抓阄来决定谁先去吧 Let’s decide who should go first by drawing straws. 53.过夜 shack11 up 据说在结婚之前他和几个女孩子过过夜。 It’s said that he had shacked12 up with several girls before getting married. 54.为自己辩护 shelter oneself 他为自己说那天他太忙了,没来得及关掉烤箱。 He sheltered himself by saying that he was too busy to turn off the oven that day. 55.庇护take someone under one’s wing 我知道妈妈总是庇护你,可这次我不再让步了。 I know mum’s always taking you under her wing, but I wouldn’t give in again this time. 56.仓猝购买 buy a pig in a poke13 买车时自己试都不试,这不是太仓猝了么 Buying a car without trying it by yourself is just like buying a pig in a poke, isn’t it? 57.收回自己说过的话 eat one’s words 他即使说了错话,也决不肯回来。 He wouldn’t eat his words even if he knows he said the wrong things. 58.把某人灌醉 drink someone under the table 我知道他们想把我灌醉了,可是我就是不喝过量的酒。 I knew they wanted to drink me under the table, but I sticked to my limits. 59.消磨旅途时光 cheat the journey 火车上,旅客们通常以读报纸,打牌或闲聊的方式来消磨旅途时光。 Passengers usually cheat the journey by reading newspapers, playing cards or shooting the breeze in the train. 61.付好处费 pay off 他说我们必须先付给他一笔好处费,他才会带我们去见那位部长。 He said that he wouldn’t take us to see the minister until we had paid him off. 60.把衣服穿反了 wear…inside out 61.山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。 老板出差了,他可以指手画脚的指挥别人了。山中无老虎,猴子称霸王嘛。 The boss is away on business so he could finger others around in the office. This is when the cat’s away, the mice will play. 62.跟某人开个玩笑 give someone a ribbing 我只是跟她开个玩笑,可她却当真了 I only gave her a ribbing, but she took it seriously. 63.拿别人开心 to rib14 someone 为什么你总拿别人开心呢?要是别人拿你开心你又会有什么感受? Why should you always like to rib others? What if others do the same to you? 64.同甘苦,共患难 share weal and woe15 结婚前他发誓说要和我同甘苦,共患难的,可是在我病危之际他却抛弃了我。 Before getting married, he swore that he would share weal and woe with me but now, he abandoned me at a time when my health is threatening my life. 65.小题大做 stir a storm in a teacup 他说他是在阐述深奥的道理,可我认为他只不过在小题大做,故弄玄虚而已。 He said that he was explaining some abstruse16 philosophy. But to me he was only trying to stir up a storm in a teacup and mystifying things. 66.动不动就…… at the drop of a hat 我真不懂你干吗动不动就拿孩子出气呢? I can’t make it out why should you get it out on the kids at the drop of a hat. 67.开导某人 talk sense into someone 我那个儿子是鬼迷心窍了,你来开导开导他把 My son’s having a bee in his bonnet17. I’d like you to come over and talk sense into him. 69.以其人之道还治其人之身 give someone a taste of his own medicine 这就是我所说的“以其人之道还治其人之身”。 This is what I call “give him a taste of his own medicine”. 70.豁出去了 shoot the works 这次我也豁出去了,到五星级大饭店请你们吃一顿。 I’ll shoot the works this time by giving you a treat in a five-star hotel. 71.那某人当出气筒 take it out on someone 孩子们没招你惹你的,你干吗拿他们当出气筒? What have the kids done to provoke you? Why should you take it out on them? 72.吸毒成瘾 be on the needle 你最好离这些女孩子远一点儿,她们都吸毒成瘾了。 You’d better steer18 clear of these girls. They are all on the needle 点击 ![]()
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